All Stories

  1. Impact of Peat Extraction on Downstream Concentrations and Attenuation of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nutrients
  2. Enhanced response of soil respiration to experimental warming upon thermokarst formation
  3. Shifting nitrate seasonality along decades of anthropogenic impact in western European catchments
  4. Hydrology Controls Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Export and Post‐Storm Recovery in Two Arctic Headwaters
  5. Soil temperature and moisture as key controls of phosphorus export in mountain watersheds
  6. Water cycle processes [poster]
  7. Where is the water? Agriculture [poster]
  8. Where is the water? Coast [poster]
  9. Where is the water? Desert [poster]
  10. Where is the water? Forest [poster]
  11. Where is the water? Suburban [poster]
  12. Where is the water? Urban [poster]
  13. Accelerating the Renewable Energy Revolution to Get Back to the Holocene
  14. Characteristics of methane emissions from alpine thermokarst lakes on the Tibetan Plateau
  15. Assessing changes in global fire regimes
  16. Resistance, recovery, and resilience: rethinking the three Rs of survival in the Anthropocene
  17. A globally relevant stock of soil nitrogen in the Yedoma permafrost domain
  18. Microbiome assembly in thawing permafrost and its feedbacks to climate
  19. Improving sustainable agriculture promotion: an explorative analysis of NRCS assistance programs and farmer perspectives
  20. Alpine permafrost could account for a quarter of thawed carbon based on Plio-Pleistocene paleoclimate analogue
  21. Illuminating the ‘invisible water crisis’ to address global water pollution challenges
  22. Organizational principles of hyporheic exchange flow and biogeochemical cycling in river networks across scales
  23. Multi-year, spatially extensive, watershed-scale synoptic stream chemistry and water quality conditions for six permafrost-underlain Arctic watersheds
  24. Permafrost Climate Feedbacks
  25. Limited progress in nutrient pollution in the U.S. caused by spatially persistent nutrient sources
  26. Diné citizen science: Phytoremediation of uranium and arsenic in the Navajo Nation
  27. Megafire affects stream sediment flux and dissolved organic matter reactivity, but land use dominates nutrient dynamics in semiarid watersheds
  28. Recarbonizing global soils – A technical manual of recommended management practices
  29. Long‐Term Nitrate Trajectories Vary by Season in Western European Catchments
  30. What do we need to predict groundwater nitrate recovery trajectories?
  31. Phosphorus rather than nitrogen regulates ecosystem carbon dynamics after permafrost thaw
  32. Citizen science reveals unexpected solute patterns in semiarid river networks
  33. Spatial Persistence of Water Chemistry Patterns Across Flow Conditions in a Mesoscale Agricultural Catchment
  34. Multi-year, spatially extensive, watershed scale synoptic stream chemistry and water quality conditions for six permafrost-underlain Arctic watersheds
  35. Accelerating permafrost collapse on the eastern Tibetan Plateau
  36. Tundra wildfire triggers sustained lateral nutrient loss in Alaskan Arctic
  37. Stream Dissolved Organic Matter in Permafrost Regions Shows Surprising Compositional Similarities but Negative Priming and Nutrient Effects
  38. Arctic concentration–discharge relationships for dissolved organic carbon and nitrate vary with landscape and season
  39. The status and stability of permafrost carbon on the Tibetan Plateau
  40. Subsea permafrost carbon stocks and climate change sensitivity estimated by expert assessment
  41. Human Health and Economic Costs of Air Pollution in Utah: An Expert Assessment
  42. Shallow soils are warmer under trees and tall shrubs across Arctic and Boreal ecosystems
  43. Assessing the Potential for Mobilization of Old Soil Carbon after Permafrost Thaw: A Synthesis of 14 C Measurements from the Northern Permafrost Region
  44. We cannot shrug off the shoulder seasons: Addressing knowledge and data gaps in an Arctic Headwater
  45. Landscape matters: Predicting the biogeochemical effects of permafrost thaw on aquatic networks with a state factor approach
  46. Artificial Intelligence Accidentally Learned Ecology through Video Games
  47. Warming alters surface soil organic matter composition despite unchanged carbon stocks in a Tibetan permafrost ecosystem
  48. Temperature controls production but hydrology regulates export of dissolved organic carbon at the catchment scale
  49. Carbon release through abrupt permafrost thaw
  50. Predicting Nutrient Incontinence in the Anthropocene at Watershed Scales
  51. Iron-oxidizer hotspots formed by intermittent oxic–anoxic fluid mixing in fractured rocks
  52. Author Correction: Large loss of CO2 in winter observed across the northern permafrost region
  53. Permafrost degradation enhances the risk of mercury release on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
  54. Disentangling the effects of climate, vegetation, soil and related substrate properties on the biodegradability of permafrost‐derived dissolved organic carbon
  55. Does Our Vision of Diversity Include Social Conservatives?
  56. Large loss of CO2 in winter observed across the northern permafrost region
  57. Revealing biogeochemical signatures of Arctic landscapes with river chemistry
  58. Plant uptake offsets silica release from a large Arctic tundra wildfire
  59. Temperature controls production but hydrology controls export of dissolved organic carbon at the catchment scale
  60. Temperature controls production but hydrology controls export of dissolved organic carbon at the catchment scale
  61. Organic carbon pools in the subsea permafrost domain since the Last Glacial Maximum
  62. A water cycle for the Anthropocene
  63. Human domination of the global water cycle absent from depictions and perceptions
  64. Stability of spatial patterns in water chemistry across temperate ecoregions
  65. Opposing Effects of Plant-Community Assembly Maintain Constant Litter Decomposition over Grasslands Aged from 1 to 25 Years
  66. Permafrost collapse is accelerating carbon release
  67. Stratification of reactivity determines nitrate removal in groundwater
  68. Long-term ecological observatories needed to understand ecohydrological systems in the Anthropocene: a catchment-scale case study in Brittany, France
  69. Generality of Hydrologic Transport Limitation of Watershed Organic Carbon Flux Across Ecoregions of the United States
  70. Reduced quantity and quality of SOM along a thaw sequence on the Tibetan Plateau
  71. Dating groundwater with dissolved silica and CFC concentrations in crystalline aquifers
  72. Reviews and syntheses: Changing ecosystem influences on soil thermal regimes in northern high-latitude permafrost regions
  73. Hedgerows reduce nitrate flux at hillslope and catchment scales via root uptake and secondary effects
  74. Riparian Corridors: A New Conceptual Framework for Assessing Nitrogen Buffering Across Biomes
  75. Is the Capacity for Vocal Learning in Vertebrates Rooted in Fish Schooling Behavior?
  76. Reviews and syntheses: Changing ecosystem influences on soil thermal regimes in northern high-latitude permafrost regions
  77. Trends and seasonality of river nutrients in agricultural catchments: 18 years of weekly citizen science in France
  78. Decline in Ecosystem δ13C and Mid-Successional Nitrogen Loss in a Two-Century Postglacial Chronosequence
  79. Movement Is the Song of the Body: Reflections on the Evolution of Rhythm and Music and Its Possible Significance for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
  80. Unexpected spatial stability of water chemistry in headwater stream networks
  81. Thaw Depth Determines Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration and Biodegradability on the Northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
  82. Permafrost collapse shifts alpine tundra to a carbon source but reduces N2 O and CH4 release on the northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
  83. Elemental properties, hydrology, and biology interact to shape concentration-discharge curves for carbon, nutrients, sediment, and major ions
  84. Coupling 3D groundwater modeling with CFC-based age dating to classify local groundwater circulation in an unconfined crystalline aquifer
  85. Constitution of a catchment virtual observatory for sharing flow and transport models outputs
  86. Using multi-tracer inference to move beyond single-catchment ecohydrology
  87. Proximate and ultimate controls on carbon and nutrient dynamics of small agricultural catchments
  88. Biomass offsets little or none of permafrost carbon release from soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert assessment
  89. Groundwater Isolation Governs Chemistry and Microbial Community Structure along Hydrologic Flowpaths
  90. Biodegradability of dissolved organic carbon in permafrost soils and aquatic systems: a meta-analysis
  91. Permafrost collapse alters soil carbon stocks, respiration, CH4, and N2O in upland tundra
  92. Proximate and ultimate controls on carbon and nutrient dynamics of small agricultural catchments
  93. Supplementary material to "Proximate and ultimate controls on carbon and nutrient dynamics of small agricultural catchments"
  94. The role of watershed characteristics, permafrost thaw, and wildfire on dissolved organic carbon biodegradability and water chemistry in Arctic headwater streams
  95. Patterns and persistence of hydrologic carbon and nutrient export from collapsing upland permafrost
  96. Biodegradability of dissolved organic carbon in permafrost soils and waterways: a meta-analysis
  97. Supplementary material to "Biodegradability of dissolved organic carbon in permafrost soils and waterways: a meta-analysis"
  98. Supplementary material to "The role of watershed characteristics, permafrost thaw, and wildfire on dissolved organic carbon biodegradability and water chemistry in Arctic headwater streams"
  99. Patterns and persistence of hydrologic carbon and nutrient export from collapsing upland permafrost
  100. The role of watershed characteristics, permafrost thaw, and wildfire on dissolved organic carbon biodegradability and water chemistry in Arctic headwater streams
  101. Elevated dissolved organic carbon biodegradability from thawing and collapsing permafrost
  102. Thermo-erosion gullies increase nitrogen available for hydrologic export
  103. Expert assessment of vulnerability of permafrost carbon to climate change
  104. High risk of permafrost thaw