All Stories

  1. Interactive Invigoration: Volumetric Modeling of Trees with Strands
  2. Latent L-systems: Transformer-based Tree Generator
  3. Rhizomorph: The Coordinated Function of Shoots and Roots
  4. Forming Terrains by Glacial Erosion
  5. Procedural Urban Forestry
  6. PTRM: Perceived Terrain Realism Metric
  7. ICTree
  8. Urban Brush: Intuitive and Controllable Urban Layout Editing
  9. Authoring consistent landscapes with flora and fauna
  10. Authoring consistent landscapes with flora and fauna
  11. Automatic Deep Inference of Procedural Cities from Global-scale Spatial Data
  12. FabHandWear
  13. Inverse Procedural Modeling of Branching Structures by Inferring L-Systems
  14. Understanding and Exploiting Object Interaction Landscapes
  15. Understanding and Exploiting Object Interaction Landscapes
  16. Motion Style Retargeting to Characters With Different Morphologies
  17. WorldBrush
  18. Terrain Modelling from Feature Primitives
  19. A Survey on Procedural Modelling for Virtual Worlds