All Stories

  1. A test of metabolic and consumptive responses to local and global perturbations: enhanced resources stimulate herbivores to counter expansion of weedy species
  2. Compensation of nutrient pollution by herbivores in seagrass meadows
  3. Beyond spatial and temporal averages: ecological responses to extreme events may be exacerbated by local disturbances
  4. Escaping herbivory: ocean warming as a refuge for primary producers where consumer metabolism and consumption cannot pursue
  5. Combined effects of short-term ocean acidification and heat shock in a benthic copepod Tigriopus japonicus Mori
  6. Ocean acidification alters fish populations indirectly through habitat modification
  7. Acid dulls the senses: impaired locomotion and foraging performance in a marine mollusc
  8. Discovery of the mineral brucite (magnesium hydroxide) in the tropical calcifying algaPolystrata dura(Peyssonneliales, Rhodophyta)
  9. Valuing coastal water quality: Adelaide, South Australia metropolitan area
  10. Trophic compensation reinforces resistance: herbivory absorbs the increasing effects of multiple disturbances
  11. Ocean acidification through the lens of ecological theory
  12. Beyond long-term averages: making biological sense of a rapidly changing world
  13. Seagrass response to CO2 contingent on epiphytic algae: indirect effects can overwhelm direct effects
  14. Misconceptions about analyses of Australian seaweed collections
  15. Marine Biodiversity and Climate Change
  16. Ecosystem Resilience and Resistance to Climate Change
  17. Shared patterns of species turnover between seaweeds and seed plants break down at increasing distances from the sea
  18. The Footprint of Continental-Scale Ocean Currents on the Biogeography of Seaweeds
  19. Managing Local Coastal Stressors to Reduce the Ecological Effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming
  20. Asymmetric patterns of recovery in two habitat forming seagrass species following simulated overgrazing by urchins
  21. Population dynamics can be more important than physiological limits for determining range shifts under climate change
  22. Ocean acidification and rising temperatures may increase biofilm primary productivity but decrease grazer consumption
  23. Future seagrass beds: Can increased productivity lead to increased carbon storage?
  24. Disrupting the effects of synergies between stressors: improved water quality dampens the effects of future CO2on a marine habitat
  25. Predicting the Distribution of Commercially Important Invertebrate Stocks under Future Climate
  26. Contrasting resource limitations of marine primary producers: implications for competitive interactions under enriched CO2 and nutrient regimes
  27. Temperate and tropical brown macroalgae thrive, despite decalcification, along natural CO2gradients
  28. A short-term in situ CO2 enrichment experiment on Heron Island (GBR)
  29. Context-Dependency in the Effects of Nutrient Loading and Consumers on the Availability of Space in Marine Rocky Environments
  30. Stability of Strong Species Interactions Resist the Synergistic Effects of Local and Global Pollution in Kelp Forests
  31. Origins and consequences of global and local stressors: incorporating climatic and non-climatic phenomena that buffer or accelerate ecological change
  32. Seaweed Communities in Retreat from Ocean Warming
  33. Predicting ecosystem shifts requires new approaches that integrate the effects of climate change across entire systems
  34. Geographic range determinants of two commercially important marine molluscs
  35. A novel method for mapping reefs and subtidal rocky habitats using artificial neural networks
  37. Impacts of climate change in a global hotspot for temperate marine biodiversity and ocean warming
  38. Can strong consumer and producer effects be reconciled to better forecast ‘catastrophic’ phase-shifts in marine ecosystems?
  39. Restoring Coastal Plants to Improve Global Carbon Storage: Reaping What We Sow
  40. Sustainability in Near-shore Marine Systems: Promoting Natural Resilience
  41. Eutrophication science: moving into the future
  42. Synergistic effects of climate change and local stressors: CO2and nutrient-driven change in subtidal rocky habitats
  43. Land-to-sea connectivity: linking human-derived terrestrial subsidies to subtidal habitat change on open rocky coasts
  44. Effects of canopy-mediated abrasion and water flow on the early colonisation of turf-forming algae
  45. Nutrients increase epiphyte loads: broad-scale observations and an experimental assessment
  46. Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Seagrass ecosystems as a globally significant carbon stock.
  47. Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Parental environment mediates impacts of increased carbon dioxide on a coral reef fish.
  48. Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Physiological plasticity increases resilience of ectothermic animals to climate change.
  49. Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Projecting coral reef futures under global warming and ocean acidification.