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  1. Measurement Based Care and Cultural Responsiveness
  2. When meta-analysis continues to mislead: A reply to Østergård and Hougaard (2020).
  3. Measurement-based care in integrated health care: A randomized clinical trial.
  4. A Meta-Analysis of Client Feedback Misleads
  5. Systematic client feedback in therapy for children with psychological difficulties: pilot cluster randomised controlled trial
  6. Patient feedback as a quality improvement strategy in an acute care, inpatient unit: An investigation of outcome and readmission rates.
  7. Health-related quality of life and the physician–patient alliance: a preliminary investigation of ultra-brief, real-time measures for primary care
  8. Client feedback in China: A randomized clinical trial in a college counseling center.
  9. The Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) revisiting the client’s frame of reference.