All Stories

  1. Measuring the Advantage of Kalman-Weighted Averaging for Auditory Brainstem Response Hearing Evaluation in Infants
  2. The medial olivocochlear reflex in children during active listening
  3. Infant cortical electrophysiology and perception of vowel contrasts
  4. Dynamics of infant cortical auditory evoked potentials (CAEPs) for tone and speech tokens
  5. The MOC Reflex During Active Listening to Speech
  6. Dichotic listening and otoacoustic emissions: Shared variance between cochlear function and dichotic listening performance in adults with normal hearing
  7. Electrophysiology of infant speech feature detection and discrimination.
  8. Screening and Assessment of Hearing Loss in Infants
  9. Slight-Mild Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Children: Audiometric, Clinical, and Risk Factor Profiles
  10. Auditory Steady-State Responses and Speech Feature Discrimination in Infants
  12. Comment on “Ear Asymmetries in middle-ear, cochlear, and brainstem responses in human infants” [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 1504–1512]
  13. TEOAE suppression in adults with learning disabilities
  14. Cortical Evoked Potentials in Audiology: Better “Late” Than Never
  15. Effects of Stimulus Level on Cortical Auditory Event-Related Potentials Evoked by Speech
  16. Maturation of the cortical auditory evoked potential in infants and young children
  17. Lateral asymmetry in the ABR of neonates: Evidence and mechanisms
  18. Maturation of CAEP in infants and children: A review
  19. Prenatal alcohol and cocaine exposure: Influences on cognition, speech, language, and hearing
  20. Auditory Neuropathy
  21. Auditory evoked potentials from the cortex: audiology applications
  22. Pediatric audiology: A review of assessment methods for infants
  23. Speech Perception and Cortical Event Related Potentials in Children with Auditory Neuropathy
  24. Effects of stimulus frequency and complexity on the mismatch negativity and other components of the cortical auditory-evoked potential
  25. Auditory neuropathy: a brief review
  26. Identification of Neonatal Hearing Impairment: Experimental Protocol and Database Management
  27. Identification of Neonatal Hearing Impairment: Auditory Brain Stem Responses in the Perinatal Period
  28. Identification of Neonatal Hearing Impairment: Evaluation of Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission, Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission, and Auditory Brain Stem Response Test Performance
  29. Identification of Neonatal Hearing Impairment: Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions during the Perinatal Period
  30. Identification of Neonatal Hearing Impairment: A Multicenter Investigation
  31. Identification of Neonatal Hearing Impairment: Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions during the Perinatal Period
  32. Identification of Neonatal Hearing Impairment: Infants with Hearing Loss
  33. Identification of Neonatal Hearing Impairment: Summary and Recommendations
  34. Identification of Neonatal Hearing Impairment: Characteristics of Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Well-Baby Nursery
  35. Identification of Neonatal Hearing Impairment: Recruitment and Follow-Up
  36. Identification of Neonatal Hearing Impairment: Hearing Status at 8 to 12 Months Corrected Age Using a Visual Reinforcement Audiometry Protocol
  37. High frequency hearing loss correlated with mutations in the GJB2 gene
  38. Clinical Findings for a Group of Infants and Young Children with Auditory Neuropathy
  39. Gender distinctions and lateral asymmetry in the low-level auditory brainstem response of the human neonate
  40. Development of auditory function in the tammar wallaby Macropus eugenii
  41. An Australian Consortium for Diagnosis and Treatment of Auditory Neuropathy in Preverbal Children
  42. Effect of stimulus level and frequency on ABR and MLR binaural interaction in human neonates
  43. Auditory brainstem response in tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)
  44. Auditory threshold sensitivity of the human neonate as measured by the auditory brainstem response
  45. Effects of Maternal Cocaine Abuse on Neonatal Auditory Brainstem Responses
  46. Effects of maternal cocaine abuse on the neonatal auditory system
  47. Electrophysiologic assessment of auditory pathways in high risk infants
  48. Bone conduction masking for brainstem auditory-evoked potentials (BAEP) in pediatric audiological evaluations. Validation of the test
  49. Neurological complications in infants and children with acquired immune deficiency syndrome
  50. Detection of auditory system dysfunction in very low birth weight infants