All Stories

  1. MoConVQ: Unified Physics-Based Motion Control via Scalable Discrete Representations
  2. Semantic Gesticulator: Semantics-Aware Co-Speech Gesture Synthesis
  3. An Induce-on-Boundary Magnetostatic Solver for Grid-Based Ferrofluids
  4. A soap film simulation method
  5. 4D-Rotor Gaussian Splatting: Towards Efficient Novel View Synthesis for Dynamic Scenes
  6. SinGRAV: Learning a Generative Radiance Volume from a Single Natural Scene
  7. Learning Gradient Fields for Scalable and Generalizable Irregular Packing
  8. GARM-LS: A Gradient-Augmented Reference-Map Method for Level-Set Fluid Simulation
  9. VASCO: Volume and Surface Co-Decomposition for Hybrid Manufacturing
  10. Example-based Motion Synthesis via Generative Motion Matching
  11. Position-Based Surface Tension Flow
  12. ControlVAE
  13. Rhythmic Gesticulator
  14. Self-Conditioned GANs for Image Editing
  15. Simulation and optimization of magnetoelastic thin shells
  16. Joint neural phase retrieval and compression for energy- and computation-efficient holography on the edge
  17. Computational Object-Wrapping Rope Nets
  18. Camera keyframing with style and control
  19. A material point method for nonlinearly magnetized materials
  20. Interactive cutting and tearing in projective dynamics with progressive cholesky updates
  21. Learning skeletal articulations with neural blend shapes
  22. Solid-fluid interaction with surface-tension-dominant contact
  23. Learning skeletal articulations with neural blend shapes
  24. Solid-fluid interaction with surface-tension-dominant contact
  25. MotioNet
  26. Unpaired motion style transfer from video to animation
  27. Skeleton-aware networks for deep motion retargeting
  28. A level-set method for magnetic substance simulation
  29. Example-driven virtual cinematography by learning camera behaviors
  30. Efficient and conservative fluids using bidirectional mapping
  31. Multi-robot collaborative dense scene reconstruction
  32. Image smoothing via unsupervised learning
  33. Attentive Moment Retrieval in Videos
  34. Wasserstein Blue Noise Sampling
  35. Wasserstein Blue Noise Sampling
  36. Printed Perforated Lampshades for Continuous Projective Images
  37. Autoscanning for coupled scene reconstruction and proactive object analysis
  38. Build-to-last