All Stories

  1. AI Implementation for Smart Wearable
  2. IoT Technologies 5G and 6G
  3. Deep Transfer Learning for Multiclass Dermatology Classification: A Comprehensive Study
  4. IoT-Based Secure Healthcare Framework Using Blockchain Technology with Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms
  5. A Framework for Encryption and Decryption Using Image Steganography
  6. Autism spectrum disorder using Adam war strategy optimization enabled deep belief network
  7. A Movie Recommender System with Collaborative and Content Filtering
  8. Sentiment Analysis for Movie Reviews
  9. Chronological horse herd optimization-based gene selection
  10. "Optimized CAHO-DNFN for MRI-Based Brain Tumour Classification"
  11. "ASCA-SqueezeNet: Detecting Image Forgery with Deep Learning"
  12. "AACO: Road Accident Severity Detection with Deep LSTM"
  13. "NB-SVM Hybrid Model for Predicting Cardiovascular Disease"
  14. "Smart IoT Application for Rice Leaf Disease Classification with Optimized Deep Maxout Network"
  15. Research Study on Leukemia Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques
  16. Skin Disease Classification Using Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms
  17. "Early Pneumonia Prediction with Deep Learning and X-Rays"
  18. IoT enabled lung cancer detection and routing algorithm using CBSOA-based ShCNN
  19. "Integrating Taylor-SPBO and Deep Learning in IoT for Plant Disease Detection"
  20. "Diabetes Prediction from Tongue Images Using Texture Features and RFC"
  21. Secured Quantum Key Distribution Encircling Profuse Attacks and Countermeasures
  22. "Deep Joint Segmentation for Lung Segmentation and Hybrid Optimization for Nodule Classification"
  23. A Framework for Glaucoma Diagnosis Prediction Using Retinal Thickness Using Machine Learning
  24. Dual Image-Based High Quality Digital Image Watermarking
  25. Analysis of Road Accidents Prediction and Interpretation Using KNN Classification Model
  26. "Lung Cancer Detection with Deep Maxout Networks and Optimization in Smart IoT"
  27. "Ar-HGSO: Deep Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and Severity Classification"
  28. "GW-SPO Deep LSTM for Cancer Survival Prediction Using Gene-Expression Data"
  29. "Weed Detection Framework Using Image Processing and Machine Learning"
  30. "FWLICM-Deep Learning: Lung Lobe Segmentation for COVID-19 Detection"
  31. IoT and Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Informatics: Evolving Technologies
  32. Ransomware recognition in blockchain network using water moth flame optimization-aware DRNN
  33. "Multi-Agent IDS with BSLnO Hybrid Deep Learning"
  34. Prediction of Retinopathy in Diabetic Affected Persons using Deep Learning algorithms
  35. Convolution Neural Network System for Discriminate Drug Sampling Technique SMOTE
  36. Optimal DeepMRSeg based tumor segmentation with GAN for brain tumor classification
  37. "CPRO-Enabled Deep Learning for Brain Tumor Classification Using MRI"
  38. Robust Fraud Detection Mechanism
  39. New Analytic Framework of Public Mental Health Prediction Using Data Science
  40. Glaucoma detection using hybrid architecture based on optimal deep neuro fuzzy network
  41. Brain MRI Images Classifications with Deep Fuzzy Clustering and Deep Residual Network
  42. "MVPO Predictor: "Deep Learning for Brain Tumor Classification and Survival Prediction with MRI"
  43. Contributors
  44. "IoT and Wearable-Based Alzheimer's Detection with Stacked Sparse Autoencoder"
  45. Detection and Monitoring of Objects: Producing Range Information
  46. Malaria Disease Prediction with Ensemble Learning Technique
  47. Sentimental Analysis with Emojis by Using Machine Learning
  48. Data Security And Recovery Approach Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography
  49. "Optimal Deep Neuro-Fuzzy Network for Copy-Move Forgery Detection"
  50. Deep computation model to the estimation of sulphur dioxide for plant health monitoring in IoT
  51. Optimized deep stacked autoencoder for ransomware detection using blockchain network
  52. WITHDRAWN: A novel approach for image forgery detection using improved crow search algorithm
  53. "Harmony Search Hawks Optimization for IoT Intrusion Detection with Deep RL & NMF"
  54. List of contributors
  55. Biomedical data mining for improved clinical diagnosis
  57. Innovative and efficient method of robotics for helping the Parkinson's disease patient using IoT in big data analytics
  58. A Framework for Data Security using Cryptography and Image Steganography
  59. Intelligent security algorithm for UNICODE data privacy and security in IOT
  60. Bitcoin Generation using Blockchain Technology
  61. Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
  62. Evaluation of Key Dependent S-Box Based Data Security Algorithm using Hamming Distance and Balanced Output
  63. NARSKCA: Novel and robust symmetric key cryptography algorithm
  64. Data Security for Virtual Data Centers by Commutative Key
  65. Premptive Job Scheduling with Priorities and Starvation cum Congestion Avoidance in Clusters