All Stories

  1. Evaluation of Naked Barley Landraces for Agro-morphological Traits
  2. Agrobiodiversity and its Conservation in Nepal
  3. Advances in fruit breeding in Nepal
  4. Neglected, underutilized, and future smart crop species in Nepal
  5. On-farm Conservation Approaches for Agricultural Biodiversity in Nepal
  6. Sourcing and deploying new crop varieties in mountain production systems
  7. Twenty Four Approaches for Conservation of Non-Orthodox Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources in Nepal
  8. Adaptability of Naked Barley Landraces in Mountain Agro-ecosystem of Nepal
  9. Competition among wild rice, landrace, improved cultivar and F1 hybrid rice
  10. Participatory F1 hybrid seed production of tomato and its economic benefit
  11. Writing a Research Paper for Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council
  12. Biotechnology for Conservation and Utilization of Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources in Nepal
  13. Diversity Analysis and Physico-Morphlogical Characteritics of Indigenous Germplasm of Lablab Bean
  14. Response Differences Stability Model Simplify the Identification of Stable Rice Genotypes for Low Temperature Environment
  15. Molecular Markers for Septoria Leaf Spot (Septoria lycopersicii Speg.) Resistance in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
  16. An Empirical Analysis of Resource Productivity of Wheat in Eastern Tarai Region of Nepal
  17. Prevalence of Aflatoxin B1 and B2 in Poultary Feed
  18. Use of Ethephone and Indigenous Plant Materials in Ripening Banana in Winter
  19. Hybridization Technique in Tartary Buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn)
  20. Participatory Crop Improvement of Nepalese Fingermillet Cultivars
  21. Wheat Production under Long-term Application of Inorganic and Organic Fertilizers in Rice-Wheat System under Rainfed Conditions
  22. Response of Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis) to the Application of Boron and Phosphorus in the Soils of Rupandehi District
  23. Effect of NPK on Vegetative Growth and Yield of Desiree and Kufri Sindhuri Potato
  24. Influence of Long-term Use of Organic and Inorganic Nutrients on HLB Disease of Wheat under Rice-Wheat Cropping Pattern
  25. Evaluation of Selected Species of Fodder Trees Cultivated for Feeding Ruminant Animals in the Hills of Nepal
  26. Marketing Constraints to Goats in the Western Hill of Nepal
  27. Measuring Returns from Improved Rice, Maize and Wheat Research in Nepal
  28. Pollen and Spikelet Analysis in F1 Rice Hybrids and their Parents
  29. Bulb Canker of Garlic Caused by Embellisia allii, Newly Found in Nepal
  30. Reproductive Disorders and Seroprevalence of Brucellosis in Yak
  31. Management of Leaf Blight of Garlic with Fungicides in Central Tarai of Nepal
  32. Evaluation of Open Pollinated Normal Maize Varieties in the Eastern Mid Hill of Nepal
  33. Yield Loss Assessment and Management of Violet Wood Sorrel Weed on Maize
  34. Use of Fertilizers and Lime for Enhancing Productivity of Maize Genotypes in Western Hill of Nepal
  35. Optimization of PCR Conditions for DNA Amplification of Common Buckwheat Using EST Primers
  36. Disease-free Pre-Basic Seed Potato Production through Tissue Culture in Nepal
  37. Molecular marker aided breeding for blast resistant rice in Nepal
  38. Wheat gene pool and its conservation in Nepal
  39. RAPD Markers Linked to Late Blight Resistance in Tomato
  40. Area And Diversity Of A Crop Reflects The Diversity Of Others
  41. Multiple Traits-based Analysis of Tartary Buckwheat Landraces Using GGE-Biplot
  42. Association Mapping for Improvement of Quantitative Traits in Plant Breeding Populations
  43. Heterosis for Yield and Yield Components in Rice
  44. Information Theory and Multivariate Techniques for Analyzing DNA Sequence Data: An Example from Tomato Genes
  45. Genetic Base of Wheat Cultivars Recommended in Nepal
  46. Rice Gene Pool for Tarai and Inner Tarai Areas of Nepal
  47. Correlation and Path Coefficient Analyses in Sugarcane
  48. Data analysis methods adopted under in situ global project in Nepal
  49. Correlation and Path Coefficients among Quantitative Traits in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
  50. Genetic contribution of ancestors to Nepalese rice cultivars
  51. Wheat Genetic Resources in Nepal
  52. Participatory Varietal Evaluation of Rainy Season Tomato under Plastic House Condition
  53. Evaluation of Vegetable Type Cowpea Varieties for Commercial Production in the River Basin and Low Hill Areas
  54. Evaluation of Different Vaireties of Onion and their Transplanting Times for Off-season Production in Mid Hills of Nepal
  55. Common Buckwheat-based EST Primers in the Genome of other Species of Fagopyrum
  56. Effect of Harvesting Method and Calcium on Post Harvest Physiology of Tomato
  57. Mapping Phalaris minor under the Rice-Wheat Cropping System in different Agro-Ecological Regions of Nepal
  58. Management of Leaf Blight (Bipolaris sorokiniana) Disease of Wheat with Cultural Practices
  59. Effect of Supplementation of soybean Cake and Fishmeal with Lysine and Methionine in Broiler Diets on the Growth Performance of Turkey Poults
  60. Nutritional Variation of Different Feed Ingredients and Compound Feed Found in Different Parts of Nepal
  61. A Survey on Marketing Potential of Maize Seed Production in the Western Hill of Nepal
  62. Estimation of Production Function of Hiunde (Boro) Rice