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  1. Detection of variations in bone density using quadratic frequency modulated thermography
  2. Convolutional neural network for automatic defect detection in composites
  3. Advanced Signal Processing Approaches for Quadratic Frequency Modulated Thermal Wave Imaging
  4. Inspection of Defects in CFRP based on Principal Components
  5. Quantitative subsurface analysis using frequency modulated thermal wave imaging
  6. Subsurface detail fusion for anomaly detection in non-stationary thermal wave imaging
  7. Chirp Z transform based enhanced frequency resolution for depth resolvable non stationary thermal wave imaging
  8. Empirical mode decomposition approach for defect detection in non-stationary thermal wave imaging
  9. Orthonormal projection approach for depth-resolvable subsurface analysis in non-stationary thermal wave imaging
  10. Data Fusion for Enhanced Defect Detectability in Non-Stationary Thermal Wave Imaging
  11. Matched energy modality for non stationary thermal wave imaging
  12. Image encryption and authentication by orthonormal transform with CRC