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  1. How mechanical strain affect magnetic and structural properties of 2D materials: A Monte Carlo study
  2. Epitaksiyel Olarak Gerilmiş İzotropik İnce Filmlerde Elastik Etkileşim Nedenli Morfolojik Değişimin Doğrusal Kararlılık ve Sayısal Analizi
  3. Effects of anisotropic surface drift diffusion on the strained heteroepitaxial nanoislands subjected to electromigration stressing
  4. Stranski-Krastanow islanding initiated on the stochastic rough surfaces of the epitaxially strained thin films
  5. Generic role of the anisotropic surface free energy on the morphological evolution in a strained-heteroepitaxial solid droplet on a rigid substrate
  6. Morphological evolution in a strained-heteroepitaxial solid droplet on a rigid substrate: Dynamical simulations
  7. Morphological evolution of edge-hillocks on single-crystal films having anisotropic drift-diffusion under the capillary and electromigration forces
  8. Surface morphological evolution on single crystal films by strong anisotropic drift diffusion under capillary and electromigration forces