All Stories

  1. Short Forms of the Centrality of Religiosity Scale: Validation and Application in the Context of Religious Individualism of Orthodox and Pentecostal Christians in Romania
  2. Exploring the Patterns of Job Satisfaction for Individuals Aged 50 and over from Three Historical Regions of Romania. An Inductive Approach with Respect to Triangulation, Cross-Validation and Support for Replication of Results
  3. Assessing the Imprint of the Long‐gone Hapsburg Empire's Border on the Romanian Students' Migration Intentions
  4. Comparative Patterns of Migration Intentions: Evidence from Eastern European Students in Economics from Romania and Republic of Moldova
  5. Exploring the Influence of Personal Motivations, Beliefs and Attitudes on Students’ Post-Graduation Migration Intentions: Evidence from Three Major Romanian Universities
  6. Publishing ideas: The factors determining the number of book titles
  7. The “Christian Spirit” of Capitalism and the Protestant Reformation
  8. The Free Economic Development
  9. Ecumenopolis