All Stories

  1. MProt-DPO: Breaking the ExaFLOPS Barrier for Multimodal Protein Design Workflows with Direct Preference Optimization
  2. Scalable Lead Prediction with Transformers using HPC resources
  3. Protein Generation via Genome-scale Language Models with Bio-physical Scoring
  4. Linking the Dynamic PicoProbe Analytical Electron-Optical Beam Line / Microscope to Supercomputers
  5. Causal Discovery and Optimal Experimental Design for Genome-Scale Biological Network Recovery
  6. The 4th International Workshop on Epidemiology meets Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (epiDAMIK 4.0 @ KDD2021)
  7. IMPECCABLE: Integrated Modeling PipelinE for COVID Cure by Assessing Better LEads
  8. Scalable HPC & AI infrastructure for COVID-19 therapeutics