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  1. Controlled deployment of a long tether to operate as a partial space elevator
  2. Longitudinal and Transverse Oscillations of a Debris Removal Tether in an Inclined Towing Configuration
  3. Station-Keeping for Periodic Orbits near Strongly Perturbed Binary Asteroid Systems
  4. Momentum Model-Based Minimal Parameter Identification of a Space Robot
  5. Solar Radiation Pressure–Compatible Trajectories in the Vicinity of a Binary Asteroid
  6. Trajectory Planning for a Space Robot Actuated by Control Moment Gyroscopes
  7. Active Debris Removal Using Double-Tethered Space-Tug System
  8. Contact Dynamics Modeling and Simulation of Tether Nets for Space-Debris Capture
  9. Reactionless Maneuvering of a Space Robot in Precapture Phase
  10. Dynamics of Double-Pyramid Satellite Formations Interconnected by Tethers and Coulomb Forces