All Stories

  1. Generating training images of a soccer ball for all lighting conditions
  2. Learn to stop for a red traffic light
  3. Training an autonomous vehicle in a high-definition simulation world
  4. Learning to drive on a miniture highway
  5. An education kit to learn to program rescue robots at age 14+
  6. What is needed to navigate a robot around a disaster site.
  7. A social relevant robotics competition: to find as much as possible victims after a disaster.
  8. A Pepper robot as kitchen aid
  9. Finding the optimal shape / gait combination for locomotion on different planets.
  10. A new design to simulate disasters
  11. MRESim - a realistic 2-dimensional simulation environment to study robot exploration
  12. The last 10 years of RoboCup Rescue Simulation and its future directions
  13. Research done inside the RoboCup leagues
  14. The Robot Operating System version of Rescue Simulation
  15. Anticipate an attackers behavior by analysing moving patterns.
  16. Planning the steps of the Atlas robot
  17. Line-following in 3D with a drone
  18. How to model the behaviors of people at an airport
  19. RoboCup 2012 Rescue Simulation League Winners
  20. Accurate simulation of the movement of the Nao robot with the Unreal Engine
  21. Integrating Sensor and Motion Models to Localize an Autonomous AR.Drone
  22. Realistic Simulation of Laser Range Finder Behavior in a Smoky Environment
  23. Dynamic team hierarchies in communication-limited multi-robot exploration
  24. A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Collaboration: Principal Description Methods and Efficient Heuristic Approximations
  25. Coordinated Action in a Heterogeneous Rescue Team
  26. Role-Based Autonomous Multi-robot Exploration
  27. Evaluating maps produced by urban search and rescue robots: lessons learned from RoboCup
  28. Finding the orientation of a soccer robot by looking at the surroundings
  29. An Omnidirectional Camera Simulation for the USARSim World
  30. Including communication success in the estimation of information gain for multi-robot exploration
  31. A hybrid algorithm for tracking and following people using a robotic dog
  32. A Scalable Hybrid Multi-robot SLAM Method for Highly Detailed Maps
  33. Beyond Frontier Exploration
  34. Towards heterogeneous robot teams for disaster mitigation: Results and performance metrics from RoboCup rescue
  35. A hierarchical view on modeling the reliability of a DSRC link for ETC applications
  36. VLAM-G: A Grid-Based Virtual Laboratory
  37. Traffic simulation
  38. Evaluating automatic debiting systems by modelling and simulation of virtual sensors
  39. A low-cost pose-measuring system for robot calibration
  40. An exception-handling framework
  41. Eye in hand robot calibration
  42. Photoreactive Disordered Systems Studied by Permanent and Transient Hole-Burning
  43. Optical dephasing in organic glasses between 0.3 and 20 K. A hole-burning study of resorufin and free-base porphin
  44. Balancing the Information Gain Against the Movement Cost for Multi-robot Frontier Exploration
  45. The reliability of a DSRC-link for ETC applications modelled on 5 levels of detail