All Stories

  1. Does universal 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing of environmental communities provide an accurate description of nitrifying guilds?
  2. Stochastic processes govern invasion success in microbial communities when the invader is phylogenetically close to resident bacteria
  3. Comparative genomics sheds light on niche differentiation and the evolutionary history of comammox Nitrospira
  4. Novel Method Reveals a Narrow Phylogenetic Distribution of Bacterial Dispersers in Environmental Communities Exposed to Low-Hydration Conditions
  5. Comammox Nitrospira are abundant ammonia oxidizers in diverse groundwater-fed rapid sand filter communities
  6. Density and distribution of nitrifying guilds in rapid sand filters for drinking water production: Dominance of Nitrospira spp.
  7. Nitrotoga is selected over Nitrospira in newly assembled biofilm communities from a tap water source community at increased nitrite loading
  8. Metal stressors consistently modulate bacterial conjugal plasmid uptake potential in a phylogenetically conserved manner
  9. Underestimation of ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria abundance by amplification bias in amoA ‐targeted qPCR
  10. A conceptual framework for invasion in microbial communities
  11. The spatial distribution of exoenzyme activities across the soil micro-landscape, as measured in micro- and macro-aggregates, and ecosystem processes
  12. A nitrate sensitive planar optode; performance and interferences
  13. Measuring biogeochemical heterogeneity at the micro scale in soils and sediments
  14. Microthrix parvicella abundance associates with activated sludge settling velocity and rheology – Quantifying and modelling filamentous bulking
  15. Novel assay to measure the plasmid mobilizing potential of mixed microbial communities
  16. Fine scale spatial variability of microbial pesticide degradation in soil: scales, controlling factors, and implications
  17. Broad host range plasmids can invade an unexpectedly diverse fraction of a soil bacterial community
  18. Colony morphology and transcriptome profiling of P seudomonas putida KT 2440 and its mutants deficient in alginate or all EPS
  19. Does microbial centimeter-scale heterogeneity impact MCPA degradation in and leaching from a loamy agricultural soil?
  20. Long-term manure exposure increases soil bacterial community potential for plasmid uptake
  21. Protocol for Evaluating the Permissiveness of Bacterial Communities Toward Conjugal Plasmids by Quantification and Isolation of Transconjugants
  22. Pseudomonad Swarming Motility Is Restricted to a Narrow Range of High Matric Water Potentials
  23. Transcriptome Dynamics of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 under Water Stress
  24. An individual-based approach to explain plasmid invasion in bacterial populations
  25. Evaluation of Bioaugmentation with Entrapped Degrading Cells as a Soil Remediation Technology
  26. The Pressurized Porous Surface Model: An improved tool to study bacterial behavior under a wide range of environmentally relevant matric potentials
  27. Hydration-controlled bacterial motility and dispersal on surfaces
  28. Novel Assay To Assess Permissiveness of a Soil Microbial Community toward Receipt of Mobile Genetic Elements
  29. Biodegradation in a Partially Saturated Sand Matrix: Compounding Effects of Water Content, Bacterial Spatial Distribution, and Motility
  30. Antecedent Growth Conditions Alter Retention of EnvironmentalEscherichia coliIsolates in Transiently Wetted Porous Media
  31. The Porous Surface Model, a Novel Experimental System for Online Quantitative Observation of Microbial Processes under Unsaturated Conditions
  32. Limited diffusive fluxes of substrate facilitate coexistence of two competing bacterial strains
  33. Physical constraints affecting bacterial habitats and activity in unsaturated porous media – a review
  34. Extracellular Polymeric Substances Affecting Pore-Scale Hydrologic Conditions for Bacterial Activity in Unsaturated Soils
  35. Potential of a 16S rRNA-Based Taxonomic Microarray for Analyzing the Rhizosphere Effects of Maize on Agrobacterium spp. and Bacterial Communities
  36. Development and validation of a prototype 16S rRNA-based taxonomic microarray for Alphaproteobacteria
  37. Impact of the Microscale Distribution of a Pseudomonas Strain Introduced into Soil on Potential Contacts with Indigenous Bacteria
  38. Modification of Spatial Distribution of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Degrader Microhabitats during Growth in Soil Columns
  39. A novel method for characterizing the microscale 3D spatial distribution of bacteria in soil