All Stories

  1. Repeatability and Reproducibility of the RTgill-W1 Cell Line Assay for Predicting Fish Acute Toxicity
  2. Evaluation of Phototrophic Stream Biofilms Under Stress: Comparing Traditional and Novel Ecotoxicological Endpoints After Exposure to Diuron
  3. Characterization of Aquatic Biofilms with Flow Cytometry
  4. Predominant Asymmetrical Stem Cell Fate Outcome Limits the Rate of Niche Succession in Human Colonic Crypts
  5. A validated algorithm for selecting non-toxic chemical concentrations
  6. Analysis of flow-cytometry microbial biofilm datasets with viSNE and Matlab
  7. Modeling and gene knockdown to assess the contribution of nonsense-mediated decay, premature termination, and selenocysteine insertion to the selenoprotein hierarchy
  8. Flow cytometry combined with viSNE for the analysis of microbial biofilms and detection of microplastics
  9. Selenium targets in rectal mucosa
  10. Selenium Uptake and Methylation by the Microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
  11. Integrated Stochastic Model of DNA Damage Repair by Non-homologous End Joining and p53/p21- Mediated Early Senescence Signalling
  12. Detecting translational regulation by change point analysis of ribosome profiling data sets
  13. Similar patterns of clonally expanded somatic mtDNA mutations in the colon of heterozygous mtDNA mutator mice and ageing humans
  14. Planning of Electroporation-Based Treatments Using Web-Based Treatment-Planning Software
  15. Systems Modelling of NHEJ Reveals the Importance of Redox Regulation of Ku70/80 in the Dynamics of DNA Damage Foci
  16. Patient-specific treatment planning of electrochemotherapy: Procedure design and possible pitfalls
  17. Treatment planning of electroporation-based medical interventions: electrochemotherapy, gene electrotransfer and irreversible electroporation
  18. Integrated Software for Electrochemotherapy Treatment Planning of Deep-Seated Tumors
  19. Numerical analysis and thermographic investigation of induction heating
  20. Robustness of Treatment Planning for Electrochemotherapy of Deep-Seated Tumors
  21. The influence of skeletal muscle anisotropy on electroporation: in vivo study and numerical modeling
  22. Towards treatment planning and treatment of deep-seated solid tumors by electrochemotherapy
  23. Numerical optimization of gene electrotransfer into muscle tissue
  24. Irreversible Electroporation
  25. Optimization of induction heating using numerical modeling and genetic algorithm
  26. Numerical Modeling and Optimization of Electric Field Distribution in Subcutaneous Tumor Treated With Electrochemotherapy Using Needle Electrodes
  27. Numerical Modeling and Optimization of Local Electric Field Distribution in Anisotropic Tissue for in vivo Electrochemotherapy and Electrogene Transfer
  28. Optimization of electrode position and electric pulse amplitude in electrochemotherapy
  29. The endothelial cytoskeleton as a target of electroporation-based therapies