All Stories

  1. Screening for postpartum depression and borderline personality disorder: Food for thought
  2. Electroencephalographic (EEG) alterations in young women with high subclinical eating pathology levels: a quantitative EEG study
  3. Tackling excess body weight in people with binge eating disorder
  4. Prevention of eating disorders: current evidence-base for dissonance-based programmes and future directions
  5. Cross-sectional study of neutrophil-lymphocyte, platelet-lymphocyte and monocyte-lymphocyte ratios in mood disorders
  6. Pattern of self-injurious behavior and suicide attempts in Italian custodial inmates: A cluster analysis approach
  7. Violence risk and mental disorders (VIORMED-2): A prospective multicenter study in Italy
  8. Problem-Gambling Severity, Suicidality, and DSM-IV Axis I Psychiatric Disorders
  9. Pathways to specialist care for eating disorders: An Italian multicentre study
  10. Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio, monocyte-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio in non-affective psychosis: a meta-analysis and systematic review
  11. Real-world effectiveness of long acting aripiprazole: Treatment persistence and its correlates in the Italian clinical practice
  12. Sex Differences in Adolescent Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa: Beyond the Signs and Symptoms
  13. Adjunctive second-generation antipsychotics for specific symptom domains of schizophrenia resistant to clozapine: A meta-analysis
  14. Factors associated with referrals to high security forensic services among people with severe mental illness and receiving inpatient care in prison
  15. Being socially uninterested versus not having social prediction skills: The impact of multisensory integration deficits on social skills in autism
  16. Recent suicide attempts and serum lipid profile in subjects with mental disorders: A cross-sectional study
  17. Estimating the Risk of Attempted Suicide Among Sexual Minority Youths
  18. Testing the association of serum uric acid levels with behavioral and clinical characteristics in subjects with major affective disorders: A cross-sectional study
  19. Early Post-stroke Depression and Mortality: Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression
  20. A Randomized Trial of Virtual Reality-Based Cue Exposure Second-Level Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Second-Level Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder: Outcome at Six-Month Followup
  21. Problem-gambling severity, suicidality and DSM-IV Axis II personality disorders
  22. The burden of personality disorders on the DSM 5 addiction to tobacco during pregnancy
  23. Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and platelet/lymphocyte ratio in mood disorders: A meta-analysis
  24. Vortioxetine overdose in a suicidal attempt
  25. The Role of Age on Multisensory Bodily Experience: An Experimental Study with a Virtual Reality Full-Body Illusion
  26. Purinergic system and suicidal behavior: exploring the link between adenosine A2A receptors and depressive/impulsive features
  27. Distinguishing Between Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder
  28. Evaluation of the DSM-5 severity ratings for anorexia nervosa in a clinical sample
  29. Impulsivity and Gambling Type Among Treatment-Seeking Disordered Gamblers: An Explorative Study
  30. Insomnia as an additional clinical correlate of suicidal ideation after stroke
  31. Testing the role of the antioxidant uric acid as a biomarker of suicidal ideation in subjects with major affective disorders: An exploratory study
  32. Altered Processing and Integration of Multisensory Bodily Representations and Signals in Eating Disorders: A Possible Path Toward the Understanding of Their Underlying Causes
  33. Are Treatment Outcomes Determined by Type of Gambling? A UK Study
  34. Effect of clinical response to active drugs and placebo on antipsychotics and mood stabilizers relative efficacy for bipolar depression and mania: A meta-regression analysis
  35. Classifying binge eating-disordered adolescents based on severity levels
  36. Neuroscience, Brain Imaging, and Body Image in Eating and Weight Disorders
  37. Virtual Reality for the Treatment of Body Image Disturbances in Eating and Weight Disorders
  38. Antidepressant Response and Dissociative Effects After Ketamine Treatment
  39. Personality and eating and weight disorders: an open research challenge
  40. Current suicidal ideation in treatment-seeking individuals in the United Kingdom with gambling problems
  41. The antioxidant uric acid and depression: clinical evidence and biological hypotheses
  42. Eating behavior style predicts craving and anxiety experienced in food-related virtual environments by patients with eating disorders and healthy controls
  43. Lipid profile and suicide attempt in bipolar disorder: A meta-analysis of published and unpublished data
  44. Egocentric and allocentric spatial reference frames in aging: A systematic review
  45. Severity of Binge-Eating Disorder and Its Effects on Treatment Outcome
  46. A Randomised Controlled Comparison of Second-Level Treatment Approaches for Treatment-Resistant Adults with Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder: Assessing the Benefits of Virtual Reality Cue Exposure Therapy
  47. Unblending Borderline Personality and Bipolar Disorders
  48. Progresses about the Interplay among Clarithromycin, Immune and Central Nervous Systems
  49. White matter abnormalities in treatment-naive adolescents at the earliest stages of Anorexia Nervosa: A diffusion tensor imaging study
  50. Testing virtual reality-based cue-exposure software: Which cue-elicited responses best discriminate between patients with eating disorders and healthy controls?
  51. Severity of bulimia nervosa and its impact on treatment outcome
  52. Risk and maintenance factors for young women’s DSM-5 eating disorders
  53. Alexithymia in parents and adolescents with generalised anxiety disorder
  54. Response to the best available treatment for bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder is disease severity-dependent
  55. Cognitive-behavioral or psychodynamic therapy for people with bulimia nervosa
  56. Antioxidant uric acid in treated and untreated subjects with major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis and meta-regression
  57. The Italian Version of the Borderline Personality Disorder Severity Index IV: Psychometric Properties, Clinical Usefulness, and Possible Diagnostic Implications
  58. Ketamine as a rapid-acting agent for suicidal ideation: A meta-analysis
  59. Acute variations of cytokine levels after antipsychotic treatment in drug-naïve subjects with a first-episode psychosis: A meta-analysis
  60. Bodily illusions and weight-related disorders: Clinical insights from experimental research
  61. Evaluation of the DSM-5 Severity Specifier for Bulimia Nervosa in Treatment-Seeking Youth
  62. Benefits and harms of low and high second-generation antipsychotics doses for bipolar depression: A meta-analysis
  63. Classifying Adults with Binge Eating Disorder Based on Severity Levels
  64. Purinergic dysfunction in bipolar disorder: Any role for the antioxidant uric acid as a trait and state biomarker?
  65. The nature of the association between binge-eating severity and metabolic syndrome
  66. Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics in Schizophrenia: Literature Review and Practical Perspective, with a Focus on Aripiprazole Once-Monthly
  67. Virtual Reality
  68. Association between total serum cholesterol and suicide attempts in subjects with major depressive disorder: Exploring the role of clinical and biochemical confounding factors
  69. Rates and correlates of suicidal ideation among stroke survivors: a meta-analysis
  70. Gambling Disorder: Exploring Pre-treatment and In-treatment Dropout Predictors. A UK Study
  71. Embodied Medicine: Mens Sana in Corpore Virtuale Sano
  72. Towards novel paradigms for treating dysfunctional bodily experience in eating disorders
  73. Validity and utility of the DSM-5 severity specifier for binge-eating disorder
  74. What about the assessment of personality disturbance in adolescents with eating disorders?
  75. Executive control in schizophrenia: a preliminary study on the moderating role of COMT Val158Met for comorbid alcohol and substance use disorders
  76. Purinergic system dysfunctions in subjects with bipolar disorder: A comparative cross-sectional study
  77. Allopurinol as add-on treatment for mania symptoms in bipolar disorder: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
  78. Neuroscientifically Informed Models of Body Image Distortion in Eating Disorders
  79. Self-Esteem and Eating Disorders
  80. “Nabucco” by Giuseppe Verdi: A Case of Delirium in an Italian Romantic Opera
  81. Update on bipolar disorder biomarker candidates: what about uric acid/adenosine hypothesis?
  82. Agreement between DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria for alcohol use disorder among outpatients suffering from depressive and anxiety disorders
  83. Stigmatizing Attitudes and Beliefs About Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa Among Italian Undergraduates
  84. Area-Level Deprivation and Adverse Consequences in People With Substance Use Disorders: Findings From the Psychiatric and Addictive Dual Disorder in Italy (PADDI) Study
  85. Which factors influence onset and latency to treatment in generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and obsessive–compulsive disorder?
  86. Uric acid levels in subjects with bipolar disorder: A comparative meta-analysis
  87. Testing the DSM-5 severity indicator for bulimia nervosa in a treatment-seeking sample
  88. Predicting onset and maintenance of men's eating disorders
  89. Mental health of prisoners: prevalence, adverse outcomes, and interventions
  90. Types of gambling and levels of harm: A UK study to assess severity of presentation in a treatment-seeking population
  91. Clinical utility of a single-item test for DSM-5 alcohol use disorder among outpatients with anxiety and depressive disorders
  92. Objectified Body Consciousness (OBC) in Eating Psychopathology
  93. Validity and clinical utility of the DSM-5 severity specifier for bulimia nervosa: results from a multisite sample of patients who received evidence-based treatment
  94. Pregnancy denial or concealement: A case report highlighting risks and forensic aspects
  95. Dysfunctional bodily experiences in anorexia nervosa: where are we?
  96. A Novel Technique for Improving Bodily Experience in a Non-operable Super–Super Obesity Case
  97. First-generation antipsychotics and QTc: any role for mediating variables?
  98. Gender Differences in Treatment-Seeking British Pathological Gamblers
  99. Exploring the association between bipolar disorder and uric acid: A mediation analysis
  100. Impact of a Mobile E-Health Intervention on Binge Drinking in Young People: The Digital–Alcohol Risk Alertness Notifying Network for Adolescents and Young Adults Project
  101. Body-image distortion in anorexia nervosa
  102. Predictors of initiation and persistence of recurrent binge eating and inappropriate weight compensatory behaviors in college men
  103. Prospective Psychosocial Predictors of Onset and Cessation of Eating Pathology amongst College Women
  104. Antipsychotic Dose Mediates the Association between Polypharmacy and Corrected QT Interval
  105. Virtual Reality Body Swapping: A Tool for Modifying the Allocentric Memory of the Body
  106. Association between depression and neuropathy in people with type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis
  107. Disentangling the Association Between Child Abuse and Eating Disorders
  108. Neuroscientifically Informed Models of Body Image Distortion in Eating Disorders
  109. Self-Esteem and Eating Disorders
  110. Out of body, out of space: Impaired reference frame processing in eating disorders
  111. Facial emotion recognition in alcohol and substance use disorders: A meta-analysis
  112. Narcissistic Vulnerability and Grandiosity as Mediators Between Insecure Attachment and Future Eating Disordered Behaviors: A Prospective Analysis of Over 2,000 Freshmen
  113. The association between PTSD and metabolic syndrome: A role for comorbid depression?
  114. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Risk of Obesity
  115. Prevalence and correlates of QTc prolongation in Italian psychiatric care: cross-sectional multicentre study
  116. Second-generation antipsychotics and adiponectin levels in schizophrenia: A comparative meta-analysis
  117. Schizoaffective disorder and metabolic syndrome: A meta-analytic comparison with schizophrenia and other non-affective psychoses
  118. Transcranial magnetic stimulation of medial prefrontal cortex modulates implicit attitudes towards food
  119. Plasma adiponectin levels in schizophrenia and role of second-generation antipsychotics: A meta-analysis
  120. The Social Appearance Anxiety Scale in Italian Adolescent Populations: Construct Validation and Group Discrimination in Community and Clinical Eating Disorders Samples
  121. Mechanisms of influence of body checking on binge eating
  122. Identifying specific cues and contexts related to bingeing behavior for the development of effective virtual environments
  123. Correlates of dependence and treatment for substance use among people with comorbid severe mental and substance use disorders
  124. From DSM-IV to DSM-5 alcohol use disorder: An overview of epidemiological data
  125. Leveraging Psychology of Virtual Body for Health and Wellness
  126. Why do anorexics want to lose weight? This paper tries to explain why...
  127. Presence-Inducing Media for Mental Health Applications
  128. Factors characterizing access and latency to first pharmacological treatment in Italian patients with schizophrenia, mood, and anxiety spectrum disorders
  129. Cannabis use disorder as a correlate of suicide attempts among people with bipolar disorder
  130. Testing the cognitive-behavioural maintenance models across DSM-5 bulimic-type eating disorder diagnostic groups: a multi-centre study
  131. The developmental effects of media-ideal internalization and self-objectification processes on adolescents’ negative body-feelings, dietary restraint, and binge eating
  132. Reply to Dakanalis et al.’s ‘efforts to make clearer the relationship between body dissatisfaction and binge eating’
  133. Cardiovascular risk factors among people with severe mental illness in Italy: A cross-sectional comparative study
  134. Testing the original and the extended dual-pathway model of lack of control over eating in adolescent girls. A two-year longitudinal study
  135. Attempted suicide in people with co-occurring bipolar and substance use disorders: Systematic review and meta-analysis
  136. Comorbid Addiction and Major Mental Illness in Europe: A Narrative Review
  137. Efforts to make clearer the relationship between body dissatisfaction and binge eating
  138. Risk Estimation Modeling and Feasibility Testing for a Mobile eHealth Intervention for Binge Drinking Among Young People: The D-ARIANNA (Digital-Alcohol RIsk Alertness Notifying Network for Adolescents and young adults) Project
  139. Why Do Only a Minority of Men Report Severe Levels of Eating Disorder Symptomatology, When so Many Report Substantial Body Dissatisfaction? Examination of Exacerbating Factors
  140. Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder Symptomatology: A Latent Structural Equation Modeling Analysis of Moderating Variables in 18-to-28-Year-Old Males
  141. Natalizumab-related progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in Greece
  142. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in people with severe mental illness: a mediation analysis
  143. Comprehensive examination of the trans-diagnostic cognitive behavioral model of eating disorders in males
  144. Attachment insecurities, maladaptive perfectionism, and eating disorder symptoms: A latent mediated and moderated structural equation modeling analysis across diagnostic groups
  145. Prevalence and Correlates of Binge Drinking among Young Adults Using Alcohol: A Cross-Sectional Survey
  146. Association between depression and non-fatal overdoses among drug users: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  147. Italian version of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. Psychometric proprieties and measurement invariance across sex, BMI-status and age
  148. Metabolic Syndrome in People Suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  149. I’m in a virtual body: a locked allocentric memory may impair the experience of the body in both obesity and anorexia nervosa
  150. Psychosocial moderators of the relationship between body dissatisfaction and symptoms of eating disorders: A look at a sample of young Italian women
  151. Are the Male Body Dissatisfaction and Drive for Muscularity Scales reliable and valid instruments?
  152. Male body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptomatology: Moderating variables among men
  153. Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Metabolic Syndrome
  154. Current Findings on Males with Eating Disorders
  155. Psychiatric disorders encountered during bone marrow transplantation
  156. The role of body shame and body image avoidant behaviours in deliberate self-harm
  157. The impact of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding on body image disturbance, self-esteem and psychological well-being: An Italian follow-up study
  158. The relationship of sex and sexual orientation to self-esteem, body shape satisfaction, and eating disorder symptomatology
  159. New Technologies for Improving the Psychological Treatment
  160. 2196 – The Association Between Body Image Issues And Women's Sexual Functioning Through The Lens Of The Objectification Theory
  161. 2131 – A Prospective Evaluation Of The Three-factor Interactive Model Of Bulimic Symptomatology Among Men
  162. 2814 – Body Image Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder Symptomatology: a Latent Structural Equation Modeling Examination of Moderators Among Adolescent Girls
  163. 2811 – Personality and Body Image Disorders in Cosmetic Surgery Settings: Prevalence, Comorbidity and Evaluation of their Impact on Post-Operative Patient's Satisfaction
  164. 2199 – An Evaluation Of The Enhanced Cognitive-behavioural Model And Its Constructs As Moderators Of The Core Psychopathology Of Eating Pathology-bulimic Symptomatology Relationship
  165. 2195 – An Evaluation Of The Dual-pathway Model Of Binge Eating In Italian Adolescent Boys: a Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling Approach
  166. Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire--Italian Version
  167. Depression after Stroke and Risk of Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  168. Perché è importante una federazione europea delle società delle tossicodipendenze?
  169. Il perché di un addio
  170. Pregabalin for Alcohol Dependence: A Critical Review of the Literature
  171. Disordered Eating Behaviors Among Italian Men: Objectifying Media and Sexual Orientation Differences
  172. The association between expressed emotion, illness severity and subjective burden of care in relatives of patients with schizophrenia. Findings from an Italian population
  173. Caratteristiche cliniche, sociodemografiche e criticità nella cura del paziente affetto da patologia mentale detenuto in Italia: studio osservazionale di casi consecutivi della durata di sei mesi
  174. Percorsi diagnostico-terapeutici per pazienti psichiatrici negli istituti penitenziari. Strategie dei Dipartimenti di Salute Mentale e delle Cliniche Psichiatriche Universitarie
  175. Trauma e disturbo post-traumatico da stress nella relazione con i disturbi mentali della popolazione carceraria minorile
  176. Do they actually work across borders? Evaluation of two measures of psychological distress as screening instruments in a non Anglo-Saxon country
  177. Utilizzo dell’elettroencefalografia nelle psicosi oggi
  178. Reducing the treatment gap for mental disorders: a WPA survey
  179. Gli eventi psichiatrici in corso di epilessia
  180. Clinical and genetic evaluation of a family showing both autism and epilepsy
  181. Bullismo e disturbo antisociale di personalità in adolescenza ed età giovanile
  182. Adolescenti e Psichiatria: una nuova direzione!
  183. Abuso e negligenza nell’anziano. Un problema contemporaneo
  184. Family interventions for schizophrenia in Italy: randomized controlled trial
  185. Expressed emotion and Milan systemic intervention: a pilot study on families of people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia
  186. Dual Diagnosis—Policy and Practice in Italy
  187. The Italian Association on Addiction Psychiatry (SIPDip), formerly The Italian Association on Abuse and Addictive Behaviours
  188. Cytokines production in chronic schizophrenia patients with or without paranoid behaviour
  189. Family Adaptation to Institutionalised Mentally Retarded Patients. A Preliminary Report on an Italian Population
  190. Personality Disorders among Psychoactive Substance Users: Diagnostic and Psychodynamic Issues
  191. Schizofrenia e intervento psicosociale sulle famiglie. Indagine sulle caratteristiche dell'utenza e follow-up ad un anno
  192. Alexithymia and Obesity
  193. Emotional Profiles of Families with a Heart-Operated Patient: A Pilot Study
  194. The Efficacy of an Information Group Intervention On Relatives of Schizophrenics
  195. Substance abuse and psychopathology
  196. Family Assessment and Linguistic Interaction: Analysis of the Camberwell Family Interview
  197. Involvement of families in group therapy of heroin addicts
  198. Representation of Psychosomatic Disturbances: Metaphor and Metonymy