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  1. régime alimentaire d'un lézard mal connu en Algérie
  2. htsint: a Python library for sequencing pipelines that combines data through gene set generation
  3. Mouse hallucal metatarsal cross‐sectional geometry in a simulated fine branch niche
  4. Sex‐specific differences in ecomorphological relationships in lizards of the genus G allotia
  5. Jumping performance in the highly aquatic frog, Xenopus tropicalis : sex-specific relationships between morphology and performance
  6. The scaling of tongue projection in the veiled chameleon, Chamaeleo calyptratus
  7. Interrelationships Between Bones, Muscles, and Performance: Biting in the Lizard Tupinambis merianae
  8. Amniote vertebral microanatomy - what are the major trends?
  9. Individual variation in thermal performance curves: swimming burst speed and jumping endurance in wild-caught tropical clawed frogs
  10. A reevaluation of the anatomy of the jaw-closing system in the extant coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae
  11. Jack-of-all-trades master of all? Snake vertebrae have a generalist inner organization
  12. Masticatory biomechanics of the Laotian rock rat, Laonastes aenigmamus , and the function of the zygomaticomandibularis muscle
  13. Does shape co-variation between the skull and the mandible have functional consequences? A 3D approach for a 3D problem
  14. Taxonomic adjustments in the systematics of the southern African lacertid lizards (Sauria: Lacertidae)
  15. Prey processing in the Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens)
  16. Getting a grip on tetrapod grasping: form, function, and evolution
  17. Corrigendum to 'Determination and validation of the elastic moduli of small and complex biological samples: bone and keratin in bird beaks'
  18. Corrigendum to 'Multi-layered bird beaks: a finite-element approach towards the role of keratin in stress dissipation'
  19. Feeding Underground: Kinematics of Feeding in Caecilians
  20. Female lizards ignore the sweet scent of success: Male characteristics implicated in female mate preference
  21. Biomechanical Studies of Food and Diet Selection
  22. Got It Clipped? The Effect of Tail Clipping on Tail Gripping Performance in Chameleons
  23. Effect of competition on habitat utilization in two temperate climate gecko species
  24. Jaw and hyolingual movements during prey transport in varanid lizards: effects of prey type
  25. Is phylogeny driving tendon length in lizards?
  26. Kinematics of swimming in two burrowing anguilliform fishes
  27. Temperature effects on snapping performance in the common snapper Chelydra serpentina (Reptilia, Testudines)
  28. Vertebral microanatomy in squamates: structure, growth and ecological correlates
  29. Sexual dimorphism, body size, bite force and male mating success in tuatara
  30. The effect of developmental stage on eggshell thickness variation in endangered falcons
  31. Mechanical stress, fracture risk and beak evolution in Darwin's ground finches (Geospiza)
  32. Adaptation and function of the bills of Darwin's finches: divergence by feeding type and sex
  33. The kinematics of locomotion in caecilians: effects of substrate and body shape
  34. Sexual Shape Dimorphism in Tuatara
  35. Development of beak polymorphism in the African seedcracker,Pyrenestes ostrinus
  36. Wing shape variation in the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis): an ecomorphological approach
  37. Determinants of eggshell strength in endangered raptors
  38. Force-velocity trade-off in Darwin's finch jaw function: a biomechanical basis for ecological speciation?
  39. Pelvic and thigh musculature in frogs (Anura) and origin of anuran jumping locomotion
  40. Is Extreme Bite Performance Associated with Extreme Morphologies in Sharks?*
  41. Biting Performance in Teeth‐Digging African Mole‐Rats ( Fukomys , Bathyergidae, Rodentia)*
  42. Functional Consequences of Extreme Morphologies in the Craniate Trophic System
  43. Cranial morphology and bite force in Chamaeleolis lizards – Adaptations to molluscivory?
  44. Morphology and function of the forelimb in arboreal frogs: specializations for grasping ability?
  45. The distal forelimb musculature in aquatic and terrestrial turtles: phylogeny or environmental constraints?
  46. Bite force in vertebrates: opportunities and caveats for use of a nonpareil whole-animal performance measure
  47. Octopamine in Male Aggression of Drosophila
  48. Cervical Anatomy and Function in Turtles
  49. Cervical Anatomy and Function in Turtles
  50. Ecomorphology of Anolis lizards of the Choco′ region in Colombia and comparisons with Greater Antillean ecomorphs
  51. A functional approach to sexual selection
  52. Modulation of prey capture kinematics and the role of lingual sensory feedback in the lizard Pogona vitticeps
  53. Functional basis for sexual differences in bite force in the lizard Anolis carolinensis
  54. Interspecific variation in sternohyoideus muscle morphology in clariid catfishes: Functional implications for suction feeding
  55. Microhabitat use, diet, and performance data on the Hispaniolan twig anole, Anolis sheplani: Pushing the boundaries of morphospace
  57. Whole-organism studies of adhesion in pad-bearing lizards: creative evolutionary solutions to functional problems
  58. Morphological correlates of ant eating in horned lizards (Phrynosoma)
  59. Modulation and variability of prey capture kinematics in clariid catfishes
  60. Correlated evolution of aquatic prey-capture strategies in European and American natricine snakes
  61. Hydrodynamic modelling of aquatic suction performance and intra-oral pressures: limitations for comparative studies
  62. Ecology and Biomechanics
  63. Power Generation during Locomotion in Anolis Lizards
  64. Power Generation during Locomotion in Anolis Lizards
  65. Ontogeny of Performance in Vertebrates*
  66. Movement control strategies during jumping in a lizard (Anolis valencienni)
  68. Ontogenetic Scaling of Bite Force in Lizards and Turtles*
  69. Scaling of Suction Feeding Performance in the Catfish Clarias gariepinus *
  70. Correlations between lizard cranial shape and diet: a quantitative, phylogenetically informed analysis
  71. Effects of substrate structure on speed and acceleration capacity in climbing geckos
  72. Intraspecific correlations among morphology, performance and habitat use within a green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) population
  73. A dynamic model of mouth closing movements in clariid catfishes: the role of enlarged jaw adductors
  74. Comparative functional analysis of the hyolingual anatomy in lacertid lizards
  75. Comparisons of aquatic versus terrestrial predatory strikes in the pitviper,Agkistrodon piscivorus
  76. Sexual dimorphism in head shape and diet in the cottonmouth snake (Agkistrodon piscivorus)
  77. Erratum
  78. The Evolution of Jumping Performance in Caribbean Anolis Lizards: Solutions to Biomechanical Trade‐Offs
  79. Biomechanical Studies of Food and Diet Selection
  80. Effects of jaw adductor hypertrophy on buccal expansions during feeding of air breathing catfishes (Teleostei, Clariidae)
  81. Comparative study of the innervation patterns of the hyobranchial musculature in three iguanian lizards: Sceloporus undulatus, Pseudotrapelus sinaitus, and Chamaeleo jacksonii
  82. Introduction: Major Issues of Feeding Motor Control in Vertebrates
  83. Introduction: Major Issues of Feeding Motor Control in Vertebrates1
  84. Intrinsic Mechanics and Control of Fast Cranio-Cervical Movements in Aquatic Feeding Turtles
  85. The Evolution of Feeding Motor Patterns in Lizards: Modulatory Complexity and Possible Constraints
  86. Intrinsic Mechanics and Control of Fast Cranio-Cervical Movements in Aquatic Feeding Turtles1
  87. Morphology of the feeding system in agamid lizards: Ecological correlates
  88. The Mechanics of Ovophagy in the Beaded Lizard (Heloderma horridum)
  89. Ecomorphology of the Lizard Feeding Apparatus: a Modelling Approach
  90. Prey capture in the lizardAgama stellio
  91. Sexual Dimorphism of Head Size in Podarcis Hispanica Atrata: Testing the Dietary Divergence Hypothesis By Bite Force Analysis
  92. Herbivory and foraging mode in lizards
  93. Interactions between habitat use, behavior, and the trophic niche of lacertid lizards