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  1. A review of the use of ethionamide and prothionamide in childhood tuberculosis
  2. Tuberculosis: opportunities and challenges for the 90-90-90 targets in HIV-infected children
  3. A bitter pill to swallow: the need for better medications for drug-resistant tuberculosis in children
  4. Paediatric formulations of second-line anti-tuberculosis medications: challenges and considerations
  5. Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Ofloxacin in Children with Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
  6. Antituberculosis drugs in children
  7. Fluoroquinolones for the treatment of tuberculosis in children
  8. Successful Treatment of a Child With Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculous Meningitis: Figure 1.
  9. In Reply
  10. Children exposed to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis at a home-based day care centre: a contact investigation
  11. Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Moxifloxacin in Children With Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
  12. Toxicity and Tolerability of Fluoroquinolone-based Preventive Therapy for Childhood Contacts of Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis
  13. Acquired Drug Resistance During Inadequate Therapy in A Young Child with Tuberculosis
  14. Managing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in children
  15. Linezolid for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis in children: A review and recommendations
  16. Pharmacokinetics of Ofloxacin and Levofloxacin for Prevention and Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Children
  17. Completeness and accuracy of electronic recording of paediatric drug-resistant tuberculosis in Cape Town, South Africa
  18. False-negative post-18-month confirmatory HIV tests in HIV DNA PCR-positive children