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  1. Applications of the R.A.I.S.E. Assessment Framework to Support the Process of Assessment in Primary Progressive Aphasia
  2. “Please Don't Assess Him to Destruction”: The R.A.I.S.E. Assessment Framework for Primary Progressive Aphasia
  3. TeleCPT: Delivery of a Better Conversations Approach to Communication Partner Training During a Global Pandemic and Beyond
  4. A Window Into Functional Communication: Leveraging Naturalistic Speech Samples in Primary Progressive Aphasia
  5. Effects of functional communication interventions for people with primary progressive aphasia and their caregivers: a systematic review
  6. Speech and language therapy for primary progressive aphasia: Referral patterns and barriers to service provision across the UK
  7. Better Conversations With Primary Progressive Aphasia (BCPPA): Asking people with PPA and their families how speech and language therapists could support them to live well and maintain relationships