All Stories

  1. Comment on “Using an ADCP to Estimate Turbulent Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rate in Sheltered Coastal Waters”
  2. Langmuir supercells on the middle shelf of the South Atlantic Bight: 1. Cell structure
  3. Why Do LES of Langmuir Supercells Not Include Rotation?
  4. Separation of Short Time Series of Currents into “Fluctuations,” “Tides,” and “Mean” Flow
  5. Turbulence Process Domination under the Combined Forcings of Wind Stress, the Langmuir Vortex Force, and Surface Cooling
  6. Vertical mixing and the effects of solar radiation on photosystem II electron transport by phytoplankton in the Ross Sea Polynya
  7. Assessment of WERA long-range HF-radar performance from the user's perspective
  8. Measuring turbulent large-eddy structures with an ADCP. Part 2. Horizontal velocity variance
  9. Couette vs. Langmuir circulations: Comment on “On the helical flow of Langmuir circulation — Approaching the process of suspension freezing” by Dethleff, Kempema, Koch and Chubarenko
  10. A hybrid spectral/finite-difference large-eddy simulator of turbulent processes in the upper ocean
  11. Differential Diffusion
  12. Forcing and Dynamics of Seafloor-Water Column Exchange on a Broad Continental Shelf
  13. Determining Thorpe Scales from Ship-Lowered CTD Density Profiles
  14. Measuring turbulent large-eddy structures with an ADCP. 1. Vertical velocity variance
  15. Langmuir turbulence in shallow water. Part 1. Observations
  16. Oceanographic Dispersion
  17. Langmuir Supercells: A Mechanism for Sediment Resuspension and Transport in Shallow Seas
  18. Direct Numerical Simulation of Differential Scalar Diffusion in Three-Dimensional Stratified Turbulence
  19. Oceanic double-diffusion: introduction [Progress in Oceanography 56 (2003) 381–393]
  20. Physical processes associated with high primary production in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia
  21. Differential diffusion: an oceanographic primer
  22. Oceanic double-infusion: introduction
  23. The diffusive regime of double-diffusive convection
  24. Small‐scale processes and vertical diffusion in the ocean
  25. Large-Scale Physical Forcing of Thin Layer Dynamics
  26. Testing mechanistic e×planations of observed correlations between environmental factors and marine fisheries
  27. What Determines Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Phytoplankton and Zooplankton in Strongly Estuarine Systems?
  28. Seasonal and internannual variability of estuarine circulation in a box model of the Strait of Georgia and Juan de Fuca strait
  29. Differential vertical transport of heat and salt by weak stratified turbulence
  30. The optimal stability `window': a mechanism underlying decadal fluctuations in North Pacific salmon stocks?
  31. Physics to Fish: Interactions Between Physics and Biology on a Variety of Scales
  32. The effects of differential vertical diffusion of T and S in a box model of thermohaline circulation
  33. Parameterizing the Effects of Small-Scale Mixing in Large-Scale Numerical Models
  34. Physical processes and the maintenance of nutrient-rich euphotic zones
  35. Do we really know how to scale the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate ε due to breaking of oceanic internal waves?
  36. Reply [to “Comment on ‘The scaling of turbulence in the presence of vertical stratification’ by A. E. Gargett”]
  37. Ocean Turbulence
  38. A “large‐eddy” approach to acoustic remote sensing of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate ϵ
  39. Multiple thermoclines are barriers to vertical exchange in the subarctic Pacific during SUPER, May 1984
  40. Reply
  41. Reynolds Number Effects on Turbulence in the Presence of Stable Stratification
  42. The scaling of turbulence in the presence of stable stratification
  43. The inference of salt fingering from towed microstructure observations
  44. Small-Scale Parameterization in Large-Scale Ocean Models
  45. Evolution of scalar spectra with the decay of turbulence in a stratified fluid
  46. Local isotropy and the decay of turbulence in a stratified fluid
  47. Dissipation and diffusion by internal wave breaking
  48. Time and space scales of vertical mixing and advection of phytoplankton in the upper ocean
  49. Turbulence measurements from a submersible
  50. Turbulence Measurements Through a Train of Breaking Internal Waves in Knight Inlet, B.C.
  51. Correction [to “Microstructure and fine structure in an upper ocean frontal regime”]
  52. Microstructure and fine structure in an upper ocean frontal regime
  53. Generation of internal waves in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia
  54. Horizontal coherence of oceanic temperature structure
  55. On the interaction of surface and internal waves