All Stories

  1. Classification Models for COVID-19 Test Prioritization in Brazil: Machine Learning Approach
  2. Measuring Agile teamwork
  3. Classification Models for COVID-19 Test Prioritization in Brazil: Machine Learning Approach (Preprint)
  4. Trusted Client-Side Encryption for Cloud Storage
  5. An Acoustic Sensing Gesture Recognition System Design Based on a Hidden Markov Model
  6. Recognition of human emotions based on user context and brain signals applied to electrical power systems operators evaluation
  7. Performance Evaluation of an IEEE 802.11g Network in an Industrial Environment
  8. 802.11g Signal Strength Evaluation in an Industrial Environment
  9. Intelligent software engineering in the context of agile software development: A systematic literature review
  10. A Bayesian Networks-Based Method to Analyze the Validity of the Data of Software Measurement Programs
  11. A Certification-Based Modeling Approach of Medical Cyber-Physical Systems: An Insulin Infusion Pump Case Study
  12. A Software Architecture of Test Case Tools for Object-Oriented Programs
  13. An Architecture of a Gamified Application for Monitoring and Treating the Chronic Kidney Disease
  14. Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease in Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques
  15. Enabling the Reuse of Software Development Assets Through a Taxonomy for User Stories
  16. Secure Cloud Storage with Client-side Encryption using a Trusted Execution Environment
  17. Team Formation in Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study
  18. Guest Editor’s Introduction
  19. A Coloured Petri Nets Reference Model of Insulin Infusion Pump Control Systems: Assisting the Certification Process
  20. A mixed-radix FFT algorithm implementation based on Petri nets to assist the certification of bio-medical systems
  21. An Interoperable Integration Model for Bluetooth Devices in the Internet of Things
  22. A systematic process to define expert-driven software metrics thresholds (S)
  23. An Effort Estimation Support Tool for Agile Software Development: An Empirical Evaluation
  24. Dynamic and Interoperable Control of IoT Devices and Applications based on Calvin Framework
  25. Evaluating Software Developers’ Acceptance of a Tool for Supporting Agile Non-Functional Requirement Elicitation
  26. Improving the Applicability of the Ranked Nodes Method to build Expert-Driven Bayesian Networks (S)
  27. Towards 802.11g Signal Strength Estimation in an Industrial Environment: A Practical Study
  28. Effort Estimation in Agile Software Development: An Updated Review
  29. Guest Editors’ Introduction
  30. Model-based testing of software for automation systems using heuristics and coverage criterion
  31. A Bayesian networks-based approach to assess and improve the teamwork quality of agile teams
  32. A Non-Functional Requirements Recommendation System for Scrum-based Projects
  33. A Search-based Software Engineering Approach to Support Multiple Team Formation for Scrum Projects
  34. Effort Estimation in Agile Software Development: an Updated Review
  35. Investigating gaps on Agile Improvement Solutions and their successful adoption in industry projects - A systematic literature review
  36. Enabling the first step for IoT health systems using Antidote and IEEE 11073
  37. Design and evaluation of a mobile application to assist the self-monitoring of the chronic kidney disease in developing countries
  38. A Smart Trust Management Method to Detect On-Off Attacks in the Internet of Things
  39. A smart middleware to detect on-off trust attacks in the Internet of Things
  40. A smart middleware to perform semantic discovery and trust evaluation for the Internet of Things
  41. Formal modeling of biomedical signal acquisition systems: source of evidence for certification
  42. A Framework to Build Bayesian Networks to Assess Scrum-based Development Methods
  43. A Process to Calculate the Uncertainty of Software Metrics-based Models Using Bayesian Networks
  44. An empirical study on the influence of context in computing thresholds for Chidamber and Kemerer metrics
  45. Analyzing duplication on code generated by Scaffolding frameworks for Graphical user interfaces
  46. A Conversational Workflow Model for Chatbot
  47. A systematic review on the use of Definition of Done on agile software development projects
  48. ASAP -V: A privacy-preserving authentication and sybil detection protocol for VANETs
  49. Assisting the continuous improvement ofScrumprojects using metrics and Bayesian networks
  50. Battery lifetime estimation by means of an analytical continuous-time model
  51. Comparison of dynamic power management policies for Wi-Fi network interfaces
  52. Early diagnosis of gastrointestinal cancer by using case-based and rule-based reasoning
  53. A Standard-Based and Context-Aware Architecture for Personal Healthcare Smart Gateways
  54. Arguing effectiveness of biomedical signal acquisition devices using colored Petri Nets models and assurance cases in GSN: An ECG case study
  55. A Method to Build Bayesian Networks based on Artifacts and Metrics to Assess Agile Projects
  56. Combining Smartphone and Smartwatch Sensor Data in Activity Recognition Approaches: an Experimental Evaluation
  57. Improving Accuracy of Patient Synthetic Data for Testing Medical Cyber-Physical Systems
  58. Improving the Applicability of Bayesian Networks through Production Rules
  59. A Gait Analysis Approach to Track Parkinson's Disease Evolution Using Principal Component Analysis
  60. An Interoperable and Standard-Based End-to-End Remote Patient Monitoring System
  61. Design of a Simulation Device to Test Electrogastrography (EGG) Systems
  62. Towards Medical Systems to Aid the Detection and Treatment of Chronic Diseases
  63. Verification and Validation of Medical Cyber-Physical Systems
  64. Unanticipated Software Evolution: Evaluating the Impact on Development Cost and Quality
  65. A Colored Petri Nets model of the risk management process based on the ISO 14971 standard
  66. A Model-Based Approach to Support Validation of Medical Cyber-Physical Systems
  67. An admission control mechanism for dynamic QoS-enabled opportunistic routing protocols
  68. Formal specification of a tool to aid the early dignosis of the Chronic Kidney Disease
  69. A methodology for modeling and simulation of biomedical signal acquisition devices
  70. A simulation approach to certify electrocardiography devices
  71. Dynamic power management for network interfaces
  72. A Bayesian Network Model to Assess Agile Teams' Teamwork Quality
  73. Traditional TCP congestion control algorithms evaluation in wired-cum-wireless networks
  74. A Collaborative Method to Reduce the Running Time and Accelerate the k-Nearest Neighbors Search
  75. Impact of Unanticipated software evolution on development cost and quality: an empirical evaluation
  76. Recommendation in the Digital TV Domain: an Architecture based on Textual Description Analysis
  77. A personal connected health system for the Internet of Things based on the Constrained Application Protocol
  78. A Bayesian network approach to assist on the interpretation of software metrics
  79. A procedure to detect problems of processes in software development projects using Bayesian networks
  80. Integrating MQTT and ISO/IEEE 11073 for health information sharing in the Internet of Things
  81. An Embedded Asterisk Platform Instructional Design to Teach Voice over IP in Information Technology Undergraduate Courses - Using Raspberry PI and Asterisk to Build an Embedded Portable Didactic Tool
  82. Analysis and Modeling of a Platform with Cantilever Beam using SMA Actuator - Experimental Tests based on Computer Supported Education
  83. Software Environments as Learning Tools for Modeling Engineering Systems - A Case Study on Decentralized Multi-loop Control System
  84. Generalized connections and incentives for supporting CE devices in live streaming systems
  85. Standard-based and distributed health information sharing for mHealth IoT systems
  86. Towards medical device certification: A colored Petri Nets model of a surface electrocardiography device
  87. A software framework for user-level power management
  88. Dynamic timeout power policy for network interfaces
  89. Estimating computer systems power consumption for time scaled experiments
  90. Using asterisk as a tool for teaching telephony subject for telecommunication classes
  91. Using Colored Petri Nets for the requirements engineering of a surface electrogastrography system
  92. A model-based architecture for testing medical cyber-physical systems
  93. A recommendation approach for digital TV systems based on multimodal features
  94. Integrating IEEE 11073 and constrained application protocol for personal health devices
  95. A privacy-preserving authentication and Sybil detection protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks
  96. Fatigue and emotions driven products: Assessing safety and performance using mobile devices
  97. IEEE 11073 and connected health: Preparing personal health devices for the Internet
  98. UPnP and IEEE 11073: Integrating personal health devices in home networks
  99. Using location to infer user contextual information: A case study on pervasive advertising
  100. A Topic Aware-based Approach to Maximize Social Influence
  101. Framework for developing applications for remote monitoring of people with dementia
  102. Computer systems power model estimation
  103. Feasibility of a timeout power management policy
  104. Pervasive advertising: An approach for consumers and advertisers
  105. Using Survey and Weighted Functions to Generate Node Probability Tables for Bayesian Networks
  106. Using equivalence classes for testing programs for safety instrumented systems
  107. Emotion Recognition Based on Brain-Computer Interface Systems
  108. Multilevel security in UPnP networks for pervasive environments
  109. Optimization of timeout-based power management policies for network interfaces
  110. About encouraging residential users to share upload bandwidth with CDN/P2P live streaming systems
  111. Enabling a healthy and connected home based on universal plug and play and Personal Health Devices
  112. A model to detect problems on scrum-based software development projects
  113. Model-Based Solution for Controlling Physiology
  114. Multi(Uni)cast DCCP for live content distribution with P2P support
  115. System identification and energy-aware processor utilization control
  116. Identification and control for processor power management
  117. Adaptive control for power management
  118. Obtaining formal models from Ladder diagrams
  119. Ladder programs validation through model-code traceability
  120. ThinkContacts: Use your mind to dial your phone
  121. Automatic Timed Automata Extraction from Ladder Programs for Model-Based Analysis of Control Systems
  122. Multisize Sliding Window in Workload Estimation for Dynamic Power Management
  123. A UPnP extension for enabling user authentication and authorization in pervasive systems
  124. Automatic timed automata extraction from ladder programs for model-based analysis of control systems
  125. Broadcast routing in wireless sensor networks with dynamic power management and multi-coverage backbones
  126. Standard-based formal validation of Programmable Logic Controller programs
  127. CleveRemote Adaptive environments using Bluetooth/infrared transceivers
  128. MoMPt tools: Enabling HTPCs access using UPnP and web services
  129. Workload estimation f or power management effects on battery-powered embedded systems
  130. Enabling user authentication and authorization to support context-aware UPnP applications
  131. Seamless access of home theater personal computers for mobile devices
  132. A Formal Verification and Validation Approach for Real-Time Databases
  133. Bridging Together Mobile and Service-Oriented Computing
  134. Mobile Virtual Communities
  135. Pervasive Computing
  136. Pervasive and Grid Computing Merging
  137. Service Provision for Pervasive Computing Environments
  138. Validation Approach for Real-Time Databases
  139. Validation and Verification of Software Systems Using Virtual Reality and Coloured Petri Nets
  140. Applying dynamic power management with mode switching in wireless sensor networks
  141. On the automatic generation of timed automata models from Function Block Diagrams for safety instrumented systems
  142. Energy efficient blind flooding in wireless sensors networks
  143. Dynamic Power Management with Scheduled Switching Modes
  144. Towards the UPnP-UP: Enabling User Profile to Support Customized Services in UPnP Networks
  145. Broadcast routing in Wireless Sensor Networks with Dynamic Power Management
  146. Pitfalls and tradeoffs on dealing with handoff management in bluetooth-based WPANs for real-time applications
  147. Petri Nets for Component-Based Software Systems Development
  148. A Fast and Memory Efficient Huffman Decoding Method for the MPEG-4 AAC Standard
  149. A Fast and Memory Efficient Huffman Decoding Method for the MPEG-4 AAC Standard
  150. Application Profiling in a Dual-Core Platform
  151. Application Profiling in a Dual-Core Platform
  152. BRisa UPnP A/V Framework
  153. BRisa UPnP A/V Framework
  154. A C++ environment for dynamic unanticipated software evolution
  155. An Experimental Evaluation of DCCP Transport Protocol: A Focus on the Fairness and Hand-Off over 802.11g Networks
  156. An infrastructure for developing context aware applications in pervasive environments
  157. Granola: A location and bandwidth aware protocol for Mobile Video on-Demand systems
  158. On the performance of TCP, UDP and DCCP over 802.11 g networks
  159. QoS management for real-time DataBases in embedded systems
  160. Query language in systems with hard real-time constraints
  161. Set Your Multimedia Application Free with BRisa Framework: An Open Source UPnP Implementation for Resource Limited Devices
  162. Specification and analysis of a Bluetooth handoff protocol for real-time applications
  163. Enabling Multimedia Applications in Memory-Limited Mobile Devices
  164. Interactive Multimedia File Sharing Using Bluetooth
  165. Mobile Users in Smart Spaces
  166. Exploring the Switching Energy Effect in a Dynamic Power Management Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks
  167. Dynamic Power Management with Scheduled Switching Modes in Wireless Sensor Networks
  168. On the automatic generation of timed automata models from ISA 5.2 diagrams
  169. Redes de petri híbridas diferenciais: aplicação na modelagem e no gerenciamento dinâmico de energia de redes de sensores sem fio
  170. Bounded-distance multi-coverage backbones in wireless sensor networks
  171. A Formal Verification and Validation Approach for Real-Time Databases
  172. Bridging Together Mobile and Service-Oriented Computing
  173. Enabling Mobile Chat Using Bluetooth
  174. Enabling Multimedia Applications in Memory-Limited Mobile Devices
  175. Interactive Multimedia File Sharing Using Bluetooth
  176. Mobile Users in Smart Spaces
  177. Pervasive Computing
  178. Service Provision for Pervasive Computing Environments
  179. Using Mobile Devices for Electronic Commerce
  180. Using Mobile Devices to Manage Traffic Infractions
  181. Validation and Verification of Software Systems Using Virtual Reality and Coloured Petri Nets
  182. Wireless Access Control System Using Bluetooth
  183. Evaluation of wireless links in a hybrid network structure for mobile VoIP services
  184. Filling the gap between mobile and service-oriented computing: issues for evolving mobile computing towards wired infrastructures and vice versa
  185. A Multiagent Approach for Dynamic Enterprise Partnerships
  186. Composition of software artifacts modelled using Colored Petri nets
  187. A Formal Approach for Component Based Embedded Software Modelling and Analysis
  188. A Formal Approach for the Modelling and Verification of Multiagent Plans Based on Model Checking and Petri Nets
  189. A Model-Based Approach to Formal Specification and Verification of Embedded Systems Using Colored Petri Nets
  190. Improving flexibility on host discovery for pervasive computing middlewares
  192. Modeling and analyzing power consumption in sensor networks nodes based on differential hybrid Petri nets
  193. Modelling and Analysis of Real-Time Databases for Sensor Networks Using Coloured Petri Nets
  194. Improving Reuse and Flexibility in Multiagent Intelligent Tutoring System Development Based on the COMPOR Platform
  195. Petri nets compressibility and capacity of concurrent systems
  196. Adaptation of Coloured Petri Nets Models of Software Artifacts for Reuse
  197. An Object-Based Modular CPN Approach: Its Application to the Specification of a Cooperative Editing Environment
  198. Industrial User Interface Evaluation Based on Coloured Petri Nets Modelling and Analysis
  199. From a Tridimensional View of Domain Knowledge to Multi-agent Tutoring System
  200. A Fault Tolerant Colored Petri Net Model for Flexible Manufacturing Systems
  201. G-Nets: A petri net based approach for logical and timing analysis of complex software systems
  202. Faults and timing analysis in real-time distributed systems: A fuzzy time Petri-net-based approach
  204. Synthesis of Supervisors Using Petri Nets
  205. Modeling the cooperative interactions in a teaching/learning situation
  206. Object Oriented Real-Time Database Design and Hierarchical Control Systems
  207. Transition Enabling Petri Nets to Supervisory Control Theory
  208. Embedding fault-tolerant properties in the design of complex software systems
  209. Integrating software engineering methods and Petri nets for the specification and prototyping of complex information systems
  210. Microcomputer-based data acquisition system for transient studies in hydrology
  211. Data And Control Flow Diagram And Process Automation
  212. Functional Software Prototypes for Defining and Monitoring Individual Exercise Program
  213. A Flexible Middleware for Service Provision Over Heterogeneous Pervasive Networks
  214. Implementation of transactions scheduling for real-time database management
  215. A software framework for real-time embedded automation and control systems
  216. Analysis of periodic transactions and semantic concurrency control for real-time databases using colored Petri nets
  217. A Formal Verification and Approach for Real-Time Databases
  218. A Petri net approach for knowledge base construction for fault analysis and control of discrete time systems
  219. A Software Engineering Perspective on Ubiquitous Computing Systems
  220. A fault tolerant coloured Petri net resource allocation manager for manufacturing systems
  221. A model in petri nets to analyze quality of service in real-time databases
  222. An Agent Based Formal Approach for Modeling and Verifying Integrated Intelligent Information Systems
  223. An Agent Based Formal Approach for Modeling and Verifying Integrated Intelligent Information Systems
  224. An expert ECG acquisition and analysis system
  225. An intelligent PC plug-in board for software development and process monitoring
  226. An interactive Petri net tool for modeling, analysis and simulation of complex systems
  227. An object based Petri net model application to manufacturing systems
  228. An object-oriented Petri net modeling tool and abstraction mechanisms for cooperative systems
  229. Context-Awareness in Pervasive Environments
  230. Design of distributed track-vehicle systems applying a high-level object oriented Petri net methodology
  231. Distributed control of track-vehicle system with fault-tolerant characteristics: a Petri net based approach
  232. Formal Modeling and Verification of Virtual Community Systems
  233. Formal specification of the epsilon serializibility considering quality of service
  234. Inheritance issues in object-oriented Petri net models
  235. Mobile Virtual Communities
  236. Object-based high-level Petri nets as a formal approach to distributed information systems
  237. Object-oriented real-time database design based on Petri nets
  238. Pervasive Computing
  239. Pervasive Computing
  240. Pervasive and Grid Computing Merging
  241. Simulation of the continuous dynamics of batch control systems based on Petri nets
  242. Towards a modular timing analysis of real-time software systems
  243. Towards a multi-agent interactive learning environment oriented to the Petri net domain
  244. Using Mobile Devices for Electronic Commerce