All Stories

  1. Об инвариантных относительно вращений интегрируемых системах
  2. Second order Killing tensors related to symmetric spaces
  3. On a class of quadratic conservation laws for Newton equations in Euclidean space
  4. Equivalent Integrable Metrics on the Sphere with Quartic Invariants
  5. Reducible Abelian varieties and Lax matrices for Euler’s problem of two fixed centres
  6. On integrable systems outside Nijenhuis and Haantjes geometry
  7. О тензорах Киллинга в трехмерном eвклидовом пространстве
  8. Reduction of Divisors and the Clebsch System
  9. On two-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with sixth-order integrals of motion
  10. On inhomogeneous nonholonomic Bilimovich system
  11. О шаре Чаплыгина в соленоидальном поле
  12. On the Bilimovich System with inhomogeneous non-stationary nonholonomic relation
  13. Reduction of divisors for classical superintegrable GL(3) magnetic chain
  14. Discretization and superintegrability all rolled into one
  15. On a Time-Dependent Nonholonomic Oscillator
  16. О гипотезе Мищенко — Фоменко для обобщённого осциллятора и системы Кеплера
  17. The Motion of a Nonholonomic Chaplygin Sphere in a Magnetic Field, the Grioli Problem, and the Barnett–London Effect
  18. Superintegrable systems and Riemann-Roch theorem
  19. On the Nonholonomic Routh Sphere in a Magnetic Field
  20. Influence of Bartnett-London and Einstein-de Haas effects on the motion of the nonholonomic sphere of Routh
  21. On the Chaplygin Sphere in a Magnetic Field
  22. The Kepler Problem: Polynomial Algebra of Nonpolynomial First Integrals
  23. Superintegrable Systems with Algebraic and Rational Integrals of Motion
  24. Elliptic curve arithmetic and superintegrable systems
  25. О суперинтегрируемых системax c алгебраическими и рациональными интегралами движения
  26. Transformation of the Stäckel matrices preserving superintegrability
  27. Hamiltonization and Separation of Variables for a Chaplygin Ball on a Rotating Plane
  28. Discretization of Hamiltonian Systems and Intersection Theory
  29. On Discretization of the Euler Top
  30. On superintegrable systems separable in Cartesian coordinates
  31. On exact discretization of cubic-quintic Duffing oscillator
  32. Bäcklund transformations and divisor doubling
  33. Bäcklund Transformations and New Integrable Systems on the Plane
  34. Duffing Oscillator and Elliptic Curve Cryptography
  35. Bäcklund transformations for the Jacobi system on an ellipsoid
  36. Integrable discretization and deformation of the nonholonomic Chaplygin ball
  37. New bi-Hamiltonian systems on the plane
  38. Bäcklund transformations for the nonholonomic Veselova system
  39. On an integrable system on a plane with an integral of motion of sixth order in momenta
  40. Integrability of Nonholonomic Heisenberg Type Systems
  41. Abel’s theorem and Bäcklund transformations for the Hamilton-Jacobi equations
  42. On a family of Bäcklund transformations
  43. Two integrable systems with integrals of motion of degree four
  44. On an integrable system on the plane with velocity-dependent potential
  45. On auto and hetero Bäcklund transformations for the Hénon–Heiles systems
  46. On Integrable Perturbations of Some Nonholonomic Systems
  47. Killing tensors with nonvanishing Haantjes torsion and integrable systems
  48. Bäcklund transformations relating different Hamilton-Jacobi equations
  49. On the Chaplygin system on the sphere with velocity dependent potential
  50. On bi-Hamiltonian formulation of the perturbed Kepler problem
  51. О преобразованиях Беклунда, связывающих различные уравнения Гамильтона - Якоби
  52. Simultaneous separation for the Neumann and Chaplygin systems
  53. Poisson structures for two nonholonomic systems with partially reduced symmetries
  54. Non-holonomic dynamics and Poisson geometry
  55. On the Lie integrability theorem for the Chaplygin ball
  56. On the nonlinear Poisson bracket arising in nonholonomic mechanics
  57. Separation of variables for some systems with a fourth-order integral of motion
  58. On the chaplygin problem of the rolling of a ball
  60. On a Trivial Family of Noncommutative Integrable Systems
  61. On the Routh sphere problem
  62. One family of conformally Hamiltonian systems
  63. On the Poisson structures for the nonholonomic Chaplygin and Veselova problems
  64. Superintegrable Stäckel Systems on the Plane: Elliptic and Parabolic Coordinates
  65. On One Integrable System With a Cubic First Integral
  66. New Variables of Separation for the Steklov-Lyapunov System
  67. One invariant measure and different poisson brackets for two non-holonomic systems
  68. Об одном семействе конформно-гамильтоновых систем
  69. Integrable Euler top and nonholonomic Chaplygin ball
  70. On algebraic construction of certain integrable and super-integrable systems
  71. Integrable systems on the sphere associated with genus three algebraic curves
  72. Separation of variables for the generalized Henon–Heiles system and system with quartic potential
  73. On natural Poisson bivectors on the sphere
  75. New variables of separation for particular case of the Kowalevski top
  76. On the generalized Chaplygin system
  77. On the superintegrable Richelot systems
  78. 10.1007/s11819-008-1005-1
  79. Change of the time for the periodic Toda lattices and natural systems on the plane with higher order integrals of motion
  80. Leonard Euler: Addition theorems and superintegrable systems
  81. On the bi-Hamiltonian structure of the Goryachev system on the sphere
  82. On bi-Hamiltonian geometry of some integrable systems on the sphere with cubic integral of motion
  83. On Euler superintegrable systems
  84. New lax pair for restricted multiple three wave interaction system, quasiperiodic solutions and bi-Hamiltonian structure
  85. Addition theorems and superintegrable systems
  86. Addition theorems and the Drach superintegrable systems
  87. On bi-Hamiltonian geometry of the Lagrange top
  88. On maximally superintegrable systems
  89. The Poisson bracket compatible with the classical reflection equation algebra
  90. On bi-hamiltonian structure of some integrable systems on so* (4)
  91. Separation of variables for a pair of integrable systems on so*(4)
  92. Darboux-Nijenhuis variables for open generalized Toda chains
  93. On two different bi-Hamiltonian structures for the Toda lattice
  94. Classification of compatible Lie-Poisson brackets on the manifold e*(3)
  95. A family of the Poisson brackets compatible with the Sklyanin bracket
  96. Compatible Lie-Poisson brackets on the Lie algebras e(3) and so(4)
  97. On classical r matrix for the Kowalevski gyrostat on so(4)
  98. On the Darboux-Nijenhuis Variables for the Open Toda Lattice
  99. Bi-Hamiltonian systems of natural form
  100. A note on elliptic coordinates on the Lie algebrae(3)
  101. Isomorphism of integrable cases of the Euler equations on the bi-Hamiltonian manifolds e(3) and so(4)
  102. A new integrable system onS2with the second integral quartic in the momenta
  103. On a family of integrable systems on S2 with a cubic integral of motion
  104. A Family of Integrable Systems on a Sphere
  105. Toda Chains in the Jacobi Method
  106. Integrable systems onso(4) related toXXXspin chains with boundaries
  107. Poisson maps and integrable deformations of the Kowalevski top
  108. Separation of variables for integrable systems on Poisson manifolds
  109. The Maupertuis Principle and Canonical Transformations of the Extended Phase Space
  110. Degenerate integrable systems on the plane with a cubic integral of motion
  111. An integrable system related to the spherical top and the Toda chain
  112. Properties of the canonical transformations of the time for the Toda lattice and the Henon-Heiles system
  113. On integrable deformations of the spherical top
  114. Automorphisms of sl(2) and classical integrable systems
  115. Dynamical boundary conditions for integrable lattices
  116. Automorphisms of sl(2) and dynamical r-matrices
  117. The classicalr-matrix method and superintegrable systems
  118. Quantum relativistic Toda chains
  119. Linear r-matrix algebra for classical separable systems
  120. Infinite series of Lie algebras and boundary conditions for integrable systems