All Stories

  1. Measuring user perceptions of maternity care quality from start to finish: A comprehensive survey
  2. An integrative literature review of psychosocial factors in the transition to parenthood following non-donor-assisted reproduction compared with spontaneously conceiving couples
  3. Using a quality care framework to evaluate user and provider experiences of maternity care: A comparative study
  4. Using the Quality Maternal and Newborn Care Framework to evaluate women's experiences of different models of care: A qualitative study
  5. Hungarian midwife spared jail for helping women to give birth at home
  6. Adapting the Quality Maternal and Newborn Care (QMNC) Framework to evaluate models of antenatal care: A pilot study
  7. Pregnant women threatened with jail if they drink alcohol or take drugs
  8. Survey of nutrition policies and activities of organisations helping Syrian refugees in Lebanon
  9. Midwife appeals against being struck off professional register
  10. Appealing a decision in a clinical negligence claim
  11. Damages awarded for ‘nervous shock’ at a birth
  12. A case of autism, learning disability, and refusal of a planned caesarean
  13. Antenatal care trial interventions: a systematic scoping review and taxonomy development of care models
  14. Evaluation of a retrospective diary for peri-conceptual and mid-pregnancy drinking in Scotland: a cross-sectional study
  15. Peri-conceptual and mid-pregnancy drinking: a cross-sectional assessment in two Scottish health board areas using a 7-day Retrospective Diary
  16. Linking areas of higher and lower deprivation with alcohol consumption during pregnancy
  17. Midwifery-led antenatal care models: mapping a systematic review to an evidence-based quality framework to identify key components and characteristics of care
  18. When systems fail: An unhappy tale of a busy night shift
  19. Plus ça change: Problems with memory and the importance of documentation (again)
  20. New law on notifying female genital mutilation
  21. The feasibility and acceptability of using the Mother-Generated Index (MGI) as a Patient Reported Outcome Measure in a randomised controlled trial of maternity care
  22. Translation and cultural adaptation of the Mother-Generated Index into Brazilian Portuguese: A postnatal quality of life study
  23. Landmark case on negligence and consent
  24. Exploration of preterm birth rates associated with different models of antenatal midwifery care in Scotland: Unmatched retrospective cohort analysis
  25. Landmark FGM case: Doctors found not guilty
  26. Nocebo and the potential harm of ‘high risk’ labelling: a scoping review
  27. Should alcohol abuse in pregnancy entail criminal liability?
  28. ‘I didn't know why you had to wait’: an evaluation of NHS infant-feeding workshops amongst women living in areas of high deprivation
  29. Expert witnesses under criticism
  30. Unique and proforma birth plans: A qualitative exploration of midwives׳ experiences
  31. Never mind the World Cup—Brazil in the obstetric spotlight
  32. Mental capacity and court-ordered treatment
  33. ‘The midwives aren't allowed to tell you’: Perceived infant feeding policy restrictions in a formula feeding culture – The Feeding Your Baby Study
  34. Water VBAC: Exploring a new frontier for women's autonomy
  35. NMC found to be acting outside its legal powers
  36. Infant feeding in Eastern Scotland: A longitudinal mixed methods evaluation of antenatal intentions and postnatal satisfaction—The Feeding Your Baby study
  37. Prediction of initiation and cessation of breastfeeding from late pregnancy to 16 weeks: the Feeding Your Baby (FYB) cohort study
  38. Evaluating the reliability, validity, acceptability, and practicality of SMS text messaging as a tool to collect research data: results from the Feeding Your Baby project
  39. Cross-cultural adaptation and translation of a quality of life tool for new mothers: a methodological and experiential account from six countries
  40. Surviving, not thriving: a qualitative study of newly qualified midwives’ experience of their transition to practice
  41. Recruiting and retaining postpartum women from areas of social disadvantage in a weight-loss trial - an assessment of strategies employed in the WeighWell feasibility study
  42. Care and environment in midwife-led and obstetric-led units: A comparison of mothers’ and birth partners’ perceptions
  43. Maternal quality of life assessment: the feasibility of antenatal–postnatal follow‐up using the Mother‐Generated Index
  44. Examining Autonomy’s Boundaries: A Follow-up Review of Perinatal Mortality Cases in UK Independent Midwifery
  45. Outcomes for births booked under an independent midwife and births in NHS maternity units: matched comparison study
  46. An exploratory study to assess the acceptability of an antenatal quality-of-life instrument (the Mother-generated Index)
  47. Self-Rated “No-” and “Low-” Risk Pregnancy: A Comparison of Outcomes for Women in Obstetric-Led and Midwife-Led Units in England
  48. Commentary on Hung C-H (2006) Revalidation of the postpartum stress scale. Journal of Clinical Nursing 15, 718?725
  49. An exploratory mixed-methods study of Scottish midwives’ understandings and perceptions of clinical near misses in maternity care
  50. Postnatal quality of life assessment: validation of the Mother-Generated Index
  51. A qualitative study of pregnant teenagers’ perceptions of the acceptability of a nutritional education intervention
  52. Postnatal quality of life: a pilot study using the Mother-Generated Index
  53. The development and pilot evaluation of a nutrition education intervention programme for pregnant teenage women (food for life)
  54. Pilot study: Quality of life assessment of postnatal fatigue and other physical morbidity
  55. Postnatal Quality of Life Assessment: Introducing the Mother-Generated Index