All Stories

  2. The DOE E3SM Coupled Model Version 1: Overview and Evaluation at Standard Resolution
  3. A Variational Method for Sea Ice Ridging in Earth System Models
  4. Sea ice—it’s more than just frozen water
  5. Evaluation of the atmosphere–land–ocean–sea ice interface processes in the Regional Arctic System Model version 1 (RASM1) using local and globally gridded observations
  6. Quality control for community-based sea-ice model development
  7. Corrigendum: Spatial and temporal characterisation of sea-ice deformation
  8. Effects of Model Resolution and Ocean Mixing on Forced Ice-Ocean Physical and Biogeochemical Simulations Using Global and Regional System Models
  9. Development of the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Near-Surface Atmospheric Climate Sensitivity
  10. An Autonomous Approach to Observing the Seasonal Ice Zone in the Western Arctic
  11. The coastal streamflow flux in the Regional Arctic System Model
  12. Land Surface Climate in the Regional Arctic System Model
  13. Winter Atmospheric Buoyancy Forcing and Oceanic Response during Strong Wind Events around Southeastern Greenland in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) for 1990–2010*
  14. Simulating transient ice-ocean Ekman transport in the Regional Arctic System Model and Community Earth System Model
  15. The Future of Arctic Sea Ice
  16. Exploring the Potential for Arctic System Modeling
  17. Spatial and temporal characterization of sea-ice deformation
  18. Role of Ice Dynamics in the Sea Ice Mass Balance
  19. Modeling M2 tidal variability in Arctic Sea-ice drift and deformation
  20. Ice formation in the Mertz Glacier polynya, East Antarctica, during winter
  21. Sensible- and latent-heat-flux estimates over the Mertz Glacier polynya, East Antarctica, from in-flight measurements