All Stories

  1. New contributions in Tourism Research in the Ibero-American world
  2. Estimating the impact of cruise tourism through regional input–output tables
  3. Culture and cultures in tourism
  4. The relationship between cultural tourist behaviour and destination sustainability
  5. How much does urban location matter for growth?
  6. Examining the impact of visa restrictions on international tourist flows using panel data: Un análisis con datos de panel
  7. Steady tourists’ relationship with a mature destination
  8. Destination competitiveness, the environment and sustainability: challenges and cases
  9. Estimating the economic impact of a port through regional input–output tables: Case study of the Port of Cartagena (Spain)
  10. Proximity, trade and ethnic networks of migrants: case study for France and Egypt
  11. Foot Voting in Spain: What Do Internal Migrations Say About Quality of Life in the Spanish Municipalities?
  12. The Socio-Economic Impact of Migration Flows
  13. Immigrants’ Networks, Distance, and Trade Creation Effects: An Study Employing Province-Level Data for Italy, Spain and Portugal
  14. The Determinants of Migrants’ Remittance Inflows in the MENA Region: A Macroeconomic Approach
  15. International migration, remittances, and the human capital formation of Egyptian children
  16. Spatial Effects in Industrial Location Choices: Industry Characteristics and Urban Accessibility
  17. The Role of Destination Spatial Spillovers and Technological Intensity in the Location of Manufacturing and Services Firms
  18. The trade-enhancing effect of immigration networks: New evidence on the role of geographic proximity
  19. Economic Impact of Rural Tourism in Costa Rica and in the Region of Murcia, and Its Implications on Demand
  20. Capturing Spatial Clusters of Activity in the Spanish Mediterranean Axis
  21. The factor content of regional bilateral trade: The role of technology and demand
  22. Shocks, spillovers and the location of firms
  23. Factor productivity differences and missing trade problems in a regional HOV model
  24. Industrial location, spatial discrete choice models and the need to account for neighbourhood effects
  25. Factores determinantes de la duración de la estancia turística en un destino de sol y playa: El caso de la Región de Murcia
  26. Is Spain a lumpy country? A dynamic analysis of the ‘lens condition’
  27. Diversificación y complementariedad en los intercambios exteriores de España: el Mercosur