All Stories

  1. Bipolare Störungen
  2. Negativsymptome in der Schizophrenie und ihre Differenzialdiagnose
  3. Challenging predictions between affective temperaments, depression and anxiety in a Kosovo student community sample
  4. Older and Newer Strategies for the Pharmacological Management of Agitation in Patients with Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia
  5. Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders: From the Biological Basis to a Rational Pharmacological Treatment
  6. Diagnostik und Therapie depressiver Störungen
  7. From (Psycho) pathology to diagnosis: psychiatry nosology beyond dichotomy
  8. Are deficits in social cognition differentiating between schizophrenia and affective disorders
  9. Neurobiological correlates of the treatment of emotion processing in schizophrenia
  10. Diagnostik und Therapie depressiver Störungen
  11. Agitation und Aggression
  12. Therapie depressiver Störungen mit selektiven Serotonin-Rückaufnahme-Inhibitoren (SSRI)
  13. Aggression und serotoninerge Dysfunktion
  14. Agitation: a central challenge in psychiatry
  15. The connection of temperament with ADHD occurrence and persistence into adulthood – An investigation in 18 year old males
  16. Waren die Neandertaler bipolar?
  17. From Griesinger to DSM-V: Do we need the diagnosis of schizophrenia?
  18. The role of cognition in the psychopathology of schizophrenia: Assessment and treatment options
  19. The effects of integrated treatment with atypical antipsychotics and social cognition training on functional outcome
  20. The brief TEMPS-M temperament questionnaire: A psychometric evaluation in an Austrian sample
  21. Kognition bei depressiven Störungen
  22. Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen bei Erwachsenen
  23. Mischzustände, Mischbilder und die depressive Episode mit gemischten Merkmalen
  24. Addiction: the Burden of Cyclothymic Temperament
  25. Bipolar disorder in adults with Asperger׳s Syndrome: A systematic review
  26. Lesch typology and temperament in opioid dependence: A cross-sectional study
  27. Athanasios Koukopoulos (1931–2013)
  28. Suicidal ideation and temperament: An investigation among college students
  29. Affective temperaments and alcoholism
  30. The concept of temperament in psychoactive substance use among college students
  31. No amygdala attenuation in schizophrenic patients treated with atypical antipsychotics
  32. P-107 - Temperament and its relationship to alcohol dependence
  33. The impact of temperament in the course of alcohol dependence
  34. Therapieadhärenz bei Schizophrenie-Patienten
  35. Inpatient treatment of major depression in Austria between 1989 and 2009: Impact of downsizing of psychiatric hospitals on admissions, suicide rates and outpatient psychiatric services
  36. P02-332 - Neurocognitive predictors of functional outcome in patients with bipolar disorder
  37. Rethinking subthreshold bipolarity: The rebirth of Kahlbaum-Hecker syndrome
  38. An Investigation of Temperamental Traits in Patients With Somatoform Disorder: Do They Belong in the Affective Spectrum?
  39. Elevated metabolites within dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in rapid cycling bipolar disorder
  40. Depressive Symptome und das Idiopathische Parkinson Syndrom (IPS): Ein Review
  41. Neurocognitive functions as endophenotypes in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
  42. Endophenotypes of depression and anxiety
  43. Predisposing factors for early retirement in patients with Schizophrenia in Germany
  44. Sexual Dysfunction in Psychiatric Inpatients The Role of Antipsychotic Medication
  45. Sexual Impairment in Psychiatric Inpatients: Focus on Depression
  46. Serial proton spectroscopy in a case of adult-onset subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
  47. Studies on a German (Münster) version of the temperament auto-questionnaire TEMPS-A: construction and validation of the briefTEMPS-M
  48. Distribution and gender effects of the subscales of a German version of the temperament autoquestionnaire briefTEMPS-M in a university student population
  49. Basal Prolactin Values Correlate with Response to Reboxetine Treatment in Major Depression, but Not with Response to Citalopram
  50. P.1.001 Basal prolactin values correlate with response to reboxetine treatment in depressed patients, but not with response to citalopram
  51. The Impact of the Selective Monoamine Reuptake Inhibitors Reboxetine and Citalopram on Visually-Evoked Event-Related Potentials in Depressed Patients
  52. The astroglial protein S100B and visually evoked event-related potentials before and after antidepressant treatment
  53. High basal prolactin values predict response to reboxetine treatment in major depression
  54. The impact of reboxetine and citalopram on visually-evoked event-related potentials in depressed patients
  55. Visually-evoked event-related potentials and oral citalopram challenge test
  56. Treatment response in major depression is correlated with an increased concentration of the neuroplasticity marker S100B
  57. Treatment of bipolar mania with right prefrontal rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation
  58. A Case Report of Mania Related to Discontinuation of Bupropion Therapy for Smoking Cessation
  59. Metabolic changes within the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex occurring with electroconvulsive therapy in patients with treatment resistant unipolar depression
  60. S100B and response to treatment in major depression: a pilot study
  61. Acute mania is accompanied by elevated glutamate/glutamine levels within the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
  62. Oral citalopram and reboxetine challenge tests before and after selective antidepressant treatment
  63. Effective electroconvulsive therapy reverses glutamate/glutamine deficit in the left anterior cingulum of unipolar depressed patients
  64. Das Spektrum bipolarer Erkrankungen
  65. Neurotrophic Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy: A Proton Magnetic Resonance Study of the Left Amygdalar Region in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression
  66. A Switch from Propofol to Etomidate During an ECT Course Increases EEG and Motor Seizure Duration
  67. Severe Tardive Dyskinesia in Affective Disorders: Treatment with Vitamin E and C
  68. Bupropion as Add-On Strategy in Difficult-to-Treat Bipolar Depressive Patients
  69. Valproinsäure zur Behandlung von „rapid cycling“ und dysphorischer Manie
  70. Intravenöse Valproinsäure-Behandlung bei bipolaren Störungen
  71. Valproinsäure in der Behandlung des manischen Syndroms und in der Prophylaxe bipolarer affektiver Störungen
  72. Corticosteroid-Induced Acute Mania During A Cluster Headache Episode
  73. Association of Short-Term Response to Haloperidol Treatment With a Polymorphism in the Dopamine D2Receptor Gene
  74. Topiramate in the Treatment of Acute Mania
  75. Depressive Störungen in der neurologischen Rehabilitation: Therapie mit Paroxetin
  76. Mad scenes in early 19th-century opera
  77. De Novo Onset of Parkinson's Disease After Antidepressant Treatment With Citalopram
  78. Euphoric Mania and Rapid Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
  79. Possible association of the short allele of the serotonin transporter promoter gene polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) with violent suicide
  80. Topiramate Monotherapy in the Maintenance Treatment of Bipolar I Disorder:Effects on Mood, Weight and Ser um Lipids
  81. Tiagabine Appears Not to Be Efficacious in the Treatment of Acute Mania
  82. Treatment of bipolar mania with right prefrontal rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): An open study
  83. Safety and efficacy of high dose venlafaxine added to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in therapy-resistant depression
  84. Intravenous Valproate Loading in Acutely Manic and Depressed Bipolar I Patients
  85. Elektrokonvulsionstherapie in der Behandlung der schweren Manie
  86. Treatment of tardive akathisia with clonidine: a case report
  87. Gabapentin in der Behandlung der akuten Manie
  88. Lack of antimanic efficacy of the GABA transporter 1 inhibitor tiagabine
  89. Trimipramine shows no antimanic action — A discrepancy between in vitro rationale and clinical efficacy
  90. Screening questionnaires in the detection of hazardous alcohol consumption in the general hospital: direct or disguised assessment?
  91. An open label study of gabapentin in the treatment of acute mania
  92. New perspectives in the treatment of acute mania: A single case report
  93. EKG-Veränderungen nach Paroxetin
  94. Female Genital Disorder as Adverse Symptom of Lamotrigine Treatment
  95. Lamotrigine in the Treatment of Schizoaffective Disorder
  96. Renal Impairment as a Possible Side Effect of Gabapentin
  97. Immunoglobulintherapie bei Gilles-de-la-Tourette-Syndrom
  98. P.1.041 Effect of pindolol in hastening response to serotoninergic antidepressants: An open study in severely depressed female in-patients
  99. Mianserin-induzierte Hypertonie 2 Wochen nach Absetzen von Tranylcypromin
  100. Sensitive measurement of agonist-stimulated [3H]inositol monophosphate accumulation in rat cortical miniprisms
  101. Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin and Alcohol Dependency
  102. Kombinationstherapien bei Therapieresistenz auf Antidepressiva - eine Übersicht
  103. Effects of unilateral lesion of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis on carbachol- and serotonin-stimulated [3H]inositolmonophosphate accumulation in rat fronto-parietal cortex
  104. Perspektiven zur Therapie neuropsychiatrischer Erkrankungen mit adenosinergen Substanzen
  105. Effects of subchronic pretreatment withd-fenfluramine orp-chloroamphetamine on [3H]inositolmonophosphate accumulation in rat cortical miniprisms
  106. Adenosine and Neuropsychiatric Disorders
  107. Phospholipid and Phospholipid Metabolites in Rat Frontal Cortex Are Decreased following Nucleus Basalis Lesionsa
  108. Prädiktion des antidepressiven Behandlungserfolgs - kritische Übersicht und Perspektiven
  109. Effects of methiothepin on changes in brain serotonin release induced by repeated administration of high doses of anorectic serotonenergic drugs
  110. Adenosin und Methylxanthine im Zentralnervensystem - zur Bedeutung für Psychiatrie und Neurologie
  111. Einsatz von Antidepressiva und MAO-Hemmern in sequentieller Folge oder in Kombination miteinander als effiziente Strategie bei therapieresistenten Depressionen
  112. Psychiatric Symptoms and Neuropsychological Deficits in HIV Infection
  113. AIDS-Erkrankung und Psychopathologie - Beobachtungen aus dem psychiatrischen Konsiliardienst in einer internistischen Klinik
  114. Tolerability of long term clozapine treatment
  115. Studies on Binding Sites for Adenosine Receptor Ligands in Rat Brain: An Approach to the Specification of Adenosinergic Functions
  116. Do cerebral arteriovenous malformations increase in size?
  117. Biochemical and Autoradiographic Approaches to the Characterization of Adenosine Receptors in Brain
  118. Heterogeneity of binding sites for N-ethylcar☐amido[3H]adenosine in rat brain: Effects of N-ethylmaleimide
  119. Properties of binding sites for [3H]cyclohexyladenosine in the hippocampus and other regions of rat brain: A quantitative autoradiographic study