All Stories

  1. The law of geographical indications at the centre of the European green deal
  2. EU Geographical Indications and the Protection of Producers and Their Investments
  3. Anatomy of Traditional Specialities Guaranteed: Analysis of the Functioning, Limitations and (Possible) Future of the Forgotten EU Quality Scheme
  4. Analysis of art 22(1) TRIPS 'Geographical Indications'
  5. Sui generis, bureaucratic and based on origin: a snapshot of the nature of EU Geographical Indications
  6. The Transformation of EU Geographical Indications Law
  7. The new Russian Law of Geographical Indications: a critical assessment
  8. Sui Generis Geographical Indications for the Protection of Non-Agricultural Products in the EU: Can the Quality Schemes Fulfil the Task?
  9. The Debate Between the European Parliament and the Commission on the Definition of Protected Designation of Origin: Why the Parliament Is Right
  10. The Role Played by the US Government in Protecting Geographical Indications
  11. International exhaustion of trade marks and parallel imports in the US and the EU: how to achieve symmetry?