All Stories

  1. 23rd RCRA International workshop on “Experimental evaluation of algorithms for solving problems with combinatorial explosion”
  2. Preface
  3. Query answering in resource-based answer set semantics
  4. Theoretical Computer Science in Italy
  5. Augmenting Agent Computational Environments with Quantitative Reasoning Modules and Customizable Bridge Rules
  6. Augmenting Agent Computational Environments with Quantitative Reasoning Modules and Customizable Bridge Rules
  7. A GPU Implementation of the ASP Computation
  8. Negation as a Resource: a Novel View on Answer Set Semantics*
  9. CUD@SAT: SAT solving on GPUs
  10. RASP and ASP as a fragment of linear logic
  11. Negation as a Resource: A Novel View on Answer Set Semantics
  12. Autonomous agents coordination: Action languages meet CLP() and Linda
  13. Distributed colorings for collision-free routing in sink-centric sensor networks
  14. A graphical representation of relational formulae with complementation
  15. Strong Equivalence of RASP Programs
  16. Perspectives on Logic-Based Approaches for Reasoning about Actions and Change
  17. Weight Constraints with Preferences in ASP
  18. Multivalued action languages with constraints in CLP(FD)
  19. Theory-Specific Automated Reasoning
  20. Representing Multi-agent Planning in CLP
  21. Modeling preferences and conditional preferences on resource consumption and production in ASP
  22. Comparative uncertainty: theory and automation
  23. Qualitative Uncertainty Orderings Revised
  24. Decidability results for sets with atoms
  25. Management of uncertainty orderings through ASP
  26. An efficient relational deductive system for propositional non-classical logics
  27. An Environment for Specifying Properties of Dyadic Relations and Reasoning About Them II: Relational Presentation of Non-classical Logics
  28. The axiom of elementary sets on the edge of Peircean expressibility
  29. A Comparison of CLP(FD) and ASP Solutions to NP-Complete Problems
  30. Three-variable statements of set-pairing
  31. A graphical approach to relational reasoning1 1This research was partially funded by the Italian CNR (coordinated project log(SETA)); by MURST PGR-2000; by the EC TMR Network GETGRATS; and by Esprit Working Group APPLIGRAPH.
  32. An Agg Application Supporting Visual Reasoning1
  33. Layered map reasoning
  34. Instructing Equational Set-Reasoning with Otter
  35. Goals and Benchmarks for Automated Map Reasoning
  36. An Equational Re-engineering of Set Theories
  37. Multivalued Action Languages with Constraints in CLP(FD)