All Stories

  1. Adaptation and Adaptedness of Organisms to Urban Environments
  2. Urbanisation, plant traits and the composition of urban floras
  3. Conserving insect assemblages in urban landscapes: accounting for species-specific responses and imperfect detection
  4. Extinction debt of cities and ways to minimise their realisation: a focus on Melbourne
  5. Composition of the soil seed bank in remnant patches of grassy woodland along an urbanization gradient in Melbourne, Australia
  6. The future of urban biodiversity research: Moving beyond the ‘low-hanging fruit’
  7. Local Assessment of Melbourne: The Biodiversity and Social-Ecological Dynamics of Melbourne, Australia
  8. Exposing an urban ecology straw man: critique of Ramalho and Hobbs
  9. Plant traits and extinction in urban areas: a meta-analysis of 11 cities
  10. A global synthesis of plant extinction rates in urban areas
  11. Comparative ecology of cities and towns: past, present and future
  12. Ecology of Cities and Towns
  13. A comparative ecology of cities and towns: synthesis of opportunities and limitations
  14. A conceptual framework for predicting the effects of urban environments on floras
  15. The use of gradient analysis studies in advancing our understanding of the ecology of urbanizing landscapes: current status and future directions
  17. Composition of the plant community in remnant patches of grassy woodland along an urban–rural gradient in Melbourne, Australia
  18. Selecting independent measures to quantify Melbourne's urban–rural gradient
  19. The habitat hectares approach to vegetation assessment: An evaluation and suggestions for improvement
  20. Introduction: Scope of the book and need for developing a comparative approach to the ecological study of cities and towns