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  1. Prospects for Commercialization of Rabbit Production in Africa: Empirical Evidence from Ghana
  2. Safeguarding sustainability: Exploring safety practice adherence among urban vegetable farmers in Ghana
  3. Compliance with cocoa quality management practices in Ghana; To what extent are cocoa farmers complying?
  4. The synergy between farmers’ declaration of qualitative and quantitative maize postharvest losses in the transition agroecological zone of Ghana
  5. Waste generation and management in the food service sector: Evidence from Ghana
  6. Value Chain Analysis of the Broiler Industry in the Southern Sector of Ghana
  7. Does adoption of cocoa hand pollination (CHP) improve welfare of farmers? Evidence from smallholder cocoa farmers in Ghana
  8. Modelling of vertical integration in commercial poultry production of Ghana: A count data model analysis
  9. Artisanal small-scale mining and livelihood assets in rural southern Ghana
  10. Performance of smallholder soybean farmers in Ghana; evidence from Upper West Region of Ghana
  11. Adoption impact of maize seed technology on farm profitability: evidence from Ghana
  12. Are perception and adaptation to climate variability and change of cowpea growers in Mali gender differentiated?
  13. Profit efficiency among maize farmers and implications for poverty alleviation and food security in Ghana