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  1. Semantic Segmentation of the Lung to Examine the Effect of COVID-19 Using UNET Model
  2. Vec2Dynamics: A Temporal Word Embedding Approach to Exploring the Dynamics of Scientific Keywords—Machine Learning as a Case Study
  3. Scholarly data mining: A systematic review of its applications
  4. DeepHist: Towards a Deep Learning-based Computational History of Trends in the NIPS
  5. Leap2Trend: A Temporal Word Embedding Approach for Instant Detection of Emerging Scientific Trends
  6. Using frame-based resources for sentiment analysis within the financial domain
  7. FineNews: fine-grained semantic sentiment analysis on financial microblogs and news
  8. k-NN Embedding Stability for word2vec Hyper-Parametrisation in Scientific Text
  9. Leveraging semantics for sentiment polarity detection in social media
  10. Leveraging social information for personalized search
  11. Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis on Financial Microblogs and News Headlines
  12. KISS MIR: Keep It Semantic and Social Music Information Retrieval