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  1. Effects of integrated nutrient management and urea deep placement on rice yield, nitrogen use efficiency, farm profits and greenhouse gas emissions in saline soils of Bangladesh
  2. Effects of integrated plant nutrition systems with fertilizer deep placement on rice yields and nitrogen use efficiency under different irrigation regimes
  3. Assessment of Yield Limiting Nutrients through Response of Rice to Nutrient Omission Technique of Shallow Brown Terrace under Madhupur Tract
  4. Effect of sterile rice spikelets derived biochar amendment on nutrient leaching and availability in paddy soil under continuous standing water
  5. Integrated Plant Nutrient Systems Improve Rice Yields without Affecting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Lowland Rice Cultivation
  6. Effect of nutrient omission on rice yield in a wetland double rice cropping system
  7. Bio-Organic Fertilizer: A Green Technology to Reduce Synthetic N and P Fertilizer for Rice Production
  8. In Quest of Nitrogen Use-Efficient Rice Genotypes for Drought-Prone Rainfed Ecosystems
  9. Nitrogen response of two high yielding rice varieties as influenced by nitrogen levels and growing seasons
  10. Effect of long-term chemical and organic fertilization on rice productivity, nutrient use-efficiency, and balance under a rice-fallow-rice system
  11. Effect of Missing Nutrient Elements on Grain Yield of Wet Season Rice in Bangladesh
  12. Effects of NPKS on Yield and Nutrition of BRRI dhan49
  13. Rice straw is a good source of potassium
  14. Eight-year long potassium fertilization effects on quantity/intensity relationship of soil potassium under double rice cropping
  15. IPNS based fertilizer management for rice in coastal zone of Bangladesh
  16. Future demand of rice for food security
  17. Magic Growth Produced Zero Effect on Rice Yield
  18. Effect of potassium fertilization on yield and potassium nutrition of Boro rice in a wetland ecosystem of Bangladesh
  19. Assessment of Appropriate Doses of GA3 and Row Ratio for Better Seed Yield of a Promising Hybrid Rice Variety
  20. Arsenic Concentrations in Groundwater, Soils, and Irrigated Rice in Southwestern Bangladesh
  21. Predicting Phosphorus Desorption from Acid Piedmont Rice Soils of Bangladesh
  22. Phosphorus Fractionations in Acidic Piedmont Rice Soils
  23. Inorganic and Organic Phosphorus Fertilizer Effects on the Phosphorus Fractionation in Wetland Rice Soils
  24. Interaction Effects of Sulphur and Phosphorus on Wetland Rice
  25. Arsenic Sorption Characteristics of Four Agricultural Soils of Bangladesh