All Stories

  1. Comparative Study of Urinary Calcium Levels in Women With Preeclampsia Compared to Normotensive Pregnant Women in Lagos, Nigeria
  2. Open Abdominal Metroplasty for the Treatment of Uterine Septum in a Woman with Uterine Factor Infertility- A Case Report
  3. A Comparative Study of Fetal and Maternal Outcomes in Booked and Unbooked Mothers Delivering at a Tertiary Health Care Institute in Lagos- Retrospective Cohort Study
  4. Effects of Maternal Dyslipidemia on Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes in Enugu, Southeast Nigeria: A Prospective Cohort Study
  5. Microbiology testing capacity and antimicrobial drug resistance in surgical-site infections: a post-hoc, prospective, secondary analysis of the FALCON randomised trial in seven low-income and middle-income countries
  6. A Retrospective Audit of Placental Weight and Fetal Outcome at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Southwest Nigeria
  7. Determinants of Infertile of Infertile Women Requesting Assisted Reproduction Techniques in a Low Resource Setting in Western Nigeria
  8. Clitoridal inclusion cyst as a complication of female genital mutilation in a 7-year-old Nigerian girl
  9. Secondary Amenorrhea from Long Forgotten Intracervical Herbal Concoction Pessary: A Case Report and Review of Literature
  10. Huge Subserosal Uterine Lipoleiomyoma -A Case Report and Literature Review
  11. Giant “Hydra Headed” Uterine Fibroid in a Nullipara: A Case Report
  12. Impact of first-trimester body mass index on pregnancy outcomes: observational study
  13. Diagnosis and treatment of obstetrics disseminated intravascular coagulation in resource limited settings
  14. Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes of Preeclampsia at a Tertiary Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria
  15. Predictors of Pap smear testing uptake among women in Lagos, Nigeria
  16. The predictive significance of serum cystatin C and free sub unit of β-Human chorionic gonadotropin in pregnant women with preeclampsia in Lagos
  17. Impact of Mobile Technologies on Cervical Cancer Screening Practices in Lagos, Nigeria (mHealth-Cervix): A Randomized Controlled Trial
  18. Predictors of Survival Outcomes After Primary Treatment of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer in Lagos, Nigeria
  19. Predictors, barriers and motivating factors for human papillomavirus vaccination and testing as preventive measures for cervical cancer: A study of urban women in Lagos, Nigeria
  20. Successful management of cervical ectopic pregnancy following invitro fertilisation
  21. Posterior classical caesarean section in a myomatous gravid uterus at term: a case report
  22. SARS‐CoV‐2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study
  23. A rare case of utero-vaginal prolapse seen at third trimester: case report and review of literature
  24. Uterocutaneous Fistula Postabdominal Myomectomy
  25. Seminal fluid parameters of male partners of infertile couples seeking care at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital
  26. Effects of selenium supplementation on pregnancy outcomes and disease progression in HIV‐infected pregnant women in Lagos: A randomized controlled trial
  27. Hysterosalpigography findings of female partners of infertile couple attending fertility clinic at Lagos University Teaching Hospital
  28. Two successful live births following trans-abdominal cervicoisthmic cerclage in a woman with recurrent miscarriages
  29. Primary vaginal leiomyosarcoma: case report of a rare gynaecological malignancy and diagnostic challenge in a resource-constraint setting
  30. Prognostic impact of pretreatment thrombocytosis in epithelial ovarian cancer
  31. Ectopic pregnancy at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, South-Western Nigeria: Temporal trends, clinical presentation and management outcomes from 2005 to 2014
  32. Primary vaginal adenocarcinoma of intestinal-type: case report of a rare gynaecological tumour