All Stories

  1. Early Identification of Hearing Loss and Language Development at 32 Months of Age
  2. Frequency of Early Intervention Sessions and Vocabulary Skills in Children with Hearing Loss
  3. Early Intervention, Parent Talk, and Pragmatic Language in Children With Hearing Loss
  4. Predictors of Vocabulary Outcomes in Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing From Spanish-Speaking Families
  5. Language Outcomes Improved Through Early Hearing Detection and Earlier Cochlear Implantation
  6. Early Hearing Detection and Vocabulary of Children With Hearing Loss
  7. Language and Verbal Reasoning Skills in Adolescents With 10 or More Years of Cochlear Implant Experience
  8. Describing the Trajectory of Language Development in the Presence of Severe-to-Profound Hearing Loss
  9. Reliability of audiometric thresholds obtained with insert earphones when used by certified audiometric technicians
  10. Vowel Production in 7- to 12-Month-Old Infants With Hearing Loss
  11. Language Skills of Children with Early Cochlear Implantation
  12. Use of Speech by Children From Total Communication Programs Who Wear Cochlear Implants
  13. Language of Early- and Later-identified Children With Hearing Loss
  14. Sign With Me: A Family Sign Language Curriculum, Birth to Three, Volumes 1 and 2, ASL Version
  15. Validity of Parent Report Measures of Vocabulary Development for Children With Down Syndrome