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  1. Course-Skill Atlas: A national longitudinal dataset of skills taught in U.S. higher education curricula
  2. Interpretable fake news detection with topic and deep variational models
  3. Analyzing Brand Awareness Strategies on Social Media in the Luxury Market: The Case of Italian Fashion on Instagram
  4. Analyzing Brand Awareness Strategies on Social Media in the Luxury Market: the Case of Italian Fashion
  5. THOR: A Hybrid Recommender System for the Personalized Travel Experience
  6. Graph-Based Conversation Analysis in Social Media
  7. Connecting Students with Research Advisors Through User-Controlled Recommendation
  8. SMART: Towards Automated Mapping between Data Specifications
  9. A multi-perspective approach for analyzing long-running live events on social media. A case study on the “Big Four” international fashion weeks
  10. Preference Mining in the Travel Domain
  11. Social Media Posts Popularity Prediction During Long-Running Live Events A case study on Fashion Week
  12. The role of social media in long-running live events: The case of the Big Four fashion weeks dataset
  13. Conversation Graphs in Online Social Media
  14. Towards Learning Travelers’ Preferences in a Context-Aware Fashion