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  1. Net energy gain in direct laser acceleration due to enhanced dephasing induced by an applied magnetic field
  2. Laser reflection as a catalyst for direct laser acceleration in multipicosecond laser-plasma interaction
  3. Radiation reaction as an energy enhancement mechanism for laser-irradiated electrons in a strong plasma magnetic field
  4. Laser-driven acceleration of quasi-monoenergetic, near-collimated titanium ions via a transparency-enhanced acceleration scheme
  5. Extreme nonlinear dynamics in vacuum laser acceleration with a crossed beam configuration
  6. Direct laser acceleration of electrons in the plasma bubble by tightly focused laser pulses
  7. Impact of ion dynamics on laser-driven electron acceleration and gamma-ray emission in structured targets at ultra-high laser intensities
  8. Probing and possible application of the QED vacuum with micro-bubble implosions induced by ultra-intense laser pulses
  9. Relativistic proton emission from ultrahigh-energy-density nanosphere generated by microbubble implosion
  10. Ionization injection of highly-charged copper ions for laser driven acceleration from ultra-thin foils
  11. Structured targets for detection of Megatesla-level magnetic fields through Faraday rotation of XFEL beams
  12. Highly collimated electron acceleration by longitudinal laser fields in a hollow-core target
  13. The unexpected role of evolving longitudinal electric fields in generating energetic electrons in relativistically transparent plasmas
  14. Interaction of an electron with coherent dipole radiation: Role of convergence and anti-dephasing
  15. Laser-driven strong magnetostatic fields with applications to charged beam transport and magnetized high energy-density physics
  16. Leveraging extreme laser-driven magnetic fields for gamma-ray generation and pair production
  17. Kinetic simulations of X-B and O-X-B mode conversion and its deterioration at high input power
  18. Nonlinear parametric resonance of relativistic electrons with a linearly polarized laser pulse in a plasma channel
  19. Parametric decay of plasma waves near the upper-hybrid resonance
  20. Investigation of laser pulse length and pre-plasma scale length impact on hot electron generation on OMEGA-EP
  21. Breaking of dynamical adiabaticity in direct laser acceleration of electrons
  22. Self-aligning concave relativistic plasma mirror with adjustable focus
  23. Enhanced proton acceleration in an applied longitudinal magnetic field
  24. Universal scalings for laser acceleration of electrons in ion channels
  25. Enhanced Multi-MeV Photon Emission by a Laser-Driven Electron Beam in a Self-Generated Magnetic Field
  26. Beyond the ponderomotive limit: Direct laser acceleration of relativistic electrons in sub-critical plasmas
  27. Generation of Superponderomotive Electrons in Multipicosecond Interactions of Kilojoule Laser Beams with Solid-Density Plasmas
  28. Spontaneous emergence of non-planar electron orbits during direct laser acceleration by a linearly polarized laser pulse
  29. Compact tunable Compton x-ray source from laser wakefield accelerator and plasma mirror
  30. Criterion for correctly simulating relativistic electron motion in a high-intensity laser field
  31. Summary report of working group 2: Computations for accelerator physics
  32. The effect of superluminal phase velocity on electron acceleration in a powerful electromagnetic wave
  33. Relativistic Plasma Polarizer: Impact of Temperature Anisotropy on Relativistic Transparency
  34. Laser generation of ultra-short neutron bursts from high atomic number converters
  35. Novel aspects of direct laser acceleration of relativistic electrons
  36. Laser-to-hot-electron conversion limitations in relativistic laser matter interactions due to multi-picosecond dynamics
  37. Compact tunable Compton x-ray source from laser-plasma accelerator and plasma mirror
  38. Temporal resolution criterion for correctly simulating relativistic electron motion in a high-intensity laser field
  39. Kinetic simulations of X-B and O-X-B mode conversion
  40. Ultrashort Pulsed Neutron Source
  41. Enhancement of laser-driven electron acceleration in an ion channel
  42. Observation of Self-Sustaining Relativistic Ionization Wave Launched by a Sheath Field
  43. Generating “Superponderomotive” Electrons due to a Non-Wake-Field Interaction between a Laser Pulse and a Longitudinal Electric Field
  44. Spatio-temporal profiling of cluster mass fraction in a pulsed supersonic gas jet by frequency-domain holography
  45. Parametric amplification of laser-driven acceleration in a plasma channel
  46. Parametric Amplification of Laser-Driven Electron Acceleration in Underdense Plasma
  47. Characterization of cluster/monomer ratio in pulsed supersonic gas jets
  48. Measurements and modeling of radio frequency field structures in a helicon plasma
  49. Size distribution and mass fraction of microclusters in laser-irradiated plasmas
  50. Generation of Fast Ions by Microclusters
  51. Collisionless plasma expansion into vacuum: Two new twists on an old problem
  52. Magnetic nozzle and plasma detachment model for a steady-state flow
  53. Ambipolar acceleration of ions in a magnetic nozzle
  54. Ion acceleration by hot electrons in microclusters
  55. Resonant power absorption in helicon plasma sources
  56. Propagation of radially localized helicon waves in longitudinally nonuniform plasmas
  57. Status of Magnetic Nozzle and Plasma Detachment Experiment
  58. Publisher’s Note: “Nonlinear physics of laser-irradiated microclusters” [Phys. Plasmas 12, 056706 (2005)]
  59. Nonlinear physics of laser-irradiated microclusters
  60. Magnetohydrodynamic scenario of plasma detachment in a magnetic nozzle
  61. Harmonic generation in clusters
  62. Theoretical components of the VASIMR plasma propulsion concept
  63. Electron response in laser-irradiated microclusters
  64. Ion kinetics in a magnetized plasma source
  65. l=1 diocotron instability of single charged plasmas
  66. Single-pass ion cyclotron resonance absorption
  67. Radially Localized Helicon Modes in Nonuniform Plasma