All Stories

  1. Apolipoprotein E4 and driving
  2. Trait anxiety and interference in the emotional Stroop task in young and old adults
  3. The nonverbal BriefScreen: A cognitive screening method for patients with limited language and motor abilities
  4. Intraindividual variability in driving simulator parameters of healthy drivers of different ages
  5. An 8-Layer Model for Metacognitive Skills in Kindergarten
  6. Off-road assessment of cognitive fitness to drive
  7. Symbol Digit Modalities Test: Greek Normative Data for the Oral and Written Version and Discriminative Validity in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
  8. School Readiness From Kindergarten to Primary School
  9. Perception and Text Comprehension. It’s a Matter of Perception!
  10. Self-awareness of Driving Ability in the Healthy Elderly and Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
  11. Testamentary Capacity Assessment Tool (TCAT): A Brief Instrument for Patients with Dementia
  12. Testamentary Capacity Assessment: Legal, Medical, and Neuropsychological Issues
  13. Intervention and Diagnostic Tools in Preschool Education
  15. Relation of Memory and Linguistic Fields and ICT Tools for Memory and Language Comprehension
  16. Self-assessment of older drivers with brain pathologies: reported habits and self-regulation of driving
  17. Which are the critical parameters assessing the driving performance of drivers with cerebral diseases? A literature review
  18. Driving in mild cognitive impairment: The role of depressive symptoms
  19. The Role of Games in Special Preschool Education
  20. Mobile Learning For Preschool Education
  21. Cognition and driving behavior in neurodegenerative disorders
  22. Episodic Memory in Alzheimer Disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, and Dementia With Lewy Bodies/Parkinson Disease Dementia
  23. Incidental and intentional memory performance in depression and amnestic mild cognitive impairment
  24. P11 How drivers with brain pathologies deal with in-vehicle distraction, what are their emotions and driving habits: a questionnaire assessment
  25. Functional categories related to verb inflection are not differentially impaired in Greek aphasia
  26. B-88 * Neurocognitive Correlates of Driving Behavior
  27. A-10 * Differential Simulator Driving Patterns among Community-Dwelling Healthy and Mildly Neurologically Impaired Adults during Driver Distraction Conditions
  28. Cavum Septi Pellucidi and Cavum Vergae With Increased Amyloid β Cortical Load in a 65-Year-Old Woman With Bipolar Disorder: Post-Mortem Neuropathological Observations
  29. The 5 Objects Test: a novel, minimal-language, memory screening test
  30. Testamentary capacity and intention in patients with dementia
  31. The impact of neurological condition on driver distraction in a driving simulator experiment: Preliminary findings
  32. Are memory deficits dependent on the presence of aphasia in left brain damaged patients?
  33. Psychiatric Disturbance and Mild Intellectual Disability in the Context of a Vascular Malformation (Capillary Telangiectasia) of the Posterior Hippocampus and Subiculum
  34. A Selective Memory Deficit Caused by Autoimmune Encephalopathy Associated With Hashimoto Thyroiditis
  35. Patterns of Cognitive and Fine Motor Deficits in a Case of Dandy-Walker Continuum
  36. P1‐507: Discrepancies of memory functions in healthy and memory‐impaired older persons
  37. Memory score discrepancies by healthy middle-aged and older individuals: The contributions of age and education
  38. Factors affecting the production of verb inflections in Greek aphasia
  39. Nonepisodic Memory Deficits in Amnestic MCI
  40. The breakdown of functional categories in Greek aphasia: Evidence from agreement, tense, and aspect
  41. Working-Delayed Memory Difference Detects Mild Cognitive Impairment Without Being Affected by Age and Education
  42. Primary and secondary memory differences as a function of age and education
  43. Olfactory identification in elderly Greek people in relation to memory and attention measures
  44. Awareness deficits in neurological disorders and schizophrenia
  45. Auditory Perception Changes After Reimplantation in a Child Cochlear Implant User
  46. Speech changes in a postlingually deafened girl using a multichannel cochlear implant