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  1. The Close Link of Pancreatic Iron With Glucose Metabolism and With Cardiac Complications in Thalassemia Major: A Large, Multicenter Observational Study
  2. MRI multicentre prospective survey in thalassaemia major patients treated with deferasirox versus deferiprone and desferrioxamine
  3. Gender differences in the development of cardiac complications: a multicentre study in a large cohort of thalassaemia major patients to optimize the timing of cardiac follow-up
  4. Pattern of complications and burden of disease in patients affected by beta thalassemia major
  5. Prediction of cardiac complications for thalassemia major in the widespread cardiac magnetic resonance era: a prospective multicentre study by a multi-parametric approach
  6. Extramedullary hematopoiesis is associated with lower cardiac iron loading in chronically transfused thalassemia patients
  7. Pancreatic iron overload by T2* MRI in a large cohort of well treated thalassemia major patients: Can it tell us heart iron distribution and function?
  8. Improvement of heart iron with preserved patterns of iron store by CMR-guided chelation therapy
  9. Myocardial iron overload in thalassaemia major. How early to check?