All Stories

  1. Deep-ocean seaweed dumping for carbon sequestration: Questionable, risky, and not the best use of valuable biomass
  2. Performance of the estuarine alga Punctaria latifolia (Phaeophyceae) under different abiotic culture conditions
  3. Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) morphological and reproductive strategies in two contrasting sub-Antarctic forests
  4. Seaweed blue carbon: Ready? Or Not?
  5. Carbon nanotube production from algal biochar using microwave irradiation technology
  6. The influence of ammonium to nitrate ratio on the thermal responses of early life stages of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera
  7. The contribution of aquaculture systems to global aquaculture production
  8. Overview of global Gracilaria production, the role of biosecurity policies and regulations in the sustainable development of this industry
  9. A new Progressive Management Pathway for improving seaweed biosecurity
  10. Reproduction, hatchery and culture applications for the giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera): a methodological appraisal
  11. Extraction of phycobiliproteins and agar from the alga Gracilaria
  12. Predator control of marine communities increases with temperature across 115 degrees of latitude
  13. First report of the intentionally introduced kelp, Saccharina japonica, in the Pacific coast of southern Chile
  14. Farming the Ocean – Seaweeds as a Quick Fix for the Climate?
  15. The aquaculture supply chain in the time of covid-19 pandemic: Vulnerability, resilience, solutions and priorities at the global scale
  16. LeiX. G.,2021. Seaweed and Microalgae as Alternative Sources of Protein. Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Sciences, Volume 107. Burleigh Dodds Science Publisher, Sawston, Cambridge, UK, 322 pp.
  17. A systematic evidence map of conservation knowledge in Chilean Patagonia
  18. A mesocosm study on bacteria‐kelp interactions: Importance of nitrogen availability and kelp genetics
  19. Publisher Correction: A 20-year retrospective review of global aquaculture
  20. Solar Radiation as an Isolated Environmental Factor in an Experimental Mesocosm Approach for Studying Photosynthetic Acclimation of Macrocystis pyrifera (Ochrophyta)
  21. Author Correction: A 20-year retrospective review of global aquaculture
  22. A 20-year retrospective review of global aquaculture
  23. The Synergistic Impacts of Anthropogenic Stressors and COVID-19 on Aquaculture: A Current Global Perspective
  24. Resúmenes en extenso
  25. Enhancing yield on Macrocystis pyrifera (Ochrophyta): The effect of gametophytic developmental strategy
  26. Physiological stress modulates epiphyte (Rhizoclonium sp.)-basiphyte (Agarophyton chilense) interaction in co-culture under different light regimes
  27. Better off alone? Compared performance of monoclonal and polyclonal stands of a cultivated red alga growth
  28. Varying reproductive success under ocean warming and acidification across giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) populations
  29. Structure of the epiphytic bacterial communities of Macrocystis pyrifera in localities with contrasting nitrogen concentrations and temperature
  30. Introduction of a Phycologia special issue on seaweed farming and biomass processing
  31. Synthesis of green-emitting GO-CD composite from brown macroalgal bio-oil
  32. Toward a Coordinated Global Observing System for Seagrasses and Marine Macroalgae
  33. Revisiting the economic profitability of giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (Ochrophyta) cultivation in Chile
  34. Effect of temperature variation in Agarophyton chilensis: contrasting the response of natural and farmed populations
  35. The seaweed resources of Chile over the period 2006–2016: moving from gatherers to cultivators
  36. Nutrients, but not genetic diversity, affect Gracilaria chilensis (Rhodophyta) farming productivity and physiological responses
  37. Kelp genetic structure and breeding in the coast of Chile
  38. Yield of Macrocystis pyrifera grown close to salmon farms
  39. Resistencia a los antimicrobianos en Chile y el paradigma de Una Salud: manejando los riesgos para la salud pública humana y animal resultante del uso de antimicrobianos en la acuicultura del salmón y en medicina
  40. review on epiphytic bacteria - seaweed interaction.
  41. Report on bacterial community diversity affected by salmon farming in the south of Chile
  42. Unpacking factors influencing antimicrobial use in global aquaculture and their implication for management: a review from a systems perspective
  43. Seaweed production: overview of the global state of exploitation, farming and emerging research activity
  44. The 22nd International Seaweed Symposium: Academia meets industry
  45. Influence of sedimentation in the absence of macrograzers on recruitment of an annual population of Macrocystis pyrifera in Metri Bay, Chile
  46. Plasmid-Mediated Quinolone Resistance (PMQR) Genes and Class 1 Integrons in Quinolone-Resistant Marine Bacteria and Clinical Isolates of Escherichia coli from an Aquacultural Area
  47. Perspectives on domestication research for sustainable seaweed aquaculture
  48. Macromolecular Antioxidants and Dietary Fiber in Edible Seaweeds
  49. Optimized seedling production of Macrocystis
  50. Overview of 3 year precommercial seafarming of Macrocystis pyrifera along the Chilean coast
  51. Global patterns of kelp forest change over the past half-century
  52. Scaling up bioethanol production from the farmed brown macroalgaMacrocystis pyriferain Chile
  53. Effects of light, temperature and stocking density on Halopteris scoparia growth
  54. Aquaculture as yet another environmental gateway to the development and globalisation of antimicrobial resistance
  55. Identification and efficient extraction method of phlorotannins from the brown seaweed Macrocystis pyrifera using an orthogonal experimental design
  56. Hurd, C. L., Harrison, P. J., Bischof, K. & Lobban, C. S. 2014. Seaweed Ecology and Physiology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 551 pp.
  57. Growth responses of Pterocadiella capillacea to light and stocking density
  58. Salmonid Farming☆
  59. Germplasm banking of the giant kelp: Our biological insurance in a changing environment
  60. Effect of stocking density and water flow on Halopteris scoparia IMTA cultivation
  61. Analyzing redox balance in a synthetic yeast platform to improve utilization of brown macroalgae as feedstock
  62. Prospects and challenges for industrial production of seaweed bioactives
  63. Antimicrobial resistance genes in marine bacteria and human uropathogenicEscherichia colifrom a region of intensive aquaculture
  64. Coexistence in a subtidal habitat in southern Chile: the effects of giant kelpMacrocystis pyriferaovergrowth on the slipper limpetCrepipatella fecunda
  65. Production and economic assessment of giant kelpMacrocystis pyriferacultivation for abalone feed in the south of Chile
  66. Antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial resistance genes in marine bacteria from salmon aquaculture and non-aquaculture sites
  67. Bioremediation potential, growth and biomass yield of the green seaweed,Ulva lactucain an integrated marine aquaculture system at the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia at different stocking densities and effluent flow rates
  68. The Status of Kelp Exploitation and Marine Agronomy, with Emphasis on Macrocystis pyrifera, in Chile
  69. Evaluation of repopulation techniques for the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (Laminariales)
  70. Potential impact of sea urchins on kelp beds
  71. Sea-urchin - kelp interaction
  72. Un análisis crítico sobre el uso de macroalgas como base para una acuicultura sustentable
  73. Ecophysiological plasticity of annual populations of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) in a seasonally variable coastal environment in the Northern Patagonian Inner Seas of Southern Chile
  74. Antimicrobial use in aquaculture re-examined: its relevance to antimicrobial resistance and to animal and human health
  75. The ecological importance of Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyta) forests towards a sustainable management and exploitation of Chilean coastal benthic co-management areas
  76. Can giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) forests enhance invertebrate recruitment in southern Chile?
  77. Salmon Aquaculture and Antimicrobial Resistance in the Marine Environment
  78. Experiments on an integrated aquaculture system (seaweeds and marine fish) on the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia: efficiency comparison of two local seaweed species for nutrient biofiltration and production
  79. Nitrogen uptake responses of Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss under combined and single addition of nitrate and ammonium
  81. IMTA with Gracilaria vermiculophylla: Productivity and nutrient removal performance of the seaweed in a land-based pilot scale system
  82. A pilot-scale study of the vegetative propagation and suspended cultivation of the carrageenophyte alga Gigartina skottsbergii in southern Chile
  83. Uso inadecuado y excesivo de antibióticos: Salud pública y salmonicultura en Chile
  84. Population dynamics and culture studies of the edible red algaCallophyllis variegata(Kallymeniaceae)
  85. Light acclimation strategies of three commercially important red algal species
  86. Ecological engineering in aquaculture — Potential for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) in marine offshore systems
  87. Traditional vs. Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture of Gracilaria chilensis C. J. Bird, J. McLachlan & E. C. Oliveira: Productivity and physiological performance
  88. Salmon aquaculture and coastal ecosystem health in Chile: Analysis of regulations, environmental impacts and bioremediation systems
  89. Opportunities and challenges for the development of an integrated seaweed-based aquaculture activity in Chile: determining the physiological capabilities of Macrocystis and Gracilaria as biofilters
  90. Seaweed future cultivation in Chile: perspectives and challenges
  91. Multitrophic Integration for Sustainable Marine Aquaculture
  92. Mariculture Waste Management
  93. Global Ecology of the Giant Kelp Macrocystis
  94. The Need for a Balanced Ecosystem Approach to Blue Revolution Aquaculture
  95. Vegetative propagation of the carrageenophytic red alga Gigartina skottsbergii Setchell et Gardner: Indoor and field experiments
  96. Residuos de tetraciclina y quinolonas en peces silvestres en una zona costera donde se desarrolla la acuicultura del salmón en Chile
  97. Long Term Variability in the Structure of Kelp Communities in Northern Chile and the 1997–98 ENSO
  98. Reproduction strategies of Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyta) in Southern Chile: The importance of population dynamics
  99. Farming of the Giant Kelp Macrocystis Pyrifera in Southern Chile for Development of Novel Food Products
  100. A review of the impacts of salmonid farming on marine coastal ecosystems in the southeast Pacific
  101. Comparison of Spore Inoculated and Vegetative Propagated Cultivation Methods of Gracilaria chilensis in an Integrated Seaweed and Fish Cage Culture
  103. Population biology of the subtidal kelps Macrocystis integrifolia and Lessonia trabeculata (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) in an upwelling ecosystem of northern Chile: interannual variability and El Niño 1997-1998
  104. Variability in per capita oogonia and sporophyte production from giant kelp gametophytes (Macrocystis pyrifera, Phaeophyceae)
  105. Experimental indoor cultivation of the carrageenophytic red alga Gigartina skottsbergii
  106. The effect of water movement, temperature and salinity on abundance and reproductive patterns of Macrocystis spp. (Phaeophyta) at different latitudes in Chile
  107. Integrated aquaculture: rationale, evolution and state of the art emphasizing seaweed biofiltration in modern mariculture
  108. Integrated mariculture: asking the right questions
  109. Use of the axial dispersion model to describe the O3and O3 /H2O2advanced oxidation of alachlor in water
  112. Red algal farming in Chile: a review
  113. Recent advances in the understanding of the biological basis for Gigartina skottsbergii (Rhodophyta) cultivation in Chile
  114. Intertidal cultivation of Gracilaria chilensis (Rhodophyta) in southern Chile: long term invertebrate abundance patterns
  115. Integrated marine cultivation of Gracilaria chilensis (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) and salmon cages for reduced environmental impact and increased economic output
  117. A review of the environmental effects and alternative production strategies of marine aquaculture in Chile
  118. Gracilaria-Mytilus interaction on a commercial algal farm in Chile
  119. Integrated tank cultivation of salmonids and Gracilaria chilensis (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta)
  120. Gracilaria-Mytilus interaction on a commercial algal farm in Chile
  121. An introduction to integrated farming and the use of seaweeds as biofilters
  122. Integrated tank cultivation of salmonids and Gracilaria chilensis (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta)
  123. Cultivation of Gracilaria on the sea-bottom in southern Chile: a review
  124. Gracilaria chilensis outdoor tank cultivation in Chile: Use of land-based salmon culture effluents
  125. Epiphytes affect seaweed growth by several mechanisms
  127. Interaction mechanisms between Gracilaria chilensis (Rhodophyta) and epiphytes
  128. Intertidal Gracilaria farming in southern Chile: differences of the algal proveniance
  129. Algal Communities of a Wave-Protected Intertidal Rocky Shore in Southern Chile
  130. Evaluation of artificial intertidal enclosures for Gracilaria farming in southern Chile
  131. Amphipod Food Preference and Iridaeaspp. (Rhodophyta) Spore Release and Dispersal
  132. Abundance, effects and management of epiphytism in intertidal cultures of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta) in southern Chile
  134. The role of herbivory and desiccation on early successional patterns of intertidal macroalgae in southern Chile
  135. Intertidal macroalgae as refuge and food for amphipoda in Central Chile
  136. Micrograzers and spore release in Iridaea laminarioides Bory (Rhodophyta: Gigartinales)
  137. Reproduction strategies of Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyta) in Southern Chile: The importance of population dynamics
  138. Long term variability in the structure of kelp communities in northern Chile and the 1997–98 ENSO
  139. Farming of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera in southern Chile for development of novel food products
  140. Opportunities and challenges for the development of an integrated seaweed-based aquaculture activity in Chile: determining the physiological capabilities of Macrocystis and Gracilaria as biofilters