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  1. Stroke prevention by low-dose anticoagulation in patients with heart failure and sinus rhythm: is it worth the effort?
  2. Retinopathy, Neuropathy, and Subsequent Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Acute Coronary Syndrome in the ELIXA: The Importance of Disease Duration
  3. Audits of clinical practice should be encouraged. Use of loop diuretics in patients without a diagnosis of heart failure should be discouraged
  4. Patterns of treatment with antiplatelet therapy after an acute coronary syndrome: Data from a large database in a community setting
  5. The use of antiplatelet agents after an acute coronary syndrome in a large community Italian setting of more than 12 million subjects
  6. The year in cardiology 2016: heart failure
  7. Adherence to alendronic or risedronic acid treatment, combined or not to calcium and vitamin D, and related determinants in Italian patients with osteoporosis