All Stories

  1. AVT-390: Outlook on Innovative Simulation Technologies Arising From Analyses of the DLR LK6E2 Airframe
  2. Reynolds and Mach Number Effects on the Aerodynamics and Design of Airfoils for the Martian Atmosphere
  3. Assessment of Icing Wind Tunnel Operational Uncertainties on Ice Protection System Performances
  4. Assessment of the PoliMIce Toolkit From the 2nd AIAA Ice Prediction Workshop
  5. A Multi-Step Stochastic Approach to In-Flight Icing Simulation
  6. Numerical Characterization of the Aeroacoustics of Tandem Propellers in Hover
  7. Preliminary Noise Emission Analysis of an Elastic Small Scale Propeller
  8. Adjoint-Based Tonal and Broadband Aeroacoustic Optimization of Propeller Blades With Amiet Model
  9. Ice Shape Convergence in Multi-Step Ice Accretion Simulations over Straight Wings
  10. Monnalisa: Modelling Nonlinear Aerodynamics of Lifting Surfaces
  11. Multi-fidelity assessment of the aerodynamic performances of unconventional aircraft tail configurations
  12. Poly-dispersed Eulerian-Lagrangian particle tracking for in-flight icing applications
  13. How do Uncertain Flow Parameters Affect the Shock Pattern in Nonequilibrium Gas Flows Around Blunt Bodies?
  14. Optimization of a multi-layered heater for an electro-thermal ice protection system for a composite wing
  15. Numerical Simulations of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine in Icing Conditions With and Without Electro-Thermal Ice Protection System
  16. Assessment of the PoliMIce toolkit from the 1st AIAA Ice Prediction Workshop
  17. Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis of a Wing-Tip Mounted Propeller Configuration from the Workshop for Integrated Propeller Prediction (WIPP)
  18. Towards Real-Time In-Flight Ice Detection Systems via Computational Aeroacoustics and Machine Learning
  19. Oblique waves in steady supersonic flows of Bethe–Zel’dovich–Thompson fluids
  20. Non-ideal oblique shock waves
  21. Influence of a recessed step at the throat section of a supersonic nozzle
  22. Local Solution to the Unsteady Stefan Problem for In-Flight Ice Accretion Modeling
  23. Blockage and Three-Dimensional Effects in Wind-Tunnel Testing of Ice Accretion over Wings
  24. An Adaptive Conservative ALE Approach to Deal with Large Boundary Displacements in Three-Dimensional Inviscid Simulations
  25. Multifidelity Physics-Based Method for Robust Optimization Applied to a Hovering Rotor Airfoil
  26. Evidence of complex flow structures in a converging-diverging nozzle caused by a recessed step at the nozzle throat
  27. Extension of the SU2 open source CFD code to the simulation of turbulent flows of fuids modelled with complex thermophysical laws
  28. A model for in-flight ice accretion based on the exact solution of the unsteady Stefan problem
  29. Drag minimization of an isolated airfoil in transonic inviscid flow by means of genetic algorithms
  30. Robust aerodynamic optimization of morphing airfoils for helicopter rotor blades