All Stories

  1. Understanding smallholder preferences for joint ventures in Ghana's rice sector: Improving market access through inclusive business models
  2. Understanding Land-Use Trade-off Decision Making Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process: Insights from Agricultural Land Managers in Zambia
  3. Policy approaches for enhanced dairy sector innovation – a review of future pathways and policies for effective implementation of digital agriculture
  4. The role of credence attribute claims in food product launch – a comparative study of New Zealand and Australia
  5. Risk perception, farmer−herder conflicts and production decisions: evidence from Nigeria
  6. Farmer-herder conflicts and food insecurity: Evidence from rural Nigeria
  7. Effects of sustainable agricultural practices on farm income and food security in northern Ghana
  8. Balancing the push and pull factors of land-use change: a New Zealand case study
  9. Gendered access to land and household food insecurity: Evidence from Nigeria
  10. Food product launch and positioning in China—Do claims of credence attributes matter?
  11. Perceptions and vulnerability of farming households to climate change in three agro-ecological zones of Ghana
  12. Beyond Sustainable Intensification: Transitioning Primary Sectors through Reconfiguring Land-Use
  13. Analysis of adoption trends of in-parlor technologies over a 10-year period for labor saving and data capture on pasture-based dairy farms
  14. Towards a bioeconomic vision for New Zealand – Unlocking barriers to enable new pathways and trajectories
  15. Does the use of climate information contribute to climate change adaptation? Evidence from Ghana
  16. The impact of access to irrigation on rural incomes and diversification: evidence from China
  17. Short communication: The relationship between farm debt and dairy productivity and profitability in New Zealand
  18. Off-farm work decisions of farm couples and land transfer choices in rural China
  19. Innovation Uncertainty Impacts the Adoption of Smarter Farming Approaches
  20. Impact of Internet use on economic well‐being of rural households: Evidence from China
  21. Production intensification and animal health expenditure on dairy farms in New Zealand
  22. Gendered Access to Land and Household Food Insecurity: Evidence from Nigeria
  23. Challenges and Opportunities for Land Use Transformation: Insights from the Central Plains Water Scheme in New Zealand
  24. Peak phosphorus, demand trends and implications for the sustainable management of phosphorus in China
  25. Off-farm income and food expenditure of rural households in China
  26. Enabling a transformation to a bioeconomy in New Zealand
  27. Modelling the heterogeneous effects of stocking rate on dairy production: an application of unconditional quantile regression with fixed effects
  28. Impact of off-farm income on household energy expenditures in China: Implications for rural energy transition
  29. Consumer Willingness to Pay Price Premiums for Credence Attributes of Livestock Products – A Meta‐Analysis
  30. The role of agricultural cooperatives in serving as a marketing channel: evidence from low-income regions of Sichuan province in China
  31. Agricultural cooperative membership and technical efficiency of apple farmers in China: An analysis accounting for selectivity bias
  32. Off-farm work, smartphone use and household income: Evidence from rural China
  33. Smartphone use and income growth in rural China: empirical results and policy implications
  34. Feed use intensification and technical efficiency of dairy farms in New Zealand
  35. Farm machinery use, off‐farm employment and farm performance in China
  36. Higher Intensity, Higher Profit? Empirical Evidence from Dairy Farming in New Zealand
  37. Regulatory challenges to economic growth in aquaculture: The case of licensing in the Irish oyster industry
  38. Retirement farming or sustainable growth – land transfer choices for farmers without a successor
  39. What drives innovation in the agricultural sector? A spatial analysis of knowledge spillovers
  40. Market structure and coherence of international cooperation: the case of the dairy sector in Malawi
  41. Measuring and understanding the drivers of agricultural innovation: Evidence from Ireland
  42. Application of an integrated systemic framework for analysing agricultural innovation systems and informing innovation policies: Comparing the Dutch and Scottish agrifood sectors
  43. The Impact of EU Export Refunds on the African Continent: An Impact Assessment
  44. Innovation in Livestock Genetic Improvement
  45. Policy reform and agricultural land abandonment in the EU
  46. Refining perception-based farmer typologies with the analysis of past census data
  47. Estimating the costs of climate change adaptation in the agricultural sector.
  48. Retailers Price Behavior in the UK Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Market
  49. Control of foliar diseases in barley: towards an integrated approach
  50. Western European Approaches to and Interpretations of Multifunctional Agriculture – and Some Implications of a Possible Neo-Productivist Turn
  51. The Food Crisis and the Changing Nature of Scottish Agricultural Policy Discourse
  52. Re‐evaluating the Harbinson Proposal – Prospects for the EU25: A Note
  53. EU Reform of the Sugar Beet Regime: Implications for UK Agriculture
  54. Beyond money for nothing; beyond set‐aside?
  55. Economic, biological and policy constraints on the adoption of carbon farming in temperate regions
  56. Distributional aspects of the UK costs of the common agricultural policy