All Stories

  1. Intracellular Ellagic Acid Derived from Goat Urine DMSO Fraction (GUDF) Predicted as an Inhibitor of c-Raf Kinase
  2. Predicted Role of Acetyl-CoA Synthetase and HAT p300 in Extracellular Lactate Mediated Lactylation in the Tumor: In vitro and In silico Models
  3. Reduced Level of Prolylhydroxyproline in the Nail Clippings of Oral Cancer Patients and its Role as an Activator of Phospholipase C-β2
  4. An Intracellular Tripeptide Arg-His-Trp of Serum Origin Detected in MCF-7 Cells Is A Possible Agonist to β2 Adrenoceptor
  5. Distinct DNA Metabolism and Anti-proliferative Effects of Goat Urine Metabolites: An Explanation for Xeno-tumor Heterogeneity
  6. Breast cancer stem cells as last soldiers eluding therapeutic burn: A hard nut to crack