All Stories

  1. Quantum chemical study of new oxadiazoles as efficient optical and nonlinear optical and photovoltaic materials under gas, PCM and COSMO solvent effects
  2. Synthesis, spectral, crystal structure, linear and NLO properties of quinoline Schiff base: Combined experimental and DFT calculations
  3. A comprehensive investigation involving numerous HTL and ETL layers to design and simulate high-efficiency Ca3AsI3-based perovskite solar cells
  4. Multi-step synthesis, kinetics and in silico explorations of indole-Phenyl-1,2,4-triazole Bi-heterocyclic hybrids unified with 3-substituted benzamides as elastase inhibitors
  5. Synthesis And Photovoltaic Performance of Carbazole (Donor) Based Photosensitizers in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC): A Review
  6. First principles study of elastic and acoustic properties of new chloride perovskites
  7. A first-principles investigation of XZn2Si2 (X = Ca, Sr, Ba) Zintl compounds: structural, elastic, electrical, optical and thermoelectric properties
  8. Ring opening of epoxides: a facile approach towards the synthesis of polyketides and related stereoenriched natural products: a review
  9. Convergent Synthesis, Kinetics, and Computational Studies of Indole(Phenyl)Triazole Bi‐Heterocycles Modified With Propanamides as Elastase Inhibitors
  10. Achieving 34 % efficiency with a dual-absorber solar cell design using CaRbCl3 and Ca3NCl3 perovskites
  11. Computational investigation of the structural, mechanical and acoustic characteristics of rare earth based Heusler compounds
  12. Exploring Rb2YCuCl6 and Cs2YCuCl6 double perovskites: Structural, electronic, optical, elastic, and thermoelectric properties via density functional theory
  13. First-principle calculations to investigate mechanical and acoustical properties of predicted stable halide Perovskite ABX3
  14. Insights into novel MAX phases based on Mo2SiX (X = C, N) from first-principles calculations
  15. A benchmark quantum chemical probe into the structural stability of various anchoring groups to form graphene oxides
  16. Exploring the impact of heterocyclic bridges for tuning the amplitudes of Nonlinear optical properties under Gas, IEFPCM and COSMO solvent models
  17. First-principles calculations to investigate Electronic, Optical, Mechanical, and transport characteristics of novel A2BAuCl6 (A = K/Rb/Cs; B = Sc/Y)
  18. Optoelectronic, thermoelectric, and elastic properties of Cu6PSe5X (X = Br, I) argyrodites using density functional theory
  19. Yamaguchi esterification: a key step toward the synthesis of natural products and their analogs—a review
  20. From MAX to MXene: A case study of Sc2TlC MAX phase, Sc2C pristine MXene, and surface-functionalized Sc2CT2 (T=O, F) MXenes
  21. Investigating the synergetic effect of tungsten oxide doping into the 1,3-dicarbonyl moiety grafted chitosan and phytic acid impregnated sodium alginate for efficient U(VI) adsorption
  22. Investigation of structural, electronic, optical, mechanical, and solar cell performance of inorganic novel Ca3AsI3 compound through DFT and SCAPS-1D
  23. Optical and transport properties of novel X2BAgCl6 (where X = K, Rb, Cs, and B = Sc, Y) double perovskites
  24. Unlocking the structural, mechanical, optical, and electronic properties of novel inorganic cubic lead free halide perovskites Ca3SbX3 (X = F, Cl, Br, I)
  25. “Optimizing solar-driven dye degradation: Ag6Si2O7/WSe2 nanocomposites via S-scheme photocatalysis”
  26. Designing of halogenated and traditional donor–acceptors composites for high-performance nonlinear optical applications
  27. Analysis of the electronic nature and transport properties of Co2CrGe, Co2FeGe, and Co2NiGa by computational electronic structure calculations
  28. Investigations of the physical behavior of Cr2PX (X = C and N) MAX phases through first-principles calculations
  29. Ultralight molybdenite-doped and phosphate rich alginate composites exhibiting superb chelating ability for UO22+: Adsorption thermodynamics, kinetics and mechanistic evaluation
  30. A new exploration of the impact of different wide-bandgap S-chalcogenides Electron Transport Layers (ETL) on the performance of BaSi2-based solar cells
  31. Quantum Chemical Prediction of Nonlinear Optical and Photovoltaic Properties in Linear and Bent Configurations of Carbazole/Borole Derivatives
  32. A new design and optimization of SnSe-based dual absorber solar cell with efficiency above 28%
  33. Exploring the multifaceted properties of zinc-doped nanocrystalline calcium chromite: A comprehensive investigation into structural, morphological, optical, and magnetic behavior
  34. Quantum chemical framework for designing high-performance ladder-shape NLO molecules and study of implicit vs explicit solvent effects on their NLO properties
  35. V2XT2 (X: C, N; T: O, F) MXenes; potential two-dimensional materials for spintronics, optoelectronics, and photovoltaic applications
  36. A Deep Analysis and Enhancing Photovoltaic Performance Above 31% with New Inorganic RbPbI3‐Based Perovskite Solar Cells via DFT and SCAPS‐1D
  37. 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate based polymer microgels and their hybrids
  38. 2D Materials in Advanced Electronic Biosensors for Point‐of‐Care Devices
  39. A novel design and optimization of Si based high performance double absorber heterojunction solar cell
  40. Rubidium based new lead free high performance perovskite solar cells with SnS2 as an electron transport layer
  41. Surface-active and templated biocarbon derived from Pluronic F-127 and heteroatom-doped sucrose and its WO3 composites with enhanced pseudocapacitance for uranium electrosorption
  42. Use of hybrid molecular simulation techniques for systematic analysis of polyphenols as promising therapeutic agent against SARS-CoV-2
  43. Convergent Synthesis, Kinetics and Computational Comprehensions of Indole- (Phenyl)triazole Bi-heterocycles Amalgamated with Propanamides as Elastase Inhibitors
  44. Synthesis, characterization, and biological activity using computational study of synthesized monocyclic β-lactam ligands
  45. Effect of Surface Functional Groups on the Electronic Behavior and Optical Spectra of Mn2N Based MXenes
  46. Impact of CdTe BSF layer on enhancing the efficiency of MoSe2 solar cell
  47. DFT insights for structural, opto-electronic, thermodynamic and transport characteristics of Tl2TeX6 (X = At, Br, Cl, I) double perovskites for low-cost solar cell applications
  48. Electronic, optical, thermophysical, and mechanical properties of lead-free Ba3SbBr3 perovskite
  49. Exploring the untapped potential of marine sponge compounds as anticancer agents against ERα of breast cancer
  50. First-principles calculations to investigate pressure effects on structural, elastic, electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of AB2 (A= Hf, Zr, and B Co, W) type laves phases
  51. Investigating of novel inorganic cubic perovskites of A3BX3 (A=Ca, Sr, B P, As, X=I, Br) and their photovoltaic performance with efficiency over 28%
  52. Molecular level interaction, HOMO-LUMO, MEP, UV–Vis, Hirshfeld, topological analysis, and in-vitro of isoflavones from Eremostachys Vicaryi Benth. Ex Hook. f.
  53. Quantum chemical framework for tailoring N/B doped phenalene derivatives to achieve high performance nonlinear optical materials
  54. Unveiling the DFT perspectives on structural, elastic, optoelectronic, and thermoelectric properties of zirconate perovskites XZrO3 (X = Ca, Sr, Ba)
  55. Impact of A-Cations Modified on the Structural, Electronic, Optical, Mechanical, and Solar Cell Performance of Inorganic Novel A3NCl3 (A = Ba, Sr, and Ca) Perovskites
  56. Screening the effects of additional donors, numbers, and positions of π-spacers on perylene-based sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cell applications
  57. Investigation strain effects on the electronic, optical, and output performance of the novel inorganic halide perovskite Sr3SbI3 solar cell
  58. Biomass-derived N, P-codoped templated biocarbon@2D-MoS2/polypyrrole based hybrids for U(VI) electrosorption
  59. Computational prediction for designing novel ketonic derivatives as potential inhibitors for breast cancer: A trade-off between drug likeness and inhibition potency
  60. Designing the electron push-pull chromophores through the joining of triphenylamine and triphenylborane for efficient nonlinear optical and photovoltaic properties
  61. Microgel stabilized palladium nanostructures for catalytic applications
  62. Unveiling the Structural, Electronic, Optical, Mechanical, and Photovoltaic Properties of Lead-Free Inorganic New Ba3MBr3 (M = As, N, P, and Sb) Perovskites
  63. Tailoring the donor moieties in TPA‐based organic dyes for efficient photovoltaic, optical and nonlinear optical response properties
  64. Exploring novel Zr2GeX (X = C, N, F) MAX phases by first-principles approach
  65. Exploring the physical behavior of surface-functionalized two-dimensional Tungsten carbide/nitride MXenes
  66. Investigations of two-dimensional Zirconium carbide/nitride MXenes in the presence of Oxygen/Fluorine functional groups
  67. Tungsten oxide encapsulated phosphate-rich porous alginate composites for efficient U(VI) capture: Insights into synthesis, adsorption kinetics and thermodynamics
  68. Understanding the role of symmetric/asymmetric curcuminoids in designing efficient optical, nonlinear optical and photovoltaic materials
  69. A novel investigation of pressure-induced semiconducting to metallic transition of lead free novel Ba3SbI3 perovskite with exceptional optoelectronic properties
  70. Accessing the synthesis of natural products and their analogues enabled by the Barbier reaction: a review
  71. Baeyer–Villiger oxidation: a promising tool for the synthesis of natural products: a review
  72. Development of novel transition metal-catalyzed synthetic approaches for the synthesis of a dihydrobenzofuran nucleus: a review
  73. Experimental and Computational Study of 4-Bromo-3-Methyl-1h-Pyrazole Complexes of Cu (Ii), Cd(Ii) and Their Nonlinear Optical Potential
  74. Exploring the synthetic potential of epoxide ring opening reactions toward the synthesis of alkaloids and terpenoids: a review
  75. Improving the efficiency of a CIGS solar cell to above 31% with Sb2S3 as a new BSF: a numerical simulation approach by SCAPS-1D
  76. Optical and Transport Properties of Novel X2bagcl6 (Where K, Rb, Cs, and B = Sc, Y) Double Pervoskites
  77. Physical properties of W2GaX (X=C, N, and F) based novel MAX phases; potential materials for applications in advanced electronic and optical devices
  78. Recent developments in chitosan based microgels and their hybrids
  79. Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Activity Using Computational Study of Synthesized Monocyclic Β-Lactam Ligands
  80. Yolk–shell smart polymer microgels and their hybrids: fundamentals and applications
  81. Molecular Engineering of Indacenodifuran-Based Non-Fullerene Acceptors for Efficient Organic Solar Cells
  82. First-principles study of physical properties of Na2ZnIM6 (M = Br, Cl, Se) double perovskites
  83. Exploration of high-performance triptycene-based thermally activated delayed fluorescence materials via structural alteration of donor fragment
  84. First-principles calculations of structural, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of doped binary chalcogenides Sn1-xAxSe (A= Au and Ag) for energy applications
  85. Physical properties 211-type of MAX phases based on Mn2AlX (X = C, N, and F) through first-principles approaches
  86. Theoretical investigations of O- and F- surface functionalization of MXenes based on Cr2M(M=C, N)
  87. Tuning the electronic and optical properties of Ti2X (X = C, N)-based MXenes through surface termination with oxygen and fluorine functional groups
  88. Discovery of Potential Natural STAT3 Inhibitors: An in silico Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics Study
  89. Exploration of violet-to-blue thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters based on “CH/N” and “H/CN” substitutions at diphenylsulphone acceptor. A DFT study
  90. Effect of solvent role in electronic properties, band gap, electron injection barrier, charge transport nature, topology studies (ELF, LOL, RDG), and optical properties of azoles for multifunctional applications
  91. Free energy landscape and thermodynamics properties of novel mutations in PncA of pyrazinamide resistance isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  92. Competitive recovery of copper ions using ethyl acetoacetate modified chitosan/organo-functionalized alginate hydrogel beads: kinetics and isothermal sorption studies
  93. Silver-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) hybrid microgels with excellent catalytic potential
  94. A computational study for optical and nonlinear optical properties of distinctive V-shaped cyclopenta dithiophene derivatives
  95. Computational Insight into Electronic, Optical and Photophysical Properties of Small Compounds for Solar Cell Applications
  96. Predictions of novel polymorphs of boron nitride: a first-principles study
  97. An innovative approach to synthesize graft copolymerized acetylacetone chitosan/surface functionalized alginate/rutile for efficient Ni(II) uptake from aqueous medium
  98. Investigations of thermoelectric properties of different gallium nitride polytypes through first-principles approach
  99. A first-principles study of optoelectronic properties of Y2MS4 (M=Zn, Mg and Be): Direct bandgap ternary sulfides
  100. Virtual screening of potential inhibitor against breast cancer-causing estrogen receptor alpha (ERα): molecular docking and dynamic simulations
  101. Insighting the optoelectronic, charge transfer and biological potential of benzo-thiadiazole and its derivatives
  102. First-principles study of the structural and optoelectronic properties of ANbO3 (A = Na, K and Rb) in four crystal phases
  103. Identification of Halogen-Based Derivatives as Potent Inhibitors of Estrogen Receptor Alpha of Breast Cancer: An In-Silico Investigation
  104. First-principles prediction of the ground-state crystal structure of double-perovskite halides Cs2AgCrX6 (X = Cl, Br, and I)
  105. Investigations of the physical behavior of novel polymorphs of indium phosphide from a first-principles perspective
  106. Experimental and computational study of naphthalimide derivatives: Synthesis, optical, nonlinear optical and antiviral properties
  107. Electro-optical and charge transport properties of chalcone derivatives using a dual approach from molecule to material level simulations
  108. A correlational study: Establishing the link between quantum parameters and particle dynamics around Schwarzschild black hole
  109. Exploring the potential of novel phenolic compounds as potential therapeutic candidates against SARS-CoV-2, using quantum chemistry, molecular docking and dynamic studies
  110. Computational investigation of electronic and optical properties of spinal sulfides Sc2XS4 (X= Zn, Mg and Be) for photovoltaic and solar cell applications
  111. Optoelectronic properties of three PbSe polymorphs
  112. Exploration of optoelectronic, nonlinear and charge transport properties of hydroquinoline derivatives by DFT approach
  113. Electron donating effect of amine groups on charge transfer and photophysical properties of 1,3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]quinolone at molecular and solid state bulk levels
  114. p-type Cu3BiS3 thin films for solar cell absorber layer via one stage thermal evaporation
  115. A computational approach to study the optoelectronic properties of F-BODIPY derivatives at the bulk level for photovoltaic applications
  116. Charge carrier and optoelectronic properties of phenylimidazo[1,5-a]pyridine-containing small molecules at molecular and solid-state bulk scales
  117. Shedding light on molecular structure, spectroscopic, nonlinear optical and dielectric properties of bis(thiourea) silver(I) nitrate single crystal: A dual approach
  118. Exploring the Effect of Electron Withdrawing Groups on Optoelectronic Properties of Pyrazole Derivatives as Efficient Donor and Acceptor Materials for Photovoltaic Devices
  119. Exploring the opto-electronic and charge transfer nature of F-BODIPY derivatives at molecular level: A theoretical perspective
  120. Optoelectronic properties of new direct bandgap polymorphs of single-layered Germanium sulfide
  121. Exploration of optoelectronic and photosensitization properties of triphenylamine-based organic dye on TiO2 surfaces
  122. Effect of extended alkyl auxiliary groups on optical and electronic properties of Benzo[2,1-b:3,4-b′:5,6-c″]trithiophene derivatives at bulk level: a first-principles study
  123. Exploring the functional properties of Trimethoxy-Phenylpyridine as efficient optical and nonlinear optical material: A quantum chemical approach
  124. Highly absorbent cubic structured Silicon-monochalcogenides: Promising materials for photovoltaic applications
  125. A systematic study of the effects of thionation in naphthalene dimide derivatives to tune their nonlinear optical properties
  126. Exploring the effect of halogens on semiconducting nature of boron doped molecular precursor graphene nanoribbons at molecular and bulk level
  127. Structural, electronic and optical properties of furan based materials at bulk level for photovoltaic applications: A first-principles study
  128. Thermoelectric properties of the novel cubic structured silicon monochalcogenides: A first-principles study
  129. Tuning the Charge Transfer and Optoelectronic Properties of 4,6-Di(Thiophene-2-Yl)Pyrimidine Via Oligocenothiophene Substitution
  130. Structural, Electronic and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Novel Derivatives of 9,12-Diiodo-1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane: Density Functional Theory Approach
  131. Exploring the novel donor-nanotube archetype as an efficient third-order nonlinear optical material: asymmetric open-shell carbon nanotubes
  132. The structural, electro-optical, charge transport and nonlinear optical properties of oxazole (4 Z )-4-Benzylidene-2-(4-methylphenyl)-1,3-oxazol-5(4 H )-one derivative
  133. Exploring the charge transfer nature and electro-optical properties of anthracene based sensitizers @TiO 2 cluster
  134. Tuning of optoelectronic and charge transport properties in star shaped anthracenothiophene-pyrimidine derivatives as multifunctional materials
  135. A comparative analysis of the optical and nonlinear optical properties of cross-shaped chromophores: Quantum chemical approach
  136. Computational study of structural, optoelectronic and nonlinear optical properties of dynamic solid-state chalcone derivatives
  137. Exploring the potential of boron-doped nanographene as efficient charge transport and nonlinear optical material: A first-principles study
  138. First principles study of the n-channel thiophene based heterocyclic chalcones
  139. How methoxy groups change nature of the thiophene based heterocyclic chalcones from p-channel to ambipolar transport semiconducting materials
  140. Electro-optical, nonlinear and charge transfer properties of naphthalene based compounds: A dual approach study
  141. First principles study for the key electronic, optical and nonlinear optical properties of novel donor-acceptor chalcones
  142. First-principles study of nitrogen-doped nanographene as an efficient charge transport and nonlinear optical material
  143. Exploring the possible existence of oxygen-bridged planarized 4-aminopyridine: promising structure, charge transport and nonlinear optical properties
  144. The electro-optical and charge transport study of imidazolidin derivative: Quantum chemical investigations
  145. The structural, electro-optical, charge transport and nonlinear optical properties of 2-[(3,5-dimethyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)methylidene]indan-1,3-dione
  146. A first-principles study of the linear and nonlinear optical properties of isoxazole derivatives
  147. Optoelectronic properties of naphtho[2, 1-b:6, 5-b′]difuran derivatives for photovoltaic application: a computational study
  148. Tuning the push–pull configuration for efficient second-order nonlinear optical properties in some chalcone derivatives
  149. Investigating the effect of acene-fusion and trifluoroacetyl substitution on the electronic and charge transport properties by density functional theory
  150. The impact of position and number of methoxy group(s) to tune the nonlinear optical properties of chalcone derivatives: a dual substitution strategy
  151. Molecular structure, vibrational, optical, molecular first order hyperpolarizability analysis of {Dibromobis(l-proline)zinc(II)}: A novel nonlinear optical material
  152. Role of a singlet diradical character in carbon nanomaterials: a novel hot spot for efficient nonlinear optical materials
  153. In-depth quantum chemical investigation of electro-optical and charge-transport properties of trans-3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-nitrophenyl)prop-2-enenitrile
  154. Electro-optical and charge injection investigations of the donor-π-acceptor triphenylamine, oligocene–thiophene–pyrimidine and cyanoacetic acid based multifunctional dyes
  155. Effect of donor strength of extended alkyl auxiliary groups on optoelectronic and charge transport properties of novel naphtha[2,1-b:6,5-b′]difuran derivatives: simple yet effective strategy
  156. Quantum chemical investigation of spectroscopic studies and hydrogen bonding interactions between water and methoxybenzeylidene-based humidity sensor
  157. The effect of anchoring groups on the electro-optical and charge injection in triphenylamine derivatives@Ti6O12
  158. Diradical character and nonlinear optical properties of buckyferrocenes: focusing on the use of suitably modified fullerene fragments
  159. How does the increment of hetero-cyclic conjugated moieties affect electro-optical and charge transport properties of novel naphtha-difuran derivatives? A computational approach
  160. How does hybrid bridging core modification enhance the nonlinear optical properties in donor-π-acceptor configuration? A case study of dinitrophenol derivatives
  161. Effect of heteroatoms substitution on electronic, photophysical and charge transfer properties of naphtha [2,1-b:6,5-b′] difuran analogues by density functional theory
  162. Effects of Electron Withdrawing Groups on Transfer Integrals, Mobility, Electronic and Photo-Physical Properties of Naphtho[2,1-b:6,5-b′]Difuran Derivatives: A Theoretical Study
  163. Influence of push–pull configuration on the electro-optical and charge transport properties of novel naphtho-difuran derivatives: a DFT study
  164. Quantum chemical approach toward the electronic, photophysical and charge transfer properties of the materials used in organic field-effect transistors