All Stories

  1. Morphotectonic controls on hydro-environmental hazards in rift basins: a case study from Southern Suez Canal Province, Egypt
  2. Geo-hazards assessment of the new-found industrial communities: an example from the 10th of Ramadan Industrial Region, Egypt
  3. Geoenvironmental hazards assessment in the Northwest Suez Canal region, Egypt
  4. Flash flooding hazard assessment, modeling, and management in the coastal zone of Ras Ghareb City, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
  5. Morphotectonic controls of groundwater flow regime in Northwest Sinai, Egypt
  6. land uses and environmental impacts
  7. Hydrogeochemical Exploration for Uranium Mineralization
  8. impacts of climate changes on deposition of aquifer materials of Nile Delta
  9. land degradation assessment of the East Nile Delta
  10. geothermal exploration in Sinai
  11. Anthropogenic effects on population structure of Acacia tortilis
  12. Lithological Mapping of Dahab Basin, South Sinai, Egypt, using ASTER Data Lithologische Kartierung des Dahab Beckens im Süd-Sinai (Ägypten) mit ASTER-Daten
  13. An integrated GIS and hydrochemical approach to assess groundwater contamination in West Ismailia area, Egypt
  14. Problems of drinking water treatment along Ismailia Canal Province, Egypt