All Stories

  1. From Prompt to Metaverse: User Perceptions of Personalized Spaces Crafted by Generative AI
  2. The Jade Gateway to Exergaming: How Socio-Cultural Factors Shape Exergaming Among East Asian Older Adults
  3. Enhance VR cloud gaming experience via adaptive fixed foveated video encoding
  4. AnchorLoc: Large-Scale, Real-Time Visual Localisation Through Anchor Extraction and Detection
  5. Attention-based QoE-aware Digital Twin Empowered Edge Computing for Immersive Virtual Reality
  6. Continual RL facilitating dynamic resource allocation for MEC-enabled VR content streaming
  7. Traffic Metaverse as an intermediate platform for the shared perception of the road environment
  8. Explore Social VR platforms' traffic patterns and scalability in mixed-mode metaverse events
  9. Enhance the interaction in metaverse for scalable and smooth experience
  10. A Centennial Vision of Interplanetary Virtual Spaces in Turn-based Metaverse
  11. Adaptive video streaming for responsive and reliable cloud gaming experience
  12. Talaria