All Stories

  1. Validation of the First Years of GPM Operation over Cyprus
  2. MODIS LST data for predicting reference ET
  3. Downscaling CHIRPS precipitation data: an artificial neural network modelling approach
  4. Monitoring and Forecasting Air Pollution Levels by Exploiting Satellite, Ground-Based, and Synoptic Data, Elaborated with Regression Models
  5. Analysis of precipitation extremes based on satellite (CHIRPS) and in situ dataset over Cyprus
  6. Precipitation climatology over the Mediterranean Basin — Validation over Cyprus
  7. Validation of a high-resolution precipitation database (CHIRPS) over Cyprus for a 30-year period
  8. Particulate Matter Estimation from Photochemistry: A Modelling Approach Using Neural Networks and Synoptic Clustering
  9. Intercomparison between MODIS 3km aerosol optical depth product and ground PM 10 measurements over Athens, Greece
  10. Monitoring water quality parameters for Case II waters in Cyprus using satellite data
  11. GIS and remote sensing techniques for the assessment of land use change impact on flood hydrology: the case study of Yialias basin in Cyprus
  12. Defining the Landsat TM/ETM+ and CHRIS/PROBA spectral regions in which turbidity can be retrieved in inland waterbodies using field spectroscopy
  13. Precipitation effects on the selection of suitable non-variant targets intended for atmospheric correction of satellite remotely sensed imagery
  14. Using ERS-2 and ALOS PALSAR images for soil moisture and inundation mapping in Cyprus
  15. Development of an educational e-material on remote sensing environmental applications: a case study for schools
  16. Image based analysis for assessing coastal water quality temporal and spatial variations in Limassol Harbor area in Cyprus
  17. Dimming/brightening in Athens: Trends in Sunshine Duration, Cloud Cover and Reference Evapotranspiration
  18. Monitoring urban land cover using satellite remote sensing techniques and field spectroradiometric measurements: case study of “Yialias” catchment area in Cyprus
  19. The comparison of the darkest pixel and empirical line atmospheric correction methods to retrieve aerosol optical thickness using the radiative transfer equations
  20. The development of air quality indices through image-retrieved AOT and PM10measurements in Limassol Cyprus
  21. The use of volcanic beach sand as a pseudo-invariant target for atmospheric correction using Landsat images
  22. Flood mapping of Yialias River catchment area in Cyprus using ALOS PALSAR radar images
  23. Development of a new image based atmospheric correction algorithm for aerosol optical thickness retrieval using the darkest pixel method
  24. The identification of pseudo-invariant targets using ground field spectroscopy measurements intended for the removal of atmospheric effects from satellite imagery: a case study of the Limassol area in Cyprus
  25. Optimizing statistical classification accuracy of satellite remotely sensed imagery for supporting fast flood hydrological analysis
  26. Long Term Monitoring of Air Pollution on Monuments and Cultural Heritage Sites in Cyprus Using Satellite Remote Sensing
  27. Monitoring urban land cover with the use of satellite remote sensing techniques as a means of flood risk assessment in Cyprus
  28. Estimation of spatio-temporal distribution of precipitable water using MODIS and AVHRR data: a case study for Cyprus
  29. The heat wave of June 2007 in Athens, Greece – Part 2: Modeling study and sensitivity experiments
  30. Artificial Neural Networks for the Diagnosis and Prediction of Desert Dust Transport Episodes
  31. The heat wave of June 2007 in Athens, Greece—Part 1: Study of satellite derived land surface temperature
  32. Accuracy assessment of atmospheric correction algorithms using sun-photometers (AERONET), lidar system, and in situ spectroradiometers
  33. Smart monitoring of water quality in Asprokremmos Dam in Paphos, Cyprus using satellite remote sensing and wireless sensor platform
  34. Spectro-radiometric measurements of non-variant targets intended for the removal of atmospheric effects from satellite images: the case study of Lemesos area in Cyprus
  35. Comparison of aerosol optical thickness with in situ visibility data over Cyprus
  36. Atmospheric correction for satellite remotely sensed data intended for agricultural applications: impact on vegetation indices
  37. Aerosol Monitoring over Athens Using Satellite and Ground‐Based Measurements
  38. Monitoring Air Pollution in the Vicinity of Cultural Heritage Sites in Cyprus Using Remote Sensing Techniques
  39. Urban aerosol mapping over Athens using the differential textural analysis (DTA) algorithm on MERIS-ENVISAT data
  40. The use of selected pseudo-invariant targets for the application of atmospheric correction in multi-temporal studies using satellite remotely sensed imagery
  41. Effects of Anthropogenic Influences on the Trophic State, Land Uses and Aquatic Vegetation in a Shallow Mediterranean Lake: Implications for Restoration
  42. Study of small ions concentration in the air above Athens, Greece
  43. Synergetic use of TERRA/MODIS imagery and meteorological data for studying aerosol dust events in Cyprus
  44. Land use changes and associated environmental impacts on the Mediterranean shallow Lake Stymfalia, Greece
  45. Environmental Monitoring of Spatio-temporal Changes Using Remote Sensing and GIS in a Mediterranean Wetland of Northern Greece
  46. Use of Satellite Remote Sensing for Studying the Intense Saharan Dust Event of April 17, 2005
  47. Satellite remote sensing and GIS for sustainable development in Skiathos Island, Greece
  48. Exploring the need for identifying suitable pseudo-invariant targets for applying atmospheric correction in multitemporal studies using satellite remotely sensed imagery
  49. Assessment of the distribution of aerosols in the area of Athens with the use of Landsat Thematic Mapper data
  50. Effects of air pollution and wind on the large-ion concentration in the air above Athens
  51. Definition of the tropopause height in the South‐Eastern Mediterranean region
  52. The atmospheric electric field in Athens-Greece
  53. Exploring the need to revise atmospheric correction algorithms of satellite sensor images for the area of Greece
  54. An analysis of the distribution of nitrogen dioxide in the south-eastern Mediterranean for the period 1985–1989