All Stories

  1. Phototherapy for atopic dermatitis: Is the light still shining?
  2. Complete resolution of recalcitrant disseminated cutaneous warts after partial irradiation with photodynamic therapy via presumed stimulation of a systemic immune response: A retrospective analysis of 18 cases
  3. Sustained clearance of acquired perforating dermatosis after narrowband UVB phototherapy: A retrospective cohort study on seven patients
  4. Efficacy of two different methods of cold air analgesia for pain relief in PDT of actinic keratoses of the head region – a randomized controlled comparison study
  5. S1‐Leitlinie: Diagnostik und Therapie der Vitiligo
  6. S1 Guideline: Diagnosis and therapy of vitiligo
  7. Successful treatment of calcinosis cutis with a topical sodium thiosulphate preparation containing 20% zinc oxide in a patient with sclerotic graft‐versus‐host disease
  8. Miliarial type perifollicular B‐cell pseudolymphoma: an easily overlooked rare subtype of pseudolymphoma cutis manifesting as a centrofacial acneiform eruption
  9. Effectiveness of narrowband UVB phototherapy and psoralen plus UVA photochemotherapy in the treatment of generalized lichen planus: Results from a large retrospective analysis and an update of the literature
  10. Myriad of pigmented lesions in a patient with Costello syndrome
  11. Effectiveness and clinical predictors of drug survival in psoriasis patients receiving apremilast: A registry analysis
  12. Biologic drug survival rates in the era of anti‐interleukin‐17 antibodies: a time‐period‐adjusted registry analysis*
  13. Association of Clinical and Demographic Factors With the Severity of Palmoplantar Pustulosis
  14. The impact of occlusive vs non‐occlusive application of 5‐aminolevulinic acid (BF‐200 ALA) on the efficacy and tolerability of photodynamic therapy for actinic keratosis on the scalp and face: A prospective within‐patient comparison trial
  15. Short‐ and long‐term efficacy of fumaric acid esters or acitretin in combination with a 12‐week course of PUVA in the treatment of palmoplantar pustulosis: results from a prospective randomized trial
  16. Eosinophiles anuläres Erythem bei einem 20 Monate alten Mädchen
  17. Quality of Life, Anxiety, and Depression in Patients With Early-Stage Mycosis Fungoides and the Effect of Oral Psoralen Plus UV-A (PUVA) Photochemotherapy on it
  18. Disparate effects of adalimumab and fumaric acid esters on cardiovascular risk factors in psoriasis patients: results from a prospective, randomized, observer‐blinded head‐to‐head trial
  19. Complete resolution of disseminated cutaneous warts after repetitive partial treatment with ALA PDT – indication of a PDT‐induced systemic immune response
  20. Apremilast for extensive and treatment-resistant alopecia areata: a retrospective analysis of five patients
  21. 5‐Aminolevulinic acid patch (Alacare) photodynamic therapy for actinic cheilitis: data from a prospective 12‐month follow‐up study on 21 patients
  22. Ein ungewöhnlicher Verlauf von Incontinentia pigmenti
  23. The frequency of photosensitizing drug dispensings in Austria and Germany: a correlation with their photosensitizing potential based on published literature
  24. Serum levels of folate, 25‐hydroxyvitamin D3 and cobalamin during UVB phototherapy: findings in a large prospective trial
  25. Secukinumab without the initial loading dose in the treatment of plaque‐type psoriasis – a simplified dosing regimen at the expense of efficacy?
  26. Imiquimod-induced effluvium after intravaginal application for treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
  27. De novo mutation of emopamil binding protein (EBP) gene in a girl with Conradi‐Hünermann‐Happle syndrome
  28. Evaluation of Low-Dose, Low-Frequency Oral Psoralen–UV-A Treatment With or Without Maintenance on Early-Stage Mycosis Fungoides
  29. Patch granuloma annulare: clinicopathological characteristics and response to phototherapy
  30. Clinical and genetic differences between pustular psoriasis subtypes
  31. Phototherapy for psoriasis - outdated or underused?
  32. Clinical use of dimethyl fumarate in moderate-to-severe plaque-type psoriasis: a European expert consensus
  33. Fumaric acid esters in combination with a 6-week course of narrowband ultraviolet B provides an accelerated response compared with fumaric acid esters monotherapy in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: a randomized prospective clinical stud
  34. 5-aminolaevulinic acid patch-photodynamic therapy in the treatment of actinic cheilitis
  35. European Dermatology Forum S1-guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of sclerosing diseases of the skin, Part 1: localized scleroderma, systemic sclerosis and overlap syndromes
  36. European dermatology forum S1-guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of sclerosing diseases of the skin, Part 2: Scleromyxedema, scleredema and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
  37. Quality of life and comorbidities in palmoplantar pustulosis – a cross‐sectional study on 102 patients
  38. Treating axial spondyloarthritis and peripheral spondyloarthritis, especially psoriatic arthritis, to target: 2017 update of recommendations by an international task force
  39. Randomized controlled trial comparing 35% trichloroacetic acid peel and 5-aminolaevulinic acid photodynamic therapy for treating multiple actinic keratosis
  40. S1-Leitlinie zur UV-Phototherapie und Photochemotherapie
  41. UVB Total Body and Targeted Phototherapies