All Stories

  1. Illicit drug distribution: Evaluation of DNA transfer between ziplock bags and capsules
  2. How to best assess shedder status: a comparison of popular shedder tests
  3. Rapid detection of blood using a novel application of RT-RPA integrated with CRISPR-Cas: ALAS2 detection as a model
  4. Developing a Machine Learning ‘Smart’ Polymerase Chain Reaction Thermocycler Part 2: Putting the Theoretical Framework into Practice
  5. Developing a Machine-Learning ‘Smart’ PCR Thermocycler, Part 1: Construction of a Theoretical Framework
  6. Forensic Science International: Genetics is the leading journal in the field of legal medicine
  7. Shedding more light on shedders
  8. A systematic approach to the analysis of illicit drugs for DNA with an overview of the problems encountered
  9. Comparison of the Applied Biosystems® SeqStudio™ and 3500 Genetic Analyzers
  10. Editorial
  11. Latent DNA detection
  12. Smart PCR leading to improved DNA profiles
  13. PCR in Forensic Science: A Critical Review
  14. DNA identification of monozygotic twins
  15. Cell counting to monitor swab efficiency
  16. Towards a smart PCR process
  17. Visualisation and detection of latent DNA deposited by pangolin scales onto plastic packaging materials
  18. Comparison of three DNA extraction methods tested on illicit drug-related powders
  19. DNA identification from dental pulp and cementum
  20. The Risk of Pathogens Associated with Seed Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) Imported to Sri Lanka : A Metagenomic Approach
  21. Fighting passport fraudulence using DNA analyses
  22. Editorial considerations for publication in Forensic Science International: Genetics
  23. Improvements, factors, and influences on DNA recovery from firearms
  24. Persistence of touch DNA on commonly encountered substrates in different storage conditions
  25. Persistence of cellular material after exposure to water
  26. Kinship analysis reveals low dispersal in a hog deer (Axis porcinus) population in Wilsons Promontory National Park, Australia
  27. Diagnostic models to predict nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA recovery from incinerated teeth
  28. Forensic Animal DNA Analysis
  29. Detection of Latent DNA Using a DNA Binding Dye
  30. DNA accumulation and transfer within an operational forensic exhibit storeroom
  31. Towards a Machine-Learning Driven ‘Smart’ PCR Thermocycler
  32. Visualisation and Detection of Latent DNA Deposited by Dried Pangolin Scales
  33. Environmental DNA as an innovative technique to identify the origins of falsified antimalarial tablets—a pilot study of the pharmabiome
  34. DNA on drugs
  35. Detection and analyses of latent DNA
  36. Recovering trace reptile DNA from the illegal wildlife trade
  37. Recording and analysing DNA from osteocytes in resin-embedded bone samples
  38. Recovery of integrated and surface trace DNA from illicit drug tablets
  39. Monitoring cell loss through repetitive deposition
  40. DNA on drugs (part 2): An extended study into the transfer and persistence of DNA onto illicit drug capsules using realistic scenarios
  41. Evaluation of three commercial kits effective identification of menstrual blood based on the D-dimer
  42. A survey of the effects of common illicit drugs on forensic DNA analysis
  43. Genetic analysis of hog deer (Axis porcinus) in Victoria, Australia, and its applications to invasive species and game management
  44. DNA deposited in whole thumbprints: A reproducibility study
  45. Y-SNP Haplogroup Hierarchy Finder: a web tool for Y-SNP haplogroup assignment
  46. DNA profiling from human bone cells in the absence of decalcification and DNA extraction
  47. Exploring tapelifts as a method for dual workflow STR amplification
  48. The influences of dusty environments on the STR typing success of post-detonation touch DNA samples
  49. What’s on the bag? The DNA composition of evidence bags pre- and post-exhibit examination
  50. Analysis of rapid HIT application to touch DNA samples
  51. Development of an STR panel for a non-native population of an endangered species
  52. Comparison of six commercially available STR kits for their application to touch DNA using direct PCR
  53. Spermatozoa identification by the 3-plex MSRE-PCR assay: a collaborative exercise
  54. A novel co-amplification system for simultaneous amplification of 23 Y-STR and identification of spermatozoa
  55. A novel approach for rapid cell assessment to estimate DNA recovery from human bone tissue
  56. DNA on drugs! A preliminary investigation of DNA deposition during the handling of illicit drug capsules
  57. Freeze-drying improves DNA yield from teeth
  58. Development of an STR panel for a non-native population of an endangered species
  59. Animal Forensic Genetics
  60. The development of a tool to predict temperature-exposure of incinerated teeth using colourimetric and hydroxyapatite crystal size data
  61. How many cells are required for successful DNA profiling?
  62. Evaluation of a fluorescent dye to visualize touch DNA on various substrates
  63. Population inference based on mitochondrial DNA control region data by the nearest neighbors algorithm
  64. Wildlife crime in Australia
  65. Massively parallel sequencing is unlocking the potential of environmental trace evidence
  66. Discrimination of highly degraded, aged Asian and African elephant ivory using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)
  67. Direct PCR of fired shotgun casings: a South Australian evaluation
  68. Ethical publication of research on genetics and genomics of biological material: guidelines and recommendations
  69. On the suppression of Forensic Science International: Genetics from the 2019 Journal Citations Report
  70. Ancestry and phenotype predictions from touch DNA using massively parallel sequencing
  71. Forensic validation of a panel of 12 SNPs for identification of Mongolian wolf and dog
  72. An assessment of tape-lifts
  73. Detecting latent DNA in wildlife forensic science investigations
  74. Direct PCR: A review of use and limitations
  75. Forensic validation of a SNP and INDEL panel for individualisation of timber from bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum Pursch)
  76. Integrating spectrophotometric and XRD analyses in the investigation of burned dental remains
  77. Successful STR amplification of post-blast IED samples by fluorescent visualisation and direct PCR
  78. Identification of spermatozoa using a novel 3-plex MSRE-PCR assay for forensic examination of sexual assaults
  79. Use of a Spray Device to Locate Touch DNA on Casework Samples
  80. DNA transfer between evidence bags: is it a means for incidental contamination of items?
  81. Detection of cellular material within handprints
  82. Detection of forensic identification and intelligence SNP data from latent DNA using three commercial MPS panels
  83. Visualising DNA transfer: Latent DNA detection using Diamond Dye
  84. Visualising latent DNA on tapes
  85. Major international forensic science conference to reward Australian and New Zealand cutting-edge research
  86. Widespread hybridization in the introduced hog deer population of Victoria, Australia, and its implications for conservation
  87. Enhancement of fingermarks and visualizing DNA
  88. Evaluation of the QIAGEN 140-SNP forensic identification multiplex from latent DNA using massively parallel sequencing
  89. Detection of cellular material in lip-prints
  90. Locating DNA within fingermarks using fluorescent in situ detection; a collaboration between ESR and Flinders University
  91. DNA profiles from matchsticks
  92. Detection of latent DNA
  93. Speed of accumulation of DNA in a fingermark
  94. Visualising latent DNA on swabs
  95. Shedding light on shedders
  96. DNA profiles generated from a range of touched sample types
  97. The detection and identification of saliva in forensic samples by RT-LAMP
  98. A complementary forensic ‘proteo-genomic’ approach for the direct identification of biological fluid traces under fingernails
  99. OzPythonPlex: An optimised forensic STR multiplex assay set for the Australasian carpet python (Morelia spilota)
  100. Detection of latent DNA on tape-lifts using fluorescent in situ detection
  101. An internationally standardized species identification test for use on suspected seized rhinoceros horn in the illegal wildlife trade
  102. Heptaplex-direct PCR assay for simultaneous detection of foodborne pathogens
  103. ‘ForCyt’ DNA database of wildlife species
  104. Getting more for less: can forensic tools for Australian wildlife enforcement support international compliance efforts?
  105. "Bottom-up" in situ proteomic differentiation of human and non-human haemoglobins for forensic purposes by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry
  106. Investigation of length heteroplasmy in mitochondrial DNA control region by massively parallel sequencing
  107. Revised guidelines for the publication of genetic population data
  108. Establishment of 11 linked X-STR loci within 1.1 Mb to assist with kinship testing
  109. Typing DNA profiles from previously enhanced fingerprints using direct PCR
  110. A mass spectrometry-based forensic toolbox for imaging and detecting biological fluid evidence in finger marks and fingernail scrapings
  111. Editorial
  112. The complete mitochondrial genome of Axis porcinus (Mammalia: Cervidae) from Victoria, Australia, using MiSeq sequencing
  113. SEQ Mapper: A DNA sequence searching tool for massively parallel sequencing data
  114. Novel identification of biofluids using a multiplex methylation sensitive restriction enzyme-PCR system
  115. Ivory species identification using electrophoresis-based techniques
  116. Optimization of Diamond Nucleic Acid Dye for quantitative PCR
  117. A novel real time PCR assay using melt curve analysis for ivory identification
  118. Wildlife Forensic Science
  119. DNA profiles from clothing fibers using direct PCR
  120. A rapid screening method using DNA binding dyes to determine whether hair follicles have sufficient DNA for successful profiling
  121. Investigation into length heteroplasmy in the mitochondrial DNA control region after treatment with bisulfite
  122. Novel identification of biofluids using a multiplex methylation-specific PCR combined with single-base extension system
  123. Direct identification of forensic body fluids using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry
  124. Forensic DNA Typing Protocols
  125. Journal Update and Reviewer Acknowledgement
  126. Species Determination: The Role and Use of the Cytochrome b Gene
  127. A novel forensic DNA profiling technique for protected species
  128. DNA profiles from fingermarks: A mock case study
  129. Duration of in situ fluorescent signals within hairs follicles
  130. Robust and reliable DNA typing of soils
  131. Successful direct STR amplification of hair follicles after nuclear staining
  132. The benefits and limitations of expanded Y-chromosome short tandem repeat (Y-STR) loci
  133. Proceedings of the 26th International ISFG congress
  134. Finding DNA: Using fluorescent in situ detection
  135. The end of bad hair days
  136. Forensic ancestry analysis with two capillary electrophoresis ancestry informative marker (AIM) panels: Results of a collaborative EDNAP exercise
  137. Effect of nucleic acid binding dyes on DNA extraction, amplification, and STR typing
  138. Wildlife forensic science: A review of genetic geographic origin assignment
  139. Direct PCR Improves the Recovery of DNA from Various Substrates
  140. The Influence of Selected Fingerprint Enhancement Techniques on Forensic DNA Typing of Epithelial Cells Deposited on Porous Surfaces
  141. pSTR Finder: a rapid method to discover polymorphic short tandem repeat markers from whole-genome sequences
  142. Successful direct amplification of nuclear markers from single dog hairs using DogFiler multiplex
  143. Current Issues with the Investigation of Wildlife Crime in Australia: Problems and Opportunities for Improvement
  144. Molecular identification of python species: Development and validation of a novel assay for forensic investigations
  145. A novel application of real-time RT-LAMP for body fluid identification: using HBB detection as the model
  146. Protected DNA strand displacement for enhanced single nucleotide discrimination in double-stranded DNA
  147. Properties of nucleic acid staining dyes used in gel electrophoresis
  148. DNA profiles from fingernails using direct PCR
  149. DNA profiles from fingermarks
  150. Diatomological investigation in sphenoid sinus fluid and lung tissue from cases of suspected drowning
  151. Random Whole Metagenomic Sequencing for Forensic Discrimination of Soils
  152. Forensic DNA profiling: state of the art
  153. Collaborative EDNAP exercise on the IrisPlex system for DNA-based prediction of human eye colour
  154. Species identification of protected carpet pythons suitable for degraded forensic samples
  155. Mutation rates of 15 X chromosomal short tandem repeat markers
  156. Current and future directions of DNA in wildlife forensic science
  157. Update of the guidelines for the publication of genetic population data
  158. Establishing a DNA identification system for pigs (Sus scrofa) using a multiplex STR amplification
  159. Forensic animal DNA analysis using economical two-step direct PCR
  160. Sequence selective capture, release and analysis of DNA using a magnetic microbead-assisted toehold-mediated DNA strand displacement reaction
  161. Highlights of the 25th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG)
  162. Population genetic data for 15 X chromosomal short tandem repeat markers in three U.S. populations
  163. Towards a research culture in the forensic sciences
  164. Identification multiplex assay of 19 terrestrial mammal species present in New Zealand
  165. Characterisation of novel and rare Y-chromosome short tandem repeat alleles in self-declared South Australian Aboriginal database
  166. The risk of false inclusion of a relative in parentage testing – an in silico population study
  167. Wildlife DNA Analysis
  168. Toehold-Mediated Nonenzymatic DNA Strand Displacement As a Platform for DNA Genotyping
  169. New guidelines for the publication of genetic population data
  170. A gonosomal marker multiplex to aid in mixture interpretation
  171. Amelogenin locus typing using toehold-assisted fluorescent DNA melting analysis
  172. Application of direct PCR in forensic casework
  173. Detection of DNA within fingermarks
  174. Developmental validation of 15 X chromosomal short tandem repeat markers
  175. Forensic analysis of soils using single arbitrarily primed amplification and high throughput sequencing
  176. Genetic profiling from challenging samples: Direct PCR of touch DNA
  177. Low-cost direct PCR for aged and processed wildlife sample analysis
  178. Multiplex-direct PCR assay for foodborne pathogen identification: An application in forensic investigation
  179. Optimising direct PCR from anagen hair samples
  180. Profiling pythons to combat common illegal wildlife activities
  181. Proceedings of the 25th International ISFG Congress
  182. Successful direct amplification of nuclear markers from a single hair follicle
  183. Evaluating the performance of whole genome amplification for use in low template DNA typing
  184. A novel strategy for sibship determination in trio sibling model
  185. Erratum to: The complete mitochondrial genome analysis of the tiger (Panthera tigris)
  186. Identification of Protected Avian Species Using a Single Feather Barb*,†
  187. The development and validation of a single SNaPshot multiplex for tiger species and subspecies identification—Implications for forensic purposes
  188. The complete mitochondrial genome analysis of the tiger (Panthera tigris)
  189. Capillary Electrophoresis of mtDNA Cytochrome b Gene Sequences for Animal Species Identification
  190. A new assay for identifying endangered species in Traditional East Asian Medicine
  191. Allele frequency distribution of twelve X-chromosomal short tandem repeat markers in four U.S. population groups
  192. Assigning confidence to sequence comparisons for species identification: A detailed comparison of the cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase subunit I mitochondrial genes
  193. Where does this tiger come from?—A robust molecular technique for simultaneous identification of endangered species and subspecies
  194. ISFG: Recommendations regarding the use of non-human (animal) DNA in forensic genetic investigations
  195. Establishing the pangolin mitochondrial D-loop sequences from the confiscated scales
  196. An overview to the investigative approach to species testing in wildlife forensic science
  197. Reconstructing Mammalian Phylogenies: A Detailed Comparison of the Cytochrome b and Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I Mitochondrial Genes
  198. Evaluation of the polymorphic D-loop of Columba livia in forensic applications
  199. The strategies to DVI challenges in Typhoon Morakot
  200. DNA typing in wildlife crime: recent developments in species identification
  201. A novel strategy for avian species and gender identification using the CHD gene
  202. Generation of DNA profiles from fabrics without DNA extraction
  203. Cytochrome b or cytochrome c oxidase subunit I for mammalian species identification—An answer to the debate
  204. Identifying endangered species from degraded mixtures at low levels
  205. Review of low template DNA typing
  206. The use of mitochondrial DNA genes to identify closely related avian species
  207. Tiger species identification based on molecular approach
  208. Establishing the mitochondrial DNA D-loop structure of Columba livia
  209. ABO genotyping by single strand conformation polymorphism - using CE
  210. Species Identification Using DNA Loci
  211. Species identification using the cytochrome b gene of commercial turtle shells
  212. A technique for the quantification of human and non-human mammalian mitochondrial DNA copy number in forensic and other mixtures
  213. A method to identify a large number of mammalian species in the UK from trace samples and mixtures without the use of sequencing
  214. Increasing the confidence in half-sibship determination based upon 15 STR loci
  215. On the trial of tigers–tracking tiger in Traditional East Asian Medicine
  216. Quantification of trace amounts of human and non-human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) using SYBR Green and real time PCR
  217. The use of DNA from non-human sources
  218. Ivory identification by DNA profiling of cytochrome b gene
  219. Systematic evaluation of sensitivity and specificity of sibship determination by using 15 STR loci
  220. A novel strategy for avian species identification by cytochromeb gene
  221. A multiplex assay to identify 18 European mammal species from mixtures using the mitochondrial cytochromeb gene
  222. Bidens identification using the noncoding regions of chloroplast genome and nuclear ribosomal DNA
  223. Racing pigeon identification using STR and chromo-helicase DNA binding gene markers
  224. Successful DNA typing of a drug positive urine sample from a race horse
  225. Forensic Applications of Infrared Imaging for the Detection and Recording of Latent Evidence
  226. Species identification of human and deer from mixed biological material
  227. Species identification using sequences of the trnL intron and the trnL-trnF IGS of chloroplast genome among popular plants in Taiwan
  228. DNA profiling of Shahtoosh
  229. Cannabis seed identification by chloroplast and nuclear DNA
  230. Species Identification of Kachuga tecta Using the Cytochrome b Gene
  231. Characterization of the polymorphic repeat sequence within the rDNA IGS of Cannabis sativa
  232. Establishing the rDNA IGS Structure of Cannabis sativa
  233. Identification of rhino from ‘medicinal’ powders and sculptures
  234. Species identification of rhinoceros horns using the cytochrome b gene
  235. The UK National DNA Database
  236. A highly polymorphic STR locus in Cannabis sativa
  237. Sequence analysis of STR polymorphisms at locus ACTBP2 in the Taiwanese population
  238. Role of molecular diagnostics in forensic science
  239. Haplotype frequencies of nine Y-chromosome STR loci in the Taiwanese Han population
  240. Identifying the presence of ‘magic mushrooms’ by DNA profiling
  241. One-step isolation of plant DNA suitable for PCR amplification
  242. STR data for the SGM Plus™ loci from three Indonesian populations
  243. Cytochrome b gene for species identification of the conservation animals
  244. STR data for the GenePrint™ PowerPlex™ 1.2 system loci from three United Arab Emirates populations
  245. Sequence polymorphism of mitochondrial D-loop DNA in the Taiwanese Han population
  246. STR population data for 10 STR loci including the GenePrint™ PowerPlex™ 1.2 kit from El-Minia (Central Egypt)
  247. 13 STR loci frequency data from a Scottish population
  248. Identification of members of the genera Panaeolus and Psilocybe by a DNA test
  249. Identification of hallucinogenic fungi from the generaPsilocybe andPanaeolus by amplified fragment length polymorphism
  250. Rapid identification of the ABO genotypes by their single-stand conformation polymorphism
  251. The detection and persistence of Cannabis sativa DNA on skin
  252. Identification of victims of the 1998 Taoyuan Airbus crash accident using DNA analysis
  253. The use of mitochondrial DNA and short tandem repeat typing in the identification of air crash victims
  254. Detection and identification of cannabis by DNA
  255. Selective Detection of Deoxyribonucleic Acid at Ultralow Concentrations by SERRS
  256. The screening of 13 short tandem repeat loci in the Chinese population
  257. Comparison of Cannabis sativa by Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and HPLC of cannabinoids: a preliminary study
  258. Species Determination: The Role and Use of the Cytochrome b Gene